Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Warning?

Is America reaching the dreaded "point of no return", a point where going back to what was is no longer possible? Is it possible that our nation, and in fact, our entire way of life, has been so radically altered in the last few years, (while we watched "reality" TV ) that we may not be able to get back to where we were? To many, many people, the answer is yes.

Of course, there are those who would say, "well, America was not perfect so we needed change". Well, America was never meant to be perfect. Nothing is perfect. In fact, perfection is an illusion. But were we that bad that we required such a radical transformation, so much so, that now we're being pushed into being the complete opposite of what the Founding Fathers meant us to be? This nation was based on the notion that we would have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Do you really feel like you are in control of what was intended to be your government? Do you really believe the people elected to represent us still do so? And, do you believe that something other than our own weakness, gullibility, and disinterest, is to blame? If you do, you're lying to yourself.

We are now in the hands of a lying Marxist who is radically changing our country and our lives, not with a sword or gun, but with his pen, via Executive Orders. Even though it is "his" congress that's in control, he is now even bypassing them because apparently, even they're not radical enough for him. IMO, the people who put Obummer in power, the "real" people, not the voters, understood that they would have perhaps only one term to put their radical agenda in place. This would explain why so much has been shoved down our throats so fast. In fact, most Americans are not aware of half the things that are now law, or of regulations that have assumed control of our everyday lives.

For me, the scary question is, can we still change/stop what's been done? I've heard legal experts say most of these regulations via E.O. can't be changed, even by a new president. I'm not sure i agree with that since any Executive Order that a president signs can be voided by a new president, or certainly by the SCOTUS. Here's another question that scares me. Do the American people still have enough will left to take their country back? I guess we'll see in Nov. If they don't, are the rest of us prepared to "gear up" and do it?


Jimbo said...

"We are now in the hands of a lying Marxist Mooslim who is radically changing our country and our lives, not with a sword or gun, but with his pen, via Executive Orders."

There. I fixed that for you.

I've not done so many drugs in my life that I no longer remember my grandfather telling me in 1966, after just a couple of years of LBJ, that the the United States had gone completely to hell, would never recover, and would cease to exist by the end of the century.

It seems he was a prophetic. Oh, the name still exists, but our liberty has been so reduced by socialist liberal PCacists, that, for all intents and purposes, the nation in which my grandfather lived is completely destroyed.

Of course, suicidal liberals applaud that little factoid - but it's not enough for them - they still want to destroy human life and have been proving that assertion for years.

F*ck Obama. F*ck liberals. F*ck all those who determined that the screwed-up minority has the "right" to rule the thinking, working, caring majority.

Spider said...

Thanks Jimbo, but Mooselamb is what i intended to write. BTW, your grandfather was obviously a wise man.

BOW said...

I'm afraid we have ventured past the event horizon already

Anonymous said...


That inevitable ‘holy shit’ moment when the Hopey McChange blinders fall off and you realize that Prompter Punk you voted for isn’t the second coming of Jihad Jimmy Carter, nor is he the reincarnation of FDR or JFK, but is, instead the American incarnation of Hugo ‘Skipper’ Chavez.