Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just a thought...

...could he BE any more full of SHIT?!
UPDATE, Wednesday, 9:00 EDT

This just in, Keith Olberman's leg...NO longer tingling!!

UPDATE, Wednesday, 8:49 EDT

The AP is picking apart the speech from last night AND my local Obama cheer leading channel is carrying the story. He's loosing the media? I never thought it would happen.

Every time he opens his mouth it's about
This man has no idea how money is made, how businesses are run and has never signed a payroll check. But he proposes to boost American business, promote green energy and get us OFF foreign oil.
Here's a hint, make it easier to PUMP and REFINE the oil we have HERE. That would put Americans back to work!!
He misses the point of AMERICA. He thinks he can change us to BE America. He needs to get the fuck outta the way, and let US be US. We are not Americans BECAUSE of anything done in D.C., we are Americans IN SPITE of what they do in D.C. We were Americans BEFORE there WAS a Washington D.C.!
Congressional "oversight" of the oil spill. Yeah, because they're so good at solving problems. This is why he says we need Obamacare. Universal rectal probing.
God help us.


BOW said...

Just as with all the other problems the gov't causes, and gets in the way with, the gov't poits the finger of blame at someone else. Last time it was the banks (via Bush when convenient as well) The time it's the off shore drilling. Well, if they were able to drill on the continental shelf, if would have been easier to reach the oil and easier in the event of an event such as this to fix. But...NO... And the fickle finger of blame goes to the entire energy industry and we are to pay

BOW said...

Damned comments don't show up AGAIN!!!!

Ben Franklins Portrate said...

He know how money be made. He axes his buddy Barney Fag to go have'm print more.. as much as they need.

Anonymous said...

"Every time he opens his mouth it's about S-P-E-D-N-I-N-G!!"

Ever hear the term, "nigger rich"?

Schteveo said...

If this President ever stops campaigning for the WH and starts running the WH, I'll fall over in a dead faint!!

I think the term nigger rich applies to 98% of them, regardless of race, creed, color, party affiliation or personal plumbing fixture. GWB didn't spend like this, but we screamed at him too. What was that?

Honky Rich?

Spider said...

Perhaps the term is a local one? It refers to blacks who, while on welfare, buy new Caddys, booze, drugs, and fancy clothes, rather than feeding their kids, assuming they know who those kids are.

As for the MSM's "new" attitude. I commented the other day about what i was seeing while watching these so-called news shows, especially CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, etc. This morning on msnbc, all the usual Leftists were there and they were all knocking Odumbo! Amazing! Ironically, the only one sticking up for the Marxist-in-Chief was Joe Scarborough, the liberal RINO who likes to con people into thinking he's a conservative Repub. He's not!

Some were complaining that Odumbo's not being tough enough, or radical enough. (LOL) Apparently, nobody's radical enough for these commies. But the main theme was the same, demonize BP to make the Liar-in-Chief look good. It's becoming pretty clear to me that Obummer's true intention is to extort as much money from BP as is possible, (demonizing them will make the public go along) and then demand more as all extortionists do.

Schteveo said...

No the term is not local. I was simply stating that I don't agree with idiot overspending, regardless of the idiots skin color.

Anonymous said...
