Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Youth in Asia, ain't what it used to be! Then again.

One of the things I remember being taught about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Minh, Communists, Fascists, and Socialists was that they were ALL proponents of euthanasia. I was taught that euthanasia was wrong and I remember people being OUTRAGED when abortion was made legal.. Hell I remember birth control pills being contraversial, now 90% of 7th girls are taking them, if my area is any bell weather.
Let's not mention when the Pope had the audacity to speak out against abortion. But times have changed. We've taken a step back 80 years to the 1930's and the aforementioned powers of evil.
Here's a clip of some "well meaning", pointy headed liberal saying she would smother her own child if it was suffering!! That alone is crazy, but look at the ClergyWOMAN sitting next to her. She's shocked, but says NOTHING!! Jesus would be spinning in his grave if not for that whole Easter Sunday rising from the dead thing.
Let me state clearly that I think suffering people should have a choice that neither doctors or lawyers should be able to interfere with, but NO ONE should have the power this woman advocates.
I'd love to talk to her kids, if she has any that weren't aborted. Tip of the hat to Glenn Beck's new "The Blaze" online magazine for this one.


blue said...

just call it "Post birth Abortion" and the liberal ilk can justify killing anyone - except the folks on death row of course

Schteveo said...

Yeah, that's one of my favorites too. Gub'ment paid for abortion, but no death penalty because it's cruel and unusual!

And both from the SAME PEOPLE! It's insane.

alan said...

I think the term is postpartum abortion.....and I am all for it when it comes to people who desperately need it. I can think of about 435 off the top of my head....that dang inner monologue keeps coming out of my fingertips!!!!

Schteveo said...

it must be the 3 1/2 weeks 'til elections / open fire fights in the streets that has me on edge. MY inner dialog has been screaming out the van window all day.

And some of it was not nice I'm here to tell you.