Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2010? No, It's Really 1984

So, here's my question for today.
Does the Marxist-in-Chief, and his personal Gestapo agents at the DOJ, have the right to electronically track you no matter where you are (outside of your home) or what you're doing?

What was that you said, something about the 4th Amendment? Wrong! According to the infamous 9th Circus out in Mexifornia, the government can track you, and will track you. Not surprisingly, if you're one of the super-elitist comrades from places like Commiewood, you need not fear. This doesn't apply to you. With "our" government in the hands of Marxists, you just know who will be the targets of this new govt. "right". Fortunately, people like Rush, Glenn, and Sarah who have tons of money will "most likely" be safe. Maybe. As for the rest of us? Well, there's always that rusty, old bike in your garage, but then you still have to worry about google and their "eyes in the sky" and strong govt. links. Maybe Orwell wasn't as crazy as people thought he was...


B Husien Da DA, President for Life said...

ya takes da free cheese, you gets tracked

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

So don't be takin' any free cheese!

srk said...

don't forget the GPS chip they implanted in Fluffy, in case she gets "lost". My kitties have them implanted in the scruff of their necks. You can feel them. about the same size as a Mexican Jumping Bean. I wonder why....

Anonymous said...

And your car. And your cell phone. And your iPod. And almsot every other electronic devise. I heard they're even bugging Tampons!

Anonymous said...

"You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one."
– Rush Limbaugh

Schteveo said...

it's no longer that simple. The game is no longer straight. But what pisses me off the most, is that THEY took the cheese, but MY car gets tracked.

I'm guessing that's because, you can't track Ray Ray, Shaquanda and all the little Ra'Shaqs, by tagging a BUS or SUBWAY!

Limbaugh is right. And not just politically. I'm hoping that the first, last and only shots are fired at the ballot box, starting in November. Although, I'm still expecting the October Surprise to be some catostrophy that halts voting, or counting or verifying said elections.

Spider said...

I think you're right Steve. If the election results go the "wrong" way, i think we will see this administration do something that will shock most Americans who still think this is a free country.

As for the free-cheese eaters, the best way to track them would be to implant microchips in things like huge chrome rims, $300 sneakers, and all the crack, meth, and weed that is brought in.

blue said...

so,lets track da free cheese---it's real easy now that you get your welfare on a debt card.....

Anonymous said...

You KNOW these freaks live for the day they can start micro-chipping babies before they leave the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Um,.... thats already being done assuming you've got the money and "connections".