Friday, March 20, 2009

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931 to 2005) Memphis , TN , offered the following observation several years ago and it bears great significance today:

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the rich out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply the wealth by dividing it."

But then, we all (except HLF) already knew that.


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Last night on Leno the socialist complained that “most of the stuff that got us into trouble is perfectly legal,” adding, “That’s a sign that we need to change our laws."

Schteveo said...

This guy sounds like a raving loon. OF COURSE you can give to the poor, without taking from the rich. The government just gave BILLIONS of dollars away without taxing anybody.

However, it's that pesky time lag that the liberals always forget. Someday, the piper will need to be paid.

Heidi said...

I got an email "joke" from a friend:

I was over at the home of a couple who are both my friends despite being liberals. Their ten-year-old daughter was with us and she announced that she was going to be President some day.

Her parents beamed.

I asked her what she would do when she was President. "I'm going to give food and houses to all the homeless people," she replied.

Her parents beamed brighter.

"You can start now," I told her. "Come over to my house, mow my lawn, pull the weeds out of the flowers, and paint my shed. I'll pay you $100. Then I'll take you and the $100, and we'll find a homeless person. You can give them the $100 and they can go buy food and rent a room."

She stood there and stared at me. "Why doesn't the homeless person just do all that stuff and get the $100 straight from you?"

"Welcome to the Republican Party" I said.

Her parents haven't spoken to me since.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

LOL! How about this one:

Ft. Worth Police today reported finding a John Doe male body in the Trinity River. The victim apparently drowned due to excessive beer consumption. He was wearing only black fishnet stockings, a red garter belt, a strap-on dildo, and a Nancy Pelosi T-shirt. He also had a cucumber stuffed up his rectum. Police thoughtfully removed the Nancy Pelosi T-shirt to spare the victim's family unnecessary embarrassment.

Spider said...


All the Trillions that are being transfered "downward", are simply one of the first steps needed to take us to a European socilaist system. (that, and getting rid of God and religion) It's been Obongo's plan all along, (didn't he come out and actually tell that to Joe the plumber on national TV?) a plan devised by the people behind him who are pulling his strings, people like communist George Soros.

Schteveo said...

Heidi, I have a friend who sent the following to me years ago.

A young woman was home from her first semester in college. She announced to her CEO father that she was kicking over her parents political brain washing and she was going to become a Liberal Democrat.

Dad folded the paper, laid it aside and asked why the change.

"Well", says the daughter,"my room mate Dorothy is supposed to graduate in June in Social Science. She says her degree is useless because Americans place too much emphasis on things like business and making money. Dorothy says you and mom have been brainwashed too and didn't know not to do it to me. Dorothy says the country can only really be fair and honorable place if we put more work into social programs and less into CEO's pockets. Dorothy says we should all vote for Liberal Democrats so the country can help the poor and the underprivileged, so from here on out, I'm a Liberal Democrat. Dorothy says anyone who doesn't vote for Liberal Democrats and who doesn't want to share their wealth and earnings is just evil, like Darth Vader".

"Dorothy says all that, does she?"

"Yes Dad, and so do most of the kids, and so do ALL the Professors".

"How come Dorothy is just SUPPOSED to graduate in June?"

"Well Dad, she spends a lot of time protesting and going to meetings about important stuff, so her grades are just barely above passing. It'll be touch and go for June. And her Dad said he's not paying for yet another semester of school, so she's worried."

"Well, Sweety, you have really great grades right?"

"Yeah dad, all 'A's this semester, lots kids went home and don't plan on going back to school after the Holidays."

"Well then, why don't you share some of your grades with her. Give her your grades above an 'A'. Keep all 'B's and you'll still have plenty of points to be safe when your're about to graduate."

"Give her MY grades DAD!!! But, but, but Dad, I WORKED MY ass OFF FOR THOSE GRADES!!! I SKIPPED FOOTBALL GAMES AND DANCES! I mean, I feel sorry for Dorothy, but if she had worked harder, or if she works another semester or two and takes out some loans...seriously, she could graduate ON HER OWN!!"

The CEO picked up his paper, and said, "Welcome back to the Dark Side, Sweety."

Anonymous said...

Even his fellow commies are starting to catch on.

"The Wall Street bailout is starting to look like the most expensive tax-supported fiasco in history… The president cannot afford to lose the public’s confidence that his administration is a careful steward of the public’s money. The public was willing to go along with a large stimulus package. But it won’t go along with a second stimulus, and certainly not another TARP. And until the public feels confident that its money isn’t being thrown down a rat hole, it may balk at other ambitious undertakings such as healthcare or education or the environment." – Robert Reich, Obamunist Gnome