Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's Going On?

I read a very interesting article the other day, one that said, U.S. gun dealers submitted 1.5 Million background checks to the FBI for the month of December, 2011. That's the highest number, by far, since they started keeping these statistics. Of course, my first thought was that Brother Poots had simply gone shopping, but even he can't buy that many. (?) So, what's going on? Do the American people smell something coming? Then this morning, i read the below-linked story which just might explain the surge in gun buys.

IMO, the Department of Homeland Stupidity has become a heavily-armed army, (occupation force? ) one that doesn't seem to answer to anyone except the Marxist-in-Chief himself, and the radical Leftist lesbian he put in charge of it. I don't know about you, but that sounds very Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Ill, to me, especially when you read the enclosed story. Just what are these people up to? Are seniors and disabled folks now seen as threats? Remember, it was Butch Napilitano who called our returning warriors "possible/potential terrorists".

Depending on what happens in this upcoming election, there are those of us who truly believe only an armed "uprising" will save our country. And IMO, anything short of that and we will become Venezuela North. Hell, we're more than halfway there already...


Cappin'm Snorpht said...

129,000 on black friday alone.

Let the Capping Begin!!!!!

Merchant of Lead Poots said...

Just gets me closer to blowing off this shit and opening a gun shop. Investors?

Schteveo said...

"...detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities."

That, of course excludes illegal aliens as unauthorized person, I'm sure. They're lucky they didn't spark off a shoot out doing this in FL. What next, Dallas or Phoenix?

Spider said...

Hey Poots, if you were closer, you could count me in.

Anonymous said...


"There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible."
– P.J. O'Rourke