Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Nigel Tufnel Day

and a Happy Nigel Tufnel Day to all y'all


blue said...

and a Happy Veteran's day to me & Steve0

BOW said...


Schteveo said...

Thanks blue. Back atcha!

Where are you dining tonight for free? I'm thinking of hitting Applebees with Mrs Schteveo.

She should eat free too I think. I was married when I enlisted. The only thing she didn't do was boot camp and sleeping in ships. I feel for military wives, they get damned little acknowledgement.

(if I drink enough beer or liquor tonight, maybe I'll 'acknowledge' her before we go to sleep)

Schteveo said...

(that was probably more than any of you wanted to know, huh?)

blue said...

dis anyone Google Nigel Tufnel to see why 11/11/11 was Nigel Tufnel day???

Spider said...

Nigel Tufnel was the lead guitarist of the rock band Spinal Tap.

Actually, i didn't have a clue as to who he was until i searched. Now i do know, but don't care.

eat me said...

Nigel's amp goes to 11
11/11/2011 is Nigel Tufnel day
get it?

Schteveo said...

This is a classic conversation from Spinal Tap, and it rings so true of 70's style, headed down not up, rock band guitarist BS...

Nigel Tufnel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and...

Marty DiBergi: Oh, I see. And most amps go up to ten?

Nigel Tufnel: Exactly.

Marty DiBergi: Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder?

Nigel Tufnel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your guitar. Where can you go from there? Where?

Marty DiBergi: I don't know.

Nigel Tufnel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?

Marty DiBergi: Put it up to eleven.
Nigel Tufnel: Eleven. Exactly. One louder.

Marty DiBergi: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?

Nigel Tufnel: [pause] These go to eleven.