Monday, March 16, 2009

Red state to cut medical services for illegals

Health services cut for illegal immigrants in California

read all about it

“I have no insurance, no resources, nothing to fall back on,” said Barrios, who has one daughter. “I have no idea what I will do.”

How about going home?


Anonymous said...

so, this is a good thing about the financial crisis, you know, the one that Obama says isn't so bad....

Anonymous said...

From the article:

"Although hospitals receiving Medicaid funds must provide emergency care for anyone who needs it, there is no law requiring health care providers to offer primary care."

Does this mean hospitals don't have to take medicaid?

The next thing to plan for is how to handle the rush on the emergency rooms.

Blue said...

the illegals are already using the emergency rooms for routine care, the way I read the article is that this will stop.
Unless it's a emergency, the hospital will tell them to leave....

Spider said...

Ahh, reality finally arrives in Mexifornia. I love it! But i'm not sure what all the hysteria's about, since they have the solution at hand. What Gov. Worminator needs to do is tell all his Commiewood friends that now, they have to put their money where their mouth is. Since they're all pro-illegal alien, THEY sould pick-up the health care tab for their Mexican friends. (see:servants, drivers, nanny's, gardners, cooks, house cleaners, go-fors, etc.) This should not be a problem, since they're the only enlightened, compassionate people in America. (according to them)

See? That wasn't so hard. Now let's get back to some serious problems.

Schteveo said...

They'll just move to Arizona and Nevada and Oregon and Washington and ...

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea. We can take the illegal aliens coming into the ER's and harvest their organs. Toss the brains out as they are worthless.

Anonymous said...

Blue, are you color blind?

Since when is Mexifornia a "red" state?

Unless you are referring to "commie red", they are a "blue" state here in AmeriKa, are they not?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Guard your SS #'s, boys and girls, lest these illegals suddenly become legal.

Blue said...

Blue admits his error

Jimbo said...

HJR said... @ March 16, 2009 5:00 PM

Hey Johnny-Racing; If you think back a few elections, Conservatives were 'Blue' states and Liberals 'Red' States. A "news" anchor (was it NBC?) made the unilateral determination he would make the switch and make conservatives "red" because "red" made liberals look like the stinking communists they are... Other lib-media caught on and it the rest is history.

Anonymous said...

Mayhaps that is the cause of the confusion on colors Jimbo.

Growing up there was the "red menace" (those commie soviet rats).

Since the donkey clan is filled with commies they should be the "red".

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a cause HJR. Let's start!

Anonymous said...

The only way I can remember the colors these days is red for good ol' boy rednecks (like in Texas) and blue for blue collar unions (like Detroit).