Friday, August 13, 2010


Do you remember back when Mullah Obummer was running for the WH, when he said his government would be "the most transparent in our history"? And do you recall when Queen Botox stood up in the House and said she would "empty the swamp of corruption via transparency"? Well, the only thing she's managed to empty the swamp of is any and all opposition to her rule. As for Mullah Obummer, his promise of transparency was simply one of hundreds of lies he told to the nation of fools. And of course, they bought it hook, line, and sinker.

I don't know what the voters will do in Nov., nor do i know who the next president will be in 2012. What i do know is that it may take decades, (if ever) to weed out all the Obamunists that have been buried in "our" government, and maybe even longer to accurately access the damage they've done, and continue to do...


Schteveo said...

So he's a lying scum bag?

Wait...wrong punctuation.

So he's a lying scum bag!!

blue said...

Imagine my surprise

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he know the koran says lying is wrong?

Anonymous said...

Still have doubts as to what HE really is?

BOW said...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...