Friday, November 12, 2010

Internet Czar?

I was wondering how long it would take President Soros, oops, i mean Obummer, to get around to this. Once again, he's ignored congress (and the Constitution) and created another czar. This one will (supposedly) watch over those invasive online advertisers who just love to collect every bit of info on us that they can. Of course, it's being done to protect us. As someone who truly hates commercials, pop-up ads, drop-down banners, and the endless tracking they do, i find this news refreshing. But i also find it potentially frightening.

If you're thinking that this move gives the govt. control of the internet, you're right. And, if you're also thinking that the power this czar is given will slowly (and quietly) increase, IMO, you're right again. You are also right if you're thinking that the govt. will now have access to not just the govt's info, but that of the private sector as well.

A couple of months ago, GM announced the end of the Pontiac. I had a new GTO back in '65 and that was one of the last good cars they made, so the news of their death wasn't a big surprise. Seems like almost every day something old, trusted, and familiar is gone. You can now add privacy (and perhaps liberty) to that list...


alan said...

Dare we say anything about this. Imagine the hell to be paid if the Obamessiah discovers that there are people on the internet who don't love him!!!!

This is the reason I do not have a myspace, facebook, or any other "social networking" account.

Then again, I am registered here so I'm probably already targeted as anti-new America.

At one time they said that your SSN was the devil's number. That you wouldn't be able to do anything without it...and you can't.
then the National ID card would become the token needed in order to conduct commerce...which will probably happen...

I really believe that the dreaded number is going to be your IP address. You can even shop at walmart without leaving the comfort of your office chair. Can we go much further down the line?

Spider said...

Alan, you're right about all these social networking sites. They never stop collecting info from the people who are foolish enough to become addicted to them. You're also right about our little home here. We are under the constant, all knowing, all tracking, eye of the google hydra.

Schteveo said...

IF and I say this with a prayer in my heart, IF the Tea Party affiliated new guys go to Congress and stick to their guns, we're going to see MASSIVE push back on Presidential Appointed Czars.

It IS within the purview of Congress to do so. I think I was taught, y Sister Mary Elephant mind you in 5th Grade, the term was "Checks and Balances" The WH, regardless of who has it, does NOT live in a vacuum. And this NEXT Congress needs to remind ALL future WH residents of that very fact!!


is it me...or have we STOPPED finding decent jokes for Friday Funnies? I can't find shit that's worth using? Have we told all the jokes? Seen all the crotch shot videos? Run out of prat falls, slap sticks, pies in the face?

Is this really the End Times?

Spider said...

Actually, i don't think congress can do much about presidential appointees who didn't go through the congressional confirmation process. They "might" be able to shut them down by killing all funding for them, but that would take some balls, something that is quite foreign to members of congress.

Spider said...

If anyone ever asks you for the true definition of delusional, let them read this.

BOW said...

I love him. This will set back the Progressive movement for 1000 years. There's almost nothing left to redistribute, ergo, everyone will be left to his / her survival skills.

How's this for a t-shirt?
'Got Skills?"

Schteveo said...

How about a club crossed with a AK-47, THEN your

"Got Skills"?