Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Handwriting's On The Wall

So, what do you think would happen if they opened a store aimed only at Whites? Lawsuits? Riots? Federal troops? Protests? More likely, all of the above! Is White Amerika being sent a message here? (like we actually need another one) There are many, many people (yours truly included) who sincerely believe that Amerika is being deliberately turned into a slightly up-scale third-world country. And if that's the case, there's only one reason it would be done. To keep, and gain more, political power by those who rule us!

If you were to enter someones home illegally, sit down, settle in, and take over, and noticed that instead of getting a chest-full of OO-buck from a 12 ga., you were welcomed by the home owners who went out of their way to make you comfortable, what incentive would you have to leave? In fact, you would tell your friends not yet here to "come on down"! (or in this case, up) But, on Amerika's list of priorities, what importance does this story have, when compared to who the newest find will be on American Idol...

"And they slept, only to awaken to find themselves foreigners in their own land" (author unknown)


Anonymous said...

I really like Wal Mart, oh well now they can EAT ME!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They just might. Well, their customers that is.

Schteveo said...

OK, I'll bite, what do YOU LOSE?

Theyre not closing YOUR WAL-MART, they are opening one that caters to Spanish speakers. And it's utilizing space where an OLD Wal-Mart closed. That means, more jobs. They've recently been hammered for hiring illegals over the last few years, so they'll be diligent in hiring LEGAL aliens, and Spanish speaking other race people.

Personally, I'm not worried. In fact, I wish they would open some Yo, Yo, Yo, it BEEZ MFin' Wal-Market fuh Niggaz Sto's.

I'm not racist, but we have a new Super Wally World that has become over run with gang bangers and illegals. No love lost between those groups. They closed the old Wal-Mart to open this super store and the cops spend half the day there. And this ISN'T in a bad part of town. It's just been co-opted by those minorities. My legal neighbors complained about the low lifes in there too. Maybe with a store aimed at Spanish speakers, it will move them out of the regular Wal-Mart.

The bottom line for me, it's free enterprise, no one will be checking to see IF you speak or are Spanish to ALLOW entrance. I doubt, Wal-Mart is going to Congress to get funding to open the stores.

This IS the absolute definition of free market capitalism. Someone found a niche market and they are filling it. They have to hire people to rebuild the stores, buy fixtures, buy products for resale, hire employees, and it revitalizes an older shopping center.

And just what kind of ALL WHITE Store could we open? I'm not sure what part of White Culture ONLY appeals to white people.

Blue said...

Steve-o ..... I refer you to
what white people like

and I predict that in a few years the ACLU & La Raza will be screaming that Wall Mart must close these stores cause to many illegals are being rounded up in the parking lots

Anonymous said...

I like Cowpill's picture

Anonymous said...

It's no difference than the italian, jewish, or asian markets I grew up around or that you can find in most cities with diversity.

Of course, zenophobic, ignorant conservatives find anyone different to be a threat. Even their food, apparently!

Kudos to Schteveo for having an open mind.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

The "old" Wal-Mart space here has already been utilized. There isn't any "old" space for a "Centro Comercial de la Pared". There are enough Wal-Marts here, for those that want to, to rip off.

Anonymous said...

Again HLF has it backwards. The past immigrants may have brought their culture and language, but did it with the intent of learning and assimilating into the melting pot of America. Now, it seems they want to cater to individual groups, with no intent of joining the society. Now isn't it the opposite when it comes to my money? They don't want to share my American culture but want my US dollars.
HLF: I have a $5 bill for you. Just come and get it.

Anonymous said...

We weren't around when the immigrants came from Europe. For years there were neighborhoods all over the country where the native language was all that was spoken. It takes several generations to be totally Americanized. That will be the case with the latins.

Of course, they'll all be democrats so you people are FUCKED in the electoral future......

Blue said...

lets see the first "latins" come to the US of A back around the time this country was founded.

I think that qualifies for "a few generations"

Blue said...

oh & when the "latins" find out that of all the different ethnic groups in his heritage, "latin" is the only on missing, they will quickly become republicans again.......

Anonymous said...

Steve, aren't you missing the point? For the time being, this is still Amerika, and business's should reflect that. If Wally's wants to open a Mexican store, let them do it in Tijuana.

Anonymous said...

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."

Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

"Of course, they'll all be democrats so you people are FUCKED in the electoral future......"

Holy Shit HLT is right again, of course I would be a democrat to if everything is handed to me and I could sponge off of the Gub'ment

Jimbo said...

Having spent a third of my life in Texas and a third in San Fransicko, this doesn’t actually bother me. However, I believe if they are to make a better profit they’ll need English subtitles. Most of us will never visit those stores because we don’t live in those areas of town – if they want to make Ebonics their official store language then fine – I don’t have to shop there (anymore).

As poor white trash, I grew up in the “less desirable” neighborhoods in Smalltown, Texas, USA. Regardless of what the stupid, untraveled, and ignorant resident dipshit believes – there is “diversity” in Middle America –there always has been. It is not a peculiarity invented in big cities in the Porn Belts and just dreamed about and practiced by dimwit communists like our own resident dickhead.

When my brother and I were boys and would walk over to the local vacant lot for a game of pick-up baseball or football; we were often the only white-boys on the lot. No one cared and it wasn’t an issue – democrats began making it an issue in the late 60’s for political gain. Democrats hijacked equal rights from Republicans and called it their own, while remaining racist. Never forget: The KKK is a racist society by and of Democrats, and they’ve not changed. They’ve just figured out ways to continue their racist subjugation and call it “politically correct”.

In Texas, European & Mexican cultures have coexisted as Americans since way before Texas Independence. There were more Mexicans who died in the Alamo than white boys. We fought and died together as we do today. This has resulted in, among other things, a wonderful cuisine known as TexMex – the best food on the planet. It has also resulted in a whole heap of patriotic people known as Texans. Real Texans (whites, Mexicans and a mixture there of) despise illegal border jumpers equally, and we hate communists like HLF equally.

My years in San Fransicko taught me that the Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, and Arabs step over the drugged-out liberal-democrat AIDS-infested HLF faggots lying in the streets wearing semen-stained pants with the same disdain as white Americans. And everyone knows the best Chinese shops and restaurants have everything in their language, but have English subtitles. That’s fine with me. They are conserving their culture – which is important to them – while catering to American culture.

HLF – you are an ignorant stupid prick and you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Maybe when you get beyond 15 years old, have lived as many places as most of us, and have actually sacrificed for your country (rather than expecting your country to sacrifice for you like the selfish little dipshit you are) you’ll understand. But I won’t hold my breath; you’re a cowardly little communist leach who expects your free cheese delivered to your door.

In the mean time – why don’t you shut-the-fuck-up. No one here takes you seriously, and we never will.

Forgive my long rant - it's been a long, busy, productive week at work (something which is completely foreign to HLF) and I've had little time to read - much less post, so I got it all out of my system at once. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, you care what I say Jimbo, otherwise you wouldn't get so upset.

The racists have always been in the conservative tent. Always.

Schteveo said...

"It takes several generations to be totally Americanized"

I totally disagree, and with proof from family and friends. My mothers parents were from Italy, came here in the early 1900's. My mother ALWAYS says that when she and her friends were growing up, the LAST thing the wanted to do, was "be" Italian, German, Spanish, etc. They were 1st Generation Immigrant Children, they wanted NOTHING to do with their roots. My grandmother was like minded, she did not cling to her Italianess, or try to bring Italy to Long Island. Likewise, my mother's friends were raised to BE Americans.

Now I have friends who are 1st Generation Immigrant Children, same story. Most of them now are in the 40's and 50's. But they wanted NOTHING of their Asian or European, or Australian roots. They wanted to BE Americans.

I'm only second generation, I'm an American. My Italian heritage is a great thing to me. But so is the German, Irish, Scots, Dutch heritage of my father's family. But that heritage is 250 ears old just here in America. To me, and most people, heritage is food, and art, or at best funny stories told by the immigrants or those 1st generation kids, about their assimilation.

In short, I think your "several generations to be totally Americanized" is WAY overstated and is the typical liberal party line.

I'm not open minded on this topic. I'm looking at it from a totally money grubbing, conservative, businessman's standpoint. MORE stores means MORE profits. The WAL-MART board of directors is not attempting social change, they are screaming, "Show me the money...". When I sell kettle korn and drinks at a festival or street fair, I don't give a SHIT about the customers ethnic background or outlook, their heritage or their politics. I just want their money!

I'm with you. I shop in ethnic stores all the time. I like the real ethnic brands better than the anglicized brands. Kikoman soy sauce SUCKS. When I want Asian foods, I go to the Jumbo Asian Market.

I also frequent a grocery store that is predominantly for the Spanish speakers. The prices are better, the Mexican brands are there and the vegetables are fresher than at Kroger and Food Lion. But the reason the say, "Buenos dias Senor", nicely to my white race, is so the Spanish speaking Head Cashier can go into the office later, and scream "...indicar el Yanqui dinero!!"

It's all about business, not politics or race. Although, if somebody would open a decent bagel shop here, I might become Jewish for a discount!! OY.

(see, it's already started)

Schteveo said...

this does reflect that. Wal-mart sees opportunity to make a fast buck. In 15 or 20 years, the children of those Spanish immigrants will be eating more Americanized foods and shopping at the regular Wal-Mart. Just like my mother did, and I do. Wal-mart knows they won't be able to have those stores open forever. But in the interim, they want more profits.

I can't think of anything MORE American than that.

Spider said...

Steve, i understand what you're saying and i agree with much of it. But what these business's are doing is telling immigrants, the majority of whom are as we know, illegal, there's no need to assimilate into the society they say they want to be part of, like your family (and mine) did. Then again, my family didn't come here illegally, as i'm sure your's didn't.

Today, most of the immigrants come here simply because they believe (or have been convinced) that this is the land of milk and honey. Sit around, collect your checks, spit out more kids, get more checks, work off the books, (and send all the money back to your own country) and you don't even have to bother to speak the language. In fact, you demand the country change it's language for you! Just how much would Mexico change it's culture, language, and society if we moved there?

There are now many places in this country that no longer even resemble America. Miami, southern Mexas, southern AZ., Mexifornia, parts of NYC, etc. This is not about the profit margins of some company. This is about trying to keep America, America. If they come here using the excuse they want to be part of America, then why insist that America become your home country?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I find it curious that HLF never responds to statements like this one.

Maybe when you get beyond 15 years old, have lived as many places as most of us, and have actually sacrificed for your country (rather than expecting your country to sacrifice for you like the selfish little dipshit you are) you’ll understand.

Anonymous said...

Again, HLF, you are mistaken. Growing up in NYC during the 20th century, I certainly was here when many from Europe contiued to come. From Irish to Polish, from Italian to Greek. To the Russians who have been pouring in. The want to be American, learn the language while keeping some of their traditions. Their are absolutely none of them want socialism. They gave up everything to come here and start new. They can't understand people like you who have no idea what it like to live under socialism.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I can't come here after Archie is bartending...

Anonymous said...

It's no difference than the italian, jewish, or asian markets I grew up around or that you can find in most cities with diversity.

Exactly. Capitalism is founded on finding a market and capitalizing on it. There is a big spanish speaking market niche. Wal-Mart filled it. End of story.

Go Wal-Mart, maka dat money!

I fail to see the big problem here.

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