Monday, August 9, 2010

'Mother'? You don't need no stinkin' mother

From the openly activist progressive judge who overruled 7,000,000 voters on Calipornia Prop 8, we have these little tidbits thrown into his written decision:
( - U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled last week that a voter-approved amendment to California’s constitution that limited marriage to the union of one man and one woman violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, based that ruling in part on his finding that a child does not need and has no right to a mother.

Nor, he found, does a child have a need or a right to a father.
Well, blow me down.
His decision that homosexuals may marry is apparently his soapbox for advocating homosexual adoption. It takes a Village(people) to raise children.


Schteveo said...

And isn't this judge light in the loafers too?

Baldy Banger said...

AIDS among 8 year olds is going to explode.

Spider said...

This judge is a well-known, left-wing activist fag in Mexifornia, so why did anyone expect his/her/it's decision to be any different. They hunted for the "right" judge, and they found it. My question is, why aren't those 7 Million sheeple burning down the court house?