Monday, September 24, 2012

The Marxist-in-Chief

We are about 40 days away from finding out if the American sheeple will decided to complete the destruction of this once-great country by re-electing an outright Marxist. The people were warned about Obummer the first time he ran, but chose instead to listen to the Leftist, anti-American MSM which quickly demonized anyone who dared say anything, especially the truth, about their "chosen one". 

That same MSM is, once again, hard at work distracting, misinforming, and lying to the American people so they won't see what is actually in front of them. And, if you look at (and believe) all the media-generated polls, it seems like it may very well be working. Again...


Anonymous said...

It's time we reverted to the rules of the old south. (You don't work, you don't eat!) That one rule alone caused the population in liberal places like NYC to explode. And we are still paying the price.

Schteveo said...

that used to be the rule EVERYWHERE. And when blacks originally moved North it was for jobs, not handouts. They left the South to get to places where segregation wasn't law. and that would allow them to work wherever someone would hire them, and where their kids could get a better education.

As to the MSM and Obumble, I think the shiny is peeling quickly. And regardless, he's got his hands full just trying to collect enough money to fill the campaign coffers!

Crazy Joe Biden said...

Gonna put you all back in chains.

Dyke ina Bunch said...

If you always bet on the stupidity of the American people (and snatch in a bunch Dykos),you will die rich.