Monday, August 2, 2010

Is It Racism Or Justice?

Looking at Jimbo's article below, this seems to be Racial Monday.

Thanks to the limitless guilt of bleeding-heart liberals, (they're the ones who put Hussein in the WH) there are those blacks who believe their race is a free "you are above the law" card which many play for all it's worth. In this case, i'm talking about black elected government officials who seem to find it very difficult, or unnecessary, to be honest. Many of them apparently feel their race gives them the right to cheat, steal, and lie, and of course, anyone who doesn't like it is a racist. In fact, we've reached the point where to simply disagree with a black, especially a black politician, is racist. It is the perfect liberal-supplied shield to hide behind.

Is it racist to accuse a black elected official of being dishonest when there is more than enough evidence to make such a charge, especially when those charges are coming from congress's own Ethics Committee? If you're a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and you've been caught doing something wrong, i'm sure you think it's racist. And while i'm at it, isn't the fact that there's a Congressional Black Caucus, and not a Congressional White Caucus, racist in and of itself? And what of the sheeple? You know, all the tens-of-millions of fools who go to work every day to pay for all these govt. crooks, be they black or White. Do they think that being black is a license to steal?

In the real world, (outside of politics) when blacks are apprehended for committing a crime, the first thing most say is, "you're picking on me because i'm black", which is exactly what these elected crooks are saying. They would like the world to believe (as liberals believe) that blacks make-up the majority of people in prison because we're a racist nation, not because they commit most of the violent crimes. In the case of the criminals, my answer was always, "no, i'm picking on you because you committed a crime, and you were dumb enough to get caught"!

As for the elected crooks in this article, and since they're being "investigated" by other elected crooks, i doubt we'll see much justice here. The only chance the sheeple have of seeing some justice done will be because of the upcoming mid-term elections. Most Demoncrats know they're looking straight into the eyes of the local unemployment office. No more power. No more bribes. No more freebies. No more playing God. And that thought is enough to make most of them lynch their own kids...


The Race Card Radical! said...

Set my niggaz free!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously it's not just the politicians.