Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gupta bows out.

Sanjay Gupta is removing his name from consideration of the Surgeon General's job.
JEEZ, how much back tax did this guy owe!? I mean those other guys owed tens of thousands and they stayed! Or, I'll bet he had a legal, white, hetero-male, taking care of his kids, with all his employment taxes, back pay, over-time, and benefits package in order.
He would have been ostracized at AlL the WH functions and it would suck being the odd-man-out.


Anonymous said...

"As surgeon general, Gupta would make about $153,000,..."

No self respecting doctor could live on that.

I wouldn't take the pay-cut either.

Anonymous said...

He wouldn't be cut nearly as much as under obama / hitlarycare

Schteveo said...

consider that under the "BOHICA Gub'ment Health Care System" that $153,000 might be really good pay for a doctor. And if Gupta is heavily invested in the stock market he could be worth a LOT less next year.

Anonymous said...

Good point Steve. When socialized medicine kicks in, $153G's will be really good money for these doctors. They may be forced to fall back on all the money they've been stealing from Medicare and Medicaid.