Thursday, November 1, 2012

An interesting idea, from Obama's Mother.

Lemme set this up.

A family member sent me the following link.  It's a video titled, "Can You Guess Who I am...".  It goes into describing this person who you can guess IF you know a little history.  (I got it)   But the thing had me questioning some of the 'facts' on who they want yoiu to THINK it is.  Following that thought pattern, I started looking into Obama and then his mother.

Now I heard that she, and BHO Sr were avowed commies.  Then I found this description and quote from her Doctoral Thesis,


Anthropologist Michael Dove described the dissertation as "a classic, in-depth, on-the-ground anthropological study of a 1,200-year-old industry".  According to Dove, Dunham's dissertation challenged popular perceptions regarding economically and politically marginalized groups, and countered the notions that the roots of poverty lie with the poor themselves and that cultural differences are responsible for the gap between less-developed countries and the industrialized West.  According to Dove, Dunham:

found that the villagers she studied in Central Java had many of the same economic needs, beliefs and aspirations as the most capitalist of Westerners. Village craftsmen were "keenly interested in profits", she wrote, and entrepreneurship was "in plentiful supply in rural Indonesia", having been "part of the traditional culture" there for a millennium.

Based on these observations, Dr. Soetoro concluded that underdevelopment in these communities resulted from a scarcity of capital, the allocation of which was a matter of politics, not culture. Antipoverty programs that ignored this reality had the potential, perversely, of exacerbating inequality because they would only reinforce the power of elites. As she wrote in her dissertation, "many government programs inadvertently foster stratification by channeling resources through village officials", who then used the money to strengthen their own status further.

 Seriously?!  If the government throws money to 'projects', the people who actually NEED the money get screwed, and the head honchos skim off money and just use it for their own good, probably to just get more money!?  Hell I'm shocked to learn such a thing would happen!
Isn't that precisely why most of us are against millions and billions of dollars being spent on welfare?  And we all know I'm a recipient, but Lord knows I'm at the very low end of the recipient scale.  But here's my question, if that's how she felt, what's the answer?  Should we attempt to create more markets so the artisans and trade people can sell more items and make more money?  Or should we strip money from those at the top who have already made some decent money?
I'm pretty sure I know how Ann Dunham would answer that.  She learned her politics from her parents and the universities.  One of her friends said, "... they were liberals before they knew what liberals were".  And the seed didn't fall far from the college campus liberal tree.


Spider said...

The Muslim-in-Chief's mommy was a commie, which is one of the reasons she married his daddy, also a commie. Perhaps the other reason was that she believed that old, and untrue, myth about black dudes?

BTW, i'm back in business. Been without power, cell, heat, and hot water since 7:pm Monday night. We got hit hard!

Schteveo said...

Well of course BHO Sr being a black commie was the draw!

Glad you're OK bud. Didja hear from Bill O'Writes? Hey, did your car stay put or did the car AND hydrant blow away?
You should write us a long dissertation on your experiences.

November 1, 2012 12:43 PM

Sandy Gash said...

That black stain on the white house isn't a communist. He's a Marxist - Muslim. And a Shifty Nekgrow as well.

Schteveo said...

I don't know about nekgrow, but those ears are like Pinnochio's nose.

Spider said...

You're right Sandy. The Muslim-in-Chief is a full-blown Marxist. But what does that say about the American sheeple, given the fact that the race is all but dead even? (according to the polls)

Thanks for the concern bud. And no, i haven't heard from Bill. I do hope he, and his, are OK. He's in Manhattan, and from what i see, all they had was a loss of power, but very little physical damage. Staten Island, on the other hand, looks like Berlin after the war. I was there last night and it is a disaster! (27 dead, so far)

As my friend Poots would say, don't fcuk with Mother Nature because you will lose!

Hose'm All Down Snorpht said...

But nobody gonna miss Staten Is.

And we've already determined the stupidity of majority of the american people when those douche heads elected Clinton.................. Twice.


Can shoot those Shit Munkies right along with the Muslims. That way ya don't gotta aim so close. Just hose the whole fucking mess down.