Thursday, May 19, 2011

Buy GE

After Obama's speech today in support of his "friends", I suggest buying GE shares. Why? Well, GE has played the game Obama set up, and after today's endorsement of throwing Israel under the bus, GE's presence in the MidEast, Arab Spring.....Who do you think will get to build the crematoria, uh, ovens, uh.......I meant camel rides for the children? After all, once the Jews are killed.....leave, they're gonna open a Disneyland Park in Jerusalem, open to all. Mock beheadings? Only for the littlest ones. After they are this tall (.) , they get the real ones! And it is open to allah...all. Come believers and infidels alike. Infidels- you will have the time of your life- you'll never leave. You'll scream your heads off, we'll help! If you would like to purchase property, Century 4 is our recommented agent.


Schteveo said...

I guess this proves that Obama did NOT learn anything from Rev Wrights sermons while he was a member there. He said he missed all the HATE SPEECH, and Anti-Zionism.

I believe him now.

He evidently also missed the part about God protecting the Jews and Israel and punishing her tormenters. Now that would include us as a nation.

Here's my question about 'returning to historical boundaries'. IF that's what they are pushing for, why NOT go back to the 1947 boundaries, and then, Egypt, Jordan and Syria can ALSO give back the land THEY stole from the 'palestinians'. Hmmm? Why don't they do THAT?!

Personally, I stand with Israel! L'shanah haba'ah birushalayim.

Spider said...

It seems Obummer's Mooselamb roots are starting to become more obvious. I wonder just how much he'll have to bash Israel before his left-wing jewish supporters in the US start to complain.

BOW said...

It's getting crowded under the bus; he's gonna need a bigger one.

Schteveo said...

Where is OUR John Galt?

Spider said...

Interesting read on Odumbo and his "true" feelings about Israel.

Schteveo said...

"Having observed his personal associations, his open political alliances, his public statements, and his private remarks, Obama’s Palestinian allies steadfastly maintain that Obama’s private views are far more pro-Palestinian than he lets on."

How could his feelings be any more open? I guess WE could bomb Israel FOR Hamas? Obama isn't sure Hamas has nukes, but WE do!! At this point if Obama, Sunstein et al, could fly a B-52, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem would be all smoke and green glass.

Anonymous said...

"Obama surrounds himself with anti- Semitic advisors who relish the elimination of the Jewish state, attended a church for 20 years where the clergy spewed anti-Semitic hate, and now bows, scrapes and sends millions of US taxpayer dollars to Muslim countries and terrorist groups such as Hamas, who are the most lethal anti- Semites on the planet...Why are any Americans, Jewish or Christian, who support the continued establishment of the state of Israel, surprised that Barack H. Obama told the world, in dulcet diplomatic double speak, that Israel should simply drop dead ? "
–-Lee DeCovnick