Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
NYT should be closed, Publisher Prosecuted!!
The New York Times is out of control. Not like I didn't know that already. But the morons who make the decisions should be in jail. TONIGHT!! They've decided to publish all the leaked material the WikiLeaks @$$holes are putting online.
The Times believes that the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match.
But here's my question. If the guy who gave it to Wiki is in court, and the feds wanted to go after the Wiki guy too, given those items, WTF is keeping the NYT publishers out of court!? Or jail for that matter!
I'm just not sure how this isn't espionage. Would someone explain it to me. And I don't mean through a PC looking glass. I mean by the legal definition of espionage, how do the publishers escape legal action. In my feeble mind this action by the NYT IS them yelling "fire!", in a crowded theater, in that there is physical harm to be derived by the leaks, and printing the contents of said leaks.
You'll have to go look at the docs on your own. My linking to them would be wrong too, IMHO.
The New York Times is out of control. Not like I didn't know that already. But the morons who make the decisions should be in jail. TONIGHT!! They've decided to publish all the leaked material the WikiLeaks @$$holes are putting online.
The Times believes that the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match.
But here's my question. If the guy who gave it to Wiki is in court, and the feds wanted to go after the Wiki guy too, given those items, WTF is keeping the NYT publishers out of court!? Or jail for that matter!
I'm just not sure how this isn't espionage. Would someone explain it to me. And I don't mean through a PC looking glass. I mean by the legal definition of espionage, how do the publishers escape legal action. In my feeble mind this action by the NYT IS them yelling "fire!", in a crowded theater, in that there is physical harm to be derived by the leaks, and printing the contents of said leaks.
You'll have to go look at the docs on your own. My linking to them would be wrong too, IMHO.
Does This Look Familiar?
One difference is that they're dealing with thousands, while we're dealing with tens-of-millions! Another obvious difference is that the Israelis, unlike us, have the brains and the backbone to deal with the problem before it gets out of control. Apparently, they, again unlike us, are not willing to sacrifice their society, their way of life, and their country, simply to give a possible political advantage to one party in the form of votes...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Crazy Idea? Or Is It?
What do you think of the idea of electing a small group of ordinary citizens, (hopefully they'll be citizens) and giving them the task of writing a new constitution for our nation? They would not be the professional political hacks, liars, and thieves that we're cursed with today, but everyday folks like us.
Our nation was built on the foundation laid out for us by our Founding Fathers, and worked very well until unelected judges started to tweak, manipulate, and distort the original intent of that document. In many cases, these judges actually made binding decisions, which we were all forced to live with and by, based on things that were nowhere to be found in that Constitution. Meaning, they invented "rights" based mostly on their personal political ideologies, or from pressure applied by relatively small special interest groups who's voices are heard over that of the majority.
We often hear those on the Left whining about how they want the Constitution to be a "living, breathing" document. What they mean of course is, they want a Constitution that they can change and manipulate whenever it serves their agenda. That would be great for them, but would make the rest of us pretty miserable, not to mention, really pissed!
So, what do you think of Iceland's idea? Crazy? Goofy? Undoable here? Or, since our original document has so little meaning anymore, has the time come that this is actually a rational idea?
Our nation was built on the foundation laid out for us by our Founding Fathers, and worked very well until unelected judges started to tweak, manipulate, and distort the original intent of that document. In many cases, these judges actually made binding decisions, which we were all forced to live with and by, based on things that were nowhere to be found in that Constitution. Meaning, they invented "rights" based mostly on their personal political ideologies, or from pressure applied by relatively small special interest groups who's voices are heard over that of the majority.
We often hear those on the Left whining about how they want the Constitution to be a "living, breathing" document. What they mean of course is, they want a Constitution that they can change and manipulate whenever it serves their agenda. That would be great for them, but would make the rest of us pretty miserable, not to mention, really pissed!
So, what do you think of Iceland's idea? Crazy? Goofy? Undoable here? Or, since our original document has so little meaning anymore, has the time come that this is actually a rational idea?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Dog is NOT for sale.!
Please be advised I am sick to death of receiving questions about my dog. This is the dog, for those out of the loop, that mauled 3 Muslims sitting on a rug next to my back wall.
Then mauled 6 illegals wearing Obama t-shirts.
On Election Day, he mauled 4 Democrats wearing Pelosi t-shirts.
Since then he has mauled, in order, 2 gangsta rappers, 5 phone operators who asked me to press #1 for English, 9 teenagers with their pants hanging down past their cracks, 8 customer service desk people speaking in broken English, 10 flag burners, and a Pakistani taxi driver.
Please be advised I am sick to death of receiving questions about my dog. This is the dog, for those out of the loop, that mauled 3 Muslims sitting on a rug next to my back wall.
Then mauled 6 illegals wearing Obama t-shirts.
On Election Day, he mauled 4 Democrats wearing Pelosi t-shirts.
Since then he has mauled, in order, 2 gangsta rappers, 5 phone operators who asked me to press #1 for English, 9 teenagers with their pants hanging down past their cracks, 8 customer service desk people speaking in broken English, 10 flag burners, and a Pakistani taxi driver.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Kennedy connetion this week. Finally.
This might come as a surprise to all of you, but being the First Lady is tougher than Michelle thought it would be. As a matter of fact...
FLOTUS's White House 'not Camelot'
She has glamorized kitchen gardening, spotlighted childhood obesity and invited thousands of students, many of them minorities, to official White House events.
Expectations were high for a different kind of first lady, and in many ways Michelle Obama has lived up to them, maintaining the kind of high public profile that was widely anticipated when she and her husband came to Washington.
At the same time, she has been a victim of those expectations, disappointing some in Washington who hoped she would be a more expansive social presence, and eliciting the familiar criticism of recent first ladies that she keeps too much to herself.
Poor, poor baby. She's married to (supposedly) the most powerful man in the world, but SHE'S a victim. If she's a victim, what do you call the people the Chicago Dems have been sucking dry for 75 years so they could stay in power?
As I recall, Jackie Kennedy was well read and refined. She sought to shelter her kids, not use them as stage props for political BS. Camelot was based on ALL of America moving forward. Camelot was NOT about pushing forward any of the political leanings of the WH couple and their crazy ass radical friends!
Camelot came complete with individual prosperity too. Perhaps if the peasants were eating as well as Arthur and his Court, it might seem a little more like the heady days of the American Camelot?
But that's just a guess.
And BTW, anyone remember anyone from the Kennedy Administration shoving the citizens around like we get shoved now? And try as I might, my research shows not one single instance of laws being passed, "...so we can read them", during the Kennedy years.
FLOTUS's White House 'not Camelot'
She has glamorized kitchen gardening, spotlighted childhood obesity and invited thousands of students, many of them minorities, to official White House events.
Expectations were high for a different kind of first lady, and in many ways Michelle Obama has lived up to them, maintaining the kind of high public profile that was widely anticipated when she and her husband came to Washington.
At the same time, she has been a victim of those expectations, disappointing some in Washington who hoped she would be a more expansive social presence, and eliciting the familiar criticism of recent first ladies that she keeps too much to herself.
Poor, poor baby. She's married to (supposedly) the most powerful man in the world, but SHE'S a victim. If she's a victim, what do you call the people the Chicago Dems have been sucking dry for 75 years so they could stay in power?
As I recall, Jackie Kennedy was well read and refined. She sought to shelter her kids, not use them as stage props for political BS. Camelot was based on ALL of America moving forward. Camelot was NOT about pushing forward any of the political leanings of the WH couple and their crazy ass radical friends!
Camelot came complete with individual prosperity too. Perhaps if the peasants were eating as well as Arthur and his Court, it might seem a little more like the heady days of the American Camelot?
But that's just a guess.
And BTW, anyone remember anyone from the Kennedy Administration shoving the citizens around like we get shoved now? And try as I might, my research shows not one single instance of laws being passed, "...so we can read them", during the Kennedy years.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The implant is specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
When properly installed, it will allow the terrorist to speak to God.
It comes in various sizes: Generally from .223 to .50 cal.
The exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained and highly skilled technician, who will also make the injection. No anesthetic is required.
The implant may or may not be painless. Side effects, like headaches, nausea, aches and pains are extremely temporary.
Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site. In most cases, you won't even notice it.
Please enjoy the security we provide for you.
Best regards,
The Marines
Monday, November 22, 2010
Just a quick thought from an old MF'er
I completed my two week training today for my new IRS gig. I barely got through the damned thing because my computer went belly up today, in the midst of testing. Luckily I had a spare under the work bench.
Because of that, I went online just now and bought a new one. When the online receipt showed up in my e-mail, I looked it over and realized it is November 22nd. A day that used to mean something in this country.
Did any ONE of you hear the name John Kennedy today?
I know the answer to that. NO. Plain and simple the man is a danger to the modern, far left, socialist, big government loving Democrats. There is no way Obama, Reid or Pelosi want anyone thinking to themselves, "...maybe I need to do something FOR the country instead of trying to get something FROM the country...".
That concept is way, WAY to dangerous to have the idiots of the M-slime-M reminding the general public that the gub'ment DOES NOT supply life, nor goods, nor anything of worth!
I completed my two week training today for my new IRS gig. I barely got through the damned thing because my computer went belly up today, in the midst of testing. Luckily I had a spare under the work bench.
Because of that, I went online just now and bought a new one. When the online receipt showed up in my e-mail, I looked it over and realized it is November 22nd. A day that used to mean something in this country.
Did any ONE of you hear the name John Kennedy today?
I know the answer to that. NO. Plain and simple the man is a danger to the modern, far left, socialist, big government loving Democrats. There is no way Obama, Reid or Pelosi want anyone thinking to themselves, "...maybe I need to do something FOR the country instead of trying to get something FROM the country...".
That concept is way, WAY to dangerous to have the idiots of the M-slime-M reminding the general public that the gub'ment DOES NOT supply life, nor goods, nor anything of worth!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Copy The Brits?
There are many US politicians who believe England is the example we here should emulate. One such nitwit is the limp-wristed mayor of NYC, "His Majesty" Michael Bloomberg. He often takes his private 737 off to the UK on a "fact finding" tour with one of his male "assistants", then comes back with all kinds of goofy ideas, especially the ones he can squeeze money out of. So, do we really want to be like our cousins across the pond? Well, in many ways we already are.
They, like us, are addicted to the insidious society-killing, anti-freedom virus known as political correctness, although they've gone even further than we have, as difficult as that may be to believe. Like us, they too apparently believe that the more foreigners (especially Mooselambs) that enter their country, the better off they'll be. And like us, they don't seem to care whether those people enter legally or what their true intentions are. As a result of this weak, mindless policy, their country (and to a great degree, ours as well) is fast becoming just another outpost for radical Mooselambs. In fact, in many parts of the UK, Sharia Law is now "officially " recognized not only by the govt, but by the Church of England as well!
Most rational people look at this situation and assume the Brits are hell-bent on a policy of national suicide. That may very well be, since weak-minded, PC'ized people usually care more about "being compassionate" than being alive. Also, because of their history, the Brits are used to being subjects, and in fact, enjoy it. Do they perhaps see the radical Mooselambs as simply the next wave of rulers? IMO, if we feel the need to copy another society, we'd be better off copying the Third Reich...
They, like us, are addicted to the insidious society-killing, anti-freedom virus known as political correctness, although they've gone even further than we have, as difficult as that may be to believe. Like us, they too apparently believe that the more foreigners (especially Mooselambs) that enter their country, the better off they'll be. And like us, they don't seem to care whether those people enter legally or what their true intentions are. As a result of this weak, mindless policy, their country (and to a great degree, ours as well) is fast becoming just another outpost for radical Mooselambs. In fact, in many parts of the UK, Sharia Law is now "officially " recognized not only by the govt, but by the Church of England as well!
Most rational people look at this situation and assume the Brits are hell-bent on a policy of national suicide. That may very well be, since weak-minded, PC'ized people usually care more about "being compassionate" than being alive. Also, because of their history, the Brits are used to being subjects, and in fact, enjoy it. Do they perhaps see the radical Mooselambs as simply the next wave of rulers? IMO, if we feel the need to copy another society, we'd be better off copying the Third Reich...
Friday, November 19, 2010
We've missed a few Friday Funnies...
Well here's ONE that might make up for it. And turn on the speakers. We're talking Big Bands and crooners, late 50's style. Old Blue's wouldn't put up with the TSA!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hey, It Might Feel Good!
What might feel good? Getting felt-up at the airport by some affirmative-action, former welfare recipient in a uniform. Personally, i usually like a drink or a kiss before getting my junk felt, but that's just me. And now we have senators, and other privileged elites, telling us that having your private parts invaded, in public, is no big deal. What they fail to mention is the fact they they don't have to suffer this embarrassment. Also, pilots and their crews are now saying they shouldn't have to go through this either. Apparently, they believe they're more trustworthy than we are. They may be, but at least we're sober.
Obviously, any rational person realizes the need for tough and comprehensive security at our airports. But is this it? IMO, it is not. While this type of "pat-down", (it's actually a search) is common for people being arrested or investigated by police, it will do very little, if anything, to stop a terrorist. It's simply a politically-motivated show for the brain-dead public. What bothers me most is not just the search, but the fact that we have, and have had, an almost fool-proof system staring us right in the face for a long time. Want a clue? When was the last time terrorists tried taking or boarding an Israeli plane?
So long as we put political correctness and our fear of even possibly offending anything or anyone above our own safety, we will never be safe. All we're doing is telling the world that we are in fact, a nation of mindless sheep... (a.k.a. targets)
Obviously, any rational person realizes the need for tough and comprehensive security at our airports. But is this it? IMO, it is not. While this type of "pat-down", (it's actually a search) is common for people being arrested or investigated by police, it will do very little, if anything, to stop a terrorist. It's simply a politically-motivated show for the brain-dead public. What bothers me most is not just the search, but the fact that we have, and have had, an almost fool-proof system staring us right in the face for a long time. Want a clue? When was the last time terrorists tried taking or boarding an Israeli plane?
So long as we put political correctness and our fear of even possibly offending anything or anyone above our own safety, we will never be safe. All we're doing is telling the world that we are in fact, a nation of mindless sheep... (a.k.a. targets)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Reason Liberals Hate Sarah
An article in the NY Daily News about Sarah Palin caught my eye this morning, and I thought it worth passing on. Excerpt:

But for her detractors, nothing raises the ire of cynical liberals more than a happy-go-lucky, totally unburdened, freethinking and self-assured conservative woman who has everything she wants and then some. And without anyone's help.
Liberalism, after all, needs to imagine an unhappy populace. Passing sweeping entitlement programs and convincing voters that big government is the answer only works if people are frustrated with their stations in life.
I thought this summed it up quite well.
On the non-political side: I caught her first show on TLC the other night. It almost made me homesick. When they flew up Ruth Glacier to go rock climbing? I’ve also flown up Ruth (but we didn’t land). There is no TV camera (or any other kind of camera) that can even come close to catching the immensity of Ruth Amphitheater. A lot of people see life differently after being there.

'Moose's Tooth'
Ruth Amphitheater
Denali National Park, AK
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Is Glenn Beck losing his MIND?
I agree with almost anything he says. But mixed in with his preparation talk, he is advocating NON-violence.
WAY, way back, years ago we had a hurricane here in NC and I got caught with my pants WAY down. 9 flashlights, zero of which worked. My SKS was loaded. With all FOUR of the shells I had left. I filled ONE bathtub. (we had 3) I 'thought' I had charcoal, wood and propane. We ate 3 cold meals before the power came back on. I swore I'd never get caught again. And I started slowly storing emergency gear.
Y2K rolled around and I didn't think it would be the end of the world. Mainly because the world could get by without computers. It might have slowed things down, but it would be possible. After all, we did it for THOUSANDS of years.
I was well ready for that. Beans and bullets galore and the willingness to use the second one to keep the first one.
GB is beating, and has been beating the "prepper" lifestyle since I started listening to him. I believe in it. I do it. But here is where I lose Glenn.
He talks non-stop about the commie, redistribution, radical clowns in the country and the Ospenda Administration. And he talks about the violence THEY want to use. This morning and other times he has spoken about NOT going to violence. Be like Ghandi, be like MLK, be non-violent.
I'm torn on WHO should fire the first shot. Truly. I think it's coming. But regardless of who starts it, once it's going, just how in the hell do you protect your family, their provisions and your future, WITHOUT being willing to be violent BACK at those who threaten you?!
I'm willing to listen. Where am I off the message. Or is it BECK, who is running up to the goal line and stopping? Is he intentionally NOT saying beans AND BULLETS?
He just said people he knows 'in the gub'ment' think 20% of people will NOT be able to afford FOOD next year. Someone else said, it will be WAY higher. If so, how do I protect MY family. if I'm NOT willing to be violent?
WAY, way back, years ago we had a hurricane here in NC and I got caught with my pants WAY down. 9 flashlights, zero of which worked. My SKS was loaded. With all FOUR of the shells I had left. I filled ONE bathtub. (we had 3) I 'thought' I had charcoal, wood and propane. We ate 3 cold meals before the power came back on. I swore I'd never get caught again. And I started slowly storing emergency gear.
Y2K rolled around and I didn't think it would be the end of the world. Mainly because the world could get by without computers. It might have slowed things down, but it would be possible. After all, we did it for THOUSANDS of years.
I was well ready for that. Beans and bullets galore and the willingness to use the second one to keep the first one.
GB is beating, and has been beating the "prepper" lifestyle since I started listening to him. I believe in it. I do it. But here is where I lose Glenn.
He talks non-stop about the commie, redistribution, radical clowns in the country and the Ospenda Administration. And he talks about the violence THEY want to use. This morning and other times he has spoken about NOT going to violence. Be like Ghandi, be like MLK, be non-violent.
I'm torn on WHO should fire the first shot. Truly. I think it's coming. But regardless of who starts it, once it's going, just how in the hell do you protect your family, their provisions and your future, WITHOUT being willing to be violent BACK at those who threaten you?!
I'm willing to listen. Where am I off the message. Or is it BECK, who is running up to the goal line and stopping? Is he intentionally NOT saying beans AND BULLETS?
He just said people he knows 'in the gub'ment' think 20% of people will NOT be able to afford FOOD next year. Someone else said, it will be WAY higher. If so, how do I protect MY family. if I'm NOT willing to be violent?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Internet Czar?
I was wondering how long it would take President Soros, oops, i mean Obummer, to get around to this. Once again, he's ignored congress (and the Constitution) and created another czar. This one will (supposedly) watch over those invasive online advertisers who just love to collect every bit of info on us that they can. Of course, it's being done to protect us. As someone who truly hates commercials, pop-up ads, drop-down banners, and the endless tracking they do, i find this news refreshing. But i also find it potentially frightening.
If you're thinking that this move gives the govt. control of the internet, you're right. And, if you're also thinking that the power this czar is given will slowly (and quietly) increase, IMO, you're right again. You are also right if you're thinking that the govt. will now have access to not just the govt's info, but that of the private sector as well.
A couple of months ago, GM announced the end of the Pontiac. I had a new GTO back in '65 and that was one of the last good cars they made, so the news of their death wasn't a big surprise. Seems like almost every day something old, trusted, and familiar is gone. You can now add privacy (and perhaps liberty) to that list...
If you're thinking that this move gives the govt. control of the internet, you're right. And, if you're also thinking that the power this czar is given will slowly (and quietly) increase, IMO, you're right again. You are also right if you're thinking that the govt. will now have access to not just the govt's info, but that of the private sector as well.
A couple of months ago, GM announced the end of the Pontiac. I had a new GTO back in '65 and that was one of the last good cars they made, so the news of their death wasn't a big surprise. Seems like almost every day something old, trusted, and familiar is gone. You can now add privacy (and perhaps liberty) to that list...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Screw the milk and bullets. "Got Missiles"?
OK, just WHOTF has a MISSILE that they could shoot out over the Pacific Ocean, one, mind you, that the friggin' PENTAGON doesn't know about??
Maybe it belongs to the liberal revolutionaries from my blurb below?
Maybe it belongs to the liberal revolutionaries from my blurb below?
Screw the milk!! "Got Bullets?!"
I've never seen either of these clowns before, but here's a PMSNBC anchor clown, and Ted Rall the leftist political cartoonist clown, and what are they talking about?
The NEED for a violent armed revolution.
But here's the rub...to hear them talking about banks, companies and governments out of control, you'd think they were Tea Partyers!!
QUICK!! Somebody call Big SIS!!
I find it VERY odd that we were racists and terrorists when someone said ABOUT us that we were racists and terrorists, there fore proving that we are racists and terrorists.
(I'm no semanticist or philosopher [hell I don't even play one on TV] but that's circular logic if I ever saw some!)
Here's the question for these limp wristed idgets, HOW do you create a VIOLENT over throw if the very thought of handling a gun gives you hives, diarhea and attacks of nervous apoplexy!?
There is much I fear. Roving mobs of liberals not included.
The NEED for a violent armed revolution.
But here's the rub...to hear them talking about banks, companies and governments out of control, you'd think they were Tea Partyers!!
QUICK!! Somebody call Big SIS!!
I find it VERY odd that we were racists and terrorists when someone said ABOUT us that we were racists and terrorists, there fore proving that we are racists and terrorists.
(I'm no semanticist or philosopher [hell I don't even play one on TV] but that's circular logic if I ever saw some!)
Here's the question for these limp wristed idgets, HOW do you create a VIOLENT over throw if the very thought of handling a gun gives you hives, diarhea and attacks of nervous apoplexy!?
There is much I fear. Roving mobs of liberals not included.
Monday, November 8, 2010
So much for separation of mosque & state
The way I read this, a 70% majority passed a measure stating that Sharia law may not be used by the courts in Oklahoma. I always thought the the Constitution (state and federal) was what determined what was legal, not legal and punishment in this country. I guess some judges think that every nation's laws should be applicable in our country.
Aloo(se) ma K-bar (in your chest)
The way I read this, a 70% majority passed a measure stating that Sharia law may not be used by the courts in Oklahoma. I always thought the the Constitution (state and federal) was what determined what was legal, not legal and punishment in this country. I guess some judges think that every nation's laws should be applicable in our country.
Aloo(se) ma K-bar (in your chest)
Spy vs Spy, becomes Spy vs EVERYBODY
'personal' drones that could stalk anyone
Spy drones are considered the future of policing, although critics have voiced concerns that they could be a worrying extension of Big Brother Britain.
Last month arms manufacturer BAE Systems said it was adapting military-style UAVs for a consortium of government agencies led by Kent police. Documents showed the force hoped to begin using the drones in time for the 2012 Olympics.
But they also indicated that the drones could eventually be used to spy on the civilian population, by rooting out motorists suspected of antisocial driving, for covert urban surveillance and to monitor 'waste management' for local councils.
Similar concepts are already being developed in the U.S.
'If the Israelis can use them to find terrorists, certainly a husband is going to be able to track a wife who goes out at 11 o'clock at night and follow her,' New York divorce lawyer Raoul Felder told the Journal.
Yeah, that's gonna happen. He won't just follow her, he'll spend three times what a PI costs, on a stupid toy!
'personal' drones that could stalk anyone
Spy drones are considered the future of policing, although critics have voiced concerns that they could be a worrying extension of Big Brother Britain.
Last month arms manufacturer BAE Systems said it was adapting military-style UAVs for a consortium of government agencies led by Kent police. Documents showed the force hoped to begin using the drones in time for the 2012 Olympics.
But they also indicated that the drones could eventually be used to spy on the civilian population, by rooting out motorists suspected of antisocial driving, for covert urban surveillance and to monitor 'waste management' for local councils.
Similar concepts are already being developed in the U.S.
'If the Israelis can use them to find terrorists, certainly a husband is going to be able to track a wife who goes out at 11 o'clock at night and follow her,' New York divorce lawyer Raoul Felder told the Journal.
Yeah, that's gonna happen. He won't just follow her, he'll spend three times what a PI costs, on a stupid toy!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
As Mr. "T" would say, "I Pity the Fools!!"
Mrs. Schteveo and I went a'visiting today after church. We had lunch with a bunch of friends, then went to visit Uncle G and Aunt T, Mrs. Shteveo's sister and her better half. Needless to say, both conversations went to politics!!
I took a Comment I made elsewhere and turned it into a Post here. From The American Interest Online. Some of my comments from lunch and a'visiting wound up in my comment...elsewhere.
All pundits, including yours truly, get it wrong sometimes, and normally there would be little point in dwelling on past blunders. But it this case, it is worth exhuming these vaporous and embarrassing stupidities for a few moments. Many of our nation’s intellectual leaders wonder why the rest of the country isn’t more respectful of their claims to be guided by and speak for the cool voice of celestial reason.
And this is the problem. They're assumption of intellectual superiority, simply because they SAY SO!! And BTW, SUPERIOR to whom?
Farmers who feed them? Policemen and military personnel who protect them and who protect their very right to SAY incredibly stupid things? Truck drivers who move their goods around? Cooks, plumbers, waitresses, pizza delivery drivers, computer techs, customers service agents, Texas Hold'Um poker dealers, bar maids, chamber maids, welders, mechanics.......who do the tasks they are neither trained for nor are willing to do for themselves? Just who is it they are so superior to? Which one of the great NON-intellectuals on the list are they willing to live without?
The list of people they look down on could go on for hours, but why do that? We know it's everyone who doesn't carry their water, won't kiss Obama's mocha @$$, and who had the audacity to vote for their own interests and against more socialism? BFD. It's majority rule, and this time the majority voted against the intellectual, socialist ideals. They sure as hell thought the majority should rule when it went their way 2 years ago!!
I'm sick of the level of gloating and condescension I've heard since Wednesday morning. Most of which began Tuesday night during the actual election reporting. It's one thing to be defined as the "enemy" of a Neo-Marxist, stuffed shirt, teleprompter dependent, pretty boy. I'm glad Obama set that tone, and I wear being his "enemy" as a badge of honor.
But to be called "unwashed", "racist", "foolish", "unthinking", "nut"......and again, the list could go on for hours. To be called these things by the Courics, Olbermans, Stephanopouli, of the MSM, is TOO MUCH for me. WhoTF do these people think they ARE?
In order to get both sides of the news I news surf.
I watch the Big 3 MSM and FOX. I read Drudge and NYT. In the 40 odd years I've been voting I have NEVER seen or heard this level of post election hate and name calling. And it's coming from the LOSERS!! I knew they had no objectivity or integrity, but I never thought they'd show this level of pettiness. It was quite shocking. And I am not easily shocked.
I think I've gotten a small taste of what it must have been like to be a reasonably educated, thinking, working, black man, in the American South 50 years ago and beyond. Because if being a member of the "Liberal intelligentsia", and saying anyone who isn't a member and who doesn't believe like you and vote like you and follow the creed like you do is in someway "of inferior intellect" or "mean", or "stupid", "foolish", "uneducated", ...there's the list again...if you are a member who does that, then YOU are the racist, the sexist, and the phobic.
Hating and despising someone who is different, without knowing or trying to meet and understand them is the very definition of ALL the things they accuse others of being!!
In the end I guess I've truly come to pity them since Tuesday night.
I took a Comment I made elsewhere and turned it into a Post here. From The American Interest Online. Some of my comments from lunch and a'visiting wound up in my comment...elsewhere.
All pundits, including yours truly, get it wrong sometimes, and normally there would be little point in dwelling on past blunders. But it this case, it is worth exhuming these vaporous and embarrassing stupidities for a few moments. Many of our nation’s intellectual leaders wonder why the rest of the country isn’t more respectful of their claims to be guided by and speak for the cool voice of celestial reason.
And this is the problem. They're assumption of intellectual superiority, simply because they SAY SO!! And BTW, SUPERIOR to whom?
Farmers who feed them? Policemen and military personnel who protect them and who protect their very right to SAY incredibly stupid things? Truck drivers who move their goods around? Cooks, plumbers, waitresses, pizza delivery drivers, computer techs, customers service agents, Texas Hold'Um poker dealers, bar maids, chamber maids, welders, mechanics.......who do the tasks they are neither trained for nor are willing to do for themselves? Just who is it they are so superior to? Which one of the great NON-intellectuals on the list are they willing to live without?
The list of people they look down on could go on for hours, but why do that? We know it's everyone who doesn't carry their water, won't kiss Obama's mocha @$$, and who had the audacity to vote for their own interests and against more socialism? BFD. It's majority rule, and this time the majority voted against the intellectual, socialist ideals. They sure as hell thought the majority should rule when it went their way 2 years ago!!
I'm sick of the level of gloating and condescension I've heard since Wednesday morning. Most of which began Tuesday night during the actual election reporting. It's one thing to be defined as the "enemy" of a Neo-Marxist, stuffed shirt, teleprompter dependent, pretty boy. I'm glad Obama set that tone, and I wear being his "enemy" as a badge of honor.
But to be called "unwashed", "racist", "foolish", "unthinking", "nut"......and again, the list could go on for hours. To be called these things by the Courics, Olbermans, Stephanopouli, of the MSM, is TOO MUCH for me. WhoTF do these people think they ARE?
In order to get both sides of the news I news surf.
I watch the Big 3 MSM and FOX. I read Drudge and NYT. In the 40 odd years I've been voting I have NEVER seen or heard this level of post election hate and name calling. And it's coming from the LOSERS!! I knew they had no objectivity or integrity, but I never thought they'd show this level of pettiness. It was quite shocking. And I am not easily shocked.
I think I've gotten a small taste of what it must have been like to be a reasonably educated, thinking, working, black man, in the American South 50 years ago and beyond. Because if being a member of the "Liberal intelligentsia", and saying anyone who isn't a member and who doesn't believe like you and vote like you and follow the creed like you do is in someway "of inferior intellect" or "mean", or "stupid", "foolish", "uneducated", ...there's the list again...if you are a member who does that, then YOU are the racist, the sexist, and the phobic.
Hating and despising someone who is different, without knowing or trying to meet and understand them is the very definition of ALL the things they accuse others of being!!
In the end I guess I've truly come to pity them since Tuesday night.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Now MY leg is tingling!!!
YES CHILDREN...there is a GOD!!! Here's proof, Mr. Tingly Leg has been suspended from PMSNBC.
MSNBC Suspends Olbermann Over Political Donations
And it was because The Voice of Objectivity of the 8 O'Clock Hour had donated money to DEMOCRATS! I'M SHOCKED AT A REVELATION OF THIS MAGNITUDE.
I mean, seriously, if ANYONE at FOX had donated to Sarah Palin, or Joe McCarthy, or Hitler, who among us would be surprised? But this? My world is shattered over the way Mr. Tingly Leg has carried on.
Yeah, right, huh!! I'm doing the GD Snoopy Dance over here. That smug @$$hole will undoubtedly land on his uber liberal feet, but for a few minutes I'm going all German on his ass. He'll probably get Juan Williams old job at NPR, with more money than Williams ever got, or certainly more than Tingly Leg deserves.
To grossly paraphrase The Bard.
Schadenfreude, by any other name, thy smell is too damned sweet to deny!
Ol' Tinglin' Schteveo
MSNBC Suspends Olbermann Over Political Donations
And it was because The Voice of Objectivity of the 8 O'Clock Hour had donated money to DEMOCRATS! I'M SHOCKED AT A REVELATION OF THIS MAGNITUDE.
I mean, seriously, if ANYONE at FOX had donated to Sarah Palin, or Joe McCarthy, or Hitler, who among us would be surprised? But this? My world is shattered over the way Mr. Tingly Leg has carried on.
Yeah, right, huh!! I'm doing the GD Snoopy Dance over here. That smug @$$hole will undoubtedly land on his uber liberal feet, but for a few minutes I'm going all German on his ass. He'll probably get Juan Williams old job at NPR, with more money than Williams ever got, or certainly more than Tingly Leg deserves.
To grossly paraphrase The Bard.
Schadenfreude, by any other name, thy smell is too damned sweet to deny!
Ol' Tinglin' Schteveo
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Better Dead Than Red
Back in the 50's and 60's, Better Dead Than Red was a popular saying. It meant, "i'd rather be dead than be a Red". (ie. a Communist)
Out in Mexifornia, the saying has a somewhat different meaning. Out there in the twilight zone, it means they'd rather vote for a dead person than a (red state) Republican. Hell, they'd vote for anything or anybody rather than a Republican. Last night they elected Jerry Brown, their former governor, and a total psycho, as their new governor! This is the guy they had in mind when they coined the phrase, tin-foil hat. This guy is so off-the-wall that even the little voices in his head are afraid to talk to him. But it is Mexifornia, and no one expects anything normal to come from that place. I'm a bit surprised Meg Whitman didn't realize that. Perhaps she thought the Demoncrats had so devastated the state that even the Leftist goof-balls who live there would want a change. Obviously, she was wrong.
Then there's NY, the other Left Coast. Last night, NY'ers did what they always do. They voted for anybody that was a Leftist Demoncrat, and around here, there's not much else to choose from. Andrew (my daddy got me this job too) Cuomo was elected governor. He's the kid who was (thanks to daddy) appointed head of HUD under Bubba Clinton, and totally screwed-up that whole agency. His daddy then arranged for him to marry one of the Kennedy girls, which turned out to be yet another failure. His dad is Mario Cuomo, former NYS governor, devoted socialist, anti-death penalty zealot, anti-gun zealot, and anti-anything that even resembles a conservative. NY'ers also elected a radical socialist Dem named Schniderman as their AG. That he's the target of (2) FBI investigations into a massive fraud case involving half the Dems in the NYS legislature apparently didn't bother them. He's a Leftist. He's a Dem. He's hired!
Thank God for the rest of the country...
Out in Mexifornia, the saying has a somewhat different meaning. Out there in the twilight zone, it means they'd rather vote for a dead person than a (red state) Republican. Hell, they'd vote for anything or anybody rather than a Republican. Last night they elected Jerry Brown, their former governor, and a total psycho, as their new governor! This is the guy they had in mind when they coined the phrase, tin-foil hat. This guy is so off-the-wall that even the little voices in his head are afraid to talk to him. But it is Mexifornia, and no one expects anything normal to come from that place. I'm a bit surprised Meg Whitman didn't realize that. Perhaps she thought the Demoncrats had so devastated the state that even the Leftist goof-balls who live there would want a change. Obviously, she was wrong.
Then there's NY, the other Left Coast. Last night, NY'ers did what they always do. They voted for anybody that was a Leftist Demoncrat, and around here, there's not much else to choose from. Andrew (my daddy got me this job too) Cuomo was elected governor. He's the kid who was (thanks to daddy) appointed head of HUD under Bubba Clinton, and totally screwed-up that whole agency. His daddy then arranged for him to marry one of the Kennedy girls, which turned out to be yet another failure. His dad is Mario Cuomo, former NYS governor, devoted socialist, anti-death penalty zealot, anti-gun zealot, and anti-anything that even resembles a conservative. NY'ers also elected a radical socialist Dem named Schniderman as their AG. That he's the target of (2) FBI investigations into a massive fraud case involving half the Dems in the NYS legislature apparently didn't bother them. He's a Leftist. He's a Dem. He's hired!
Thank God for the rest of the country...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Vote Early. Vote Often.
Does that title sound like something you would hear in Chicago at election time? I'm sure it is. In fact, it's been going on for so long that in many places it's become a joke. But is it funny? What it says is that our supposedly sacred electoral process is broken and corrupt. And it doesn't take a political genius to realize that it can't be corrupt in just one city. In fact, there have been hundreds of reports of voting irregularities and "errors" with new voting machines coming in for several days now. The MSM explains it all by calling those complaints "unfounded rumors", which is not surprising since the complaints are being made "against" Demoncrats and their union thugs. But fear not, the DOJ is "looking into them". Perhaps DOJ will get around to it after they look into the Black Panther case.
Today is Nov.2, election day, the day many people have been waiting for. This is the day American voters get to say if they've enjoyed being dupes and mere subjects for the last two years. Today is the day the people get the chance to tell "their" government whether they like the way things are going, or, that things had better change. Really change! The question is, is there anyone in govt. who's listening or even cares? Normally, i would say no, but this year may be a bit different. And if it is, we have the Tea Party people to thank. Without them, we'd still be the same nation of fools dragging ourselves down to the polling places, and as usual, proving that Einstein's definition of true insanity was correct.
But there's a much bigger question involved here. We have (IMO) a political system that has as it's core foundation, lies and corruption. It turns out that our "dream house" is sitting on swampland. I've seen quite a few elections come and go, and i don't remember even one of them that could be called honest. And if that's the case, does it really matter what the voters do? Are we simply replacing one set of incompetent crooks and liars with the one's we threw out previously? And if we are, does that mean we obviously deserve nothing better?
Today is Nov.2, election day, the day many people have been waiting for. This is the day American voters get to say if they've enjoyed being dupes and mere subjects for the last two years. Today is the day the people get the chance to tell "their" government whether they like the way things are going, or, that things had better change. Really change! The question is, is there anyone in govt. who's listening or even cares? Normally, i would say no, but this year may be a bit different. And if it is, we have the Tea Party people to thank. Without them, we'd still be the same nation of fools dragging ourselves down to the polling places, and as usual, proving that Einstein's definition of true insanity was correct.
But there's a much bigger question involved here. We have (IMO) a political system that has as it's core foundation, lies and corruption. It turns out that our "dream house" is sitting on swampland. I've seen quite a few elections come and go, and i don't remember even one of them that could be called honest. And if that's the case, does it really matter what the voters do? Are we simply replacing one set of incompetent crooks and liars with the one's we threw out previously? And if we are, does that mean we obviously deserve nothing better?
Whether you take your gun or not...
Monday, November 1, 2010
IMHO, it's Maine-ly Stupid
Bangor police officer denied right to vote after refusing to surrender weapon
In the 18 years that he has been a police officer in Bangor, James Dearing couldn’t think of a single time when someone has asked him to turn over his firearm.
Until last Friday.
Dearing, who was patrolling his assigned beat near the Bangor Civic Center, decided to stop in and cast an early vote. He walked into the polling place in full uniform and stood in a short line with other voters.
One of the election officials told Dearing he couldn’t bring his gun inside. The officer said he thought it was a joke.
Election warden Wayne Mallar then approached Dearing and reiterated the request: Turn over your weapon to another officer or we can’t let you vote.
Dearing refused.
“I would never relinquish my weapon,” the officer said later.
Mallar stood his ground.
The officer said he left the civic center Friday feeling embarrassed and insulted. Dearing posted details of the incident on his Facebook page late Friday and immediately began receiving strong responses.
“One fellow officer, who is stationed in Iraq, said ‘What am I over here fighting for?’” Dearing said.
The incident bothered the officer enough to draft a letter to Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, which the officer also provided to the Bangor Daily News. In it, Dearing writes that Mallar claimed he would be violating state law by allowing the officer to vote with his weapon holstered.
“Mallar claims that this was a state of Maine law, however, I cannot find such a prohibition listed in Title 21-A,” Dearing’s letter read. “Furthermore, many members of the police department and I have been casting ballots at the polls for many years in full uniform and have never been required to remove our firearms.”
Disarm a COP?! Some idiot Poll Watcher / Polling Captain / "election official", whatever they call it up there, thinks HE as a civilian volunteer can DISARM an On Duty LEO. It's THE singularly, dumbest thing I've heard yet during this voting cycle.
Well, setting aside anything said by Joe Biden of course.
In the 18 years that he has been a police officer in Bangor, James Dearing couldn’t think of a single time when someone has asked him to turn over his firearm.
Until last Friday.
Dearing, who was patrolling his assigned beat near the Bangor Civic Center, decided to stop in and cast an early vote. He walked into the polling place in full uniform and stood in a short line with other voters.
One of the election officials told Dearing he couldn’t bring his gun inside. The officer said he thought it was a joke.
Election warden Wayne Mallar then approached Dearing and reiterated the request: Turn over your weapon to another officer or we can’t let you vote.
Dearing refused.
“I would never relinquish my weapon,” the officer said later.
Mallar stood his ground.
The officer said he left the civic center Friday feeling embarrassed and insulted. Dearing posted details of the incident on his Facebook page late Friday and immediately began receiving strong responses.
“One fellow officer, who is stationed in Iraq, said ‘What am I over here fighting for?’” Dearing said.
The incident bothered the officer enough to draft a letter to Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, which the officer also provided to the Bangor Daily News. In it, Dearing writes that Mallar claimed he would be violating state law by allowing the officer to vote with his weapon holstered.
“Mallar claims that this was a state of Maine law, however, I cannot find such a prohibition listed in Title 21-A,” Dearing’s letter read. “Furthermore, many members of the police department and I have been casting ballots at the polls for many years in full uniform and have never been required to remove our firearms.”
Disarm a COP?! Some idiot Poll Watcher / Polling Captain / "election official", whatever they call it up there, thinks HE as a civilian volunteer can DISARM an On Duty LEO. It's THE singularly, dumbest thing I've heard yet during this voting cycle.
Well, setting aside anything said by Joe Biden of course.
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