Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Even when he does the right thing...

he does it, by doing the wrong thing.

Obama, GOP reach deal to extend tax cuts

Although I'm glad Mr. Ospenda did this, he STILL doesn't get that he is ONLY in control of ONE BRANCH of our triune based government. This time he bypassed HIS supporters in the two houses of Congress and just "decided" to go with extending the tax levels we now have.
What concerns me is his ongoing image of the power of that office as that of a King, or worse still, a Fuhrer. He just does NOT get it, and it scares the eee-mortal shit out of me how he arrives at decisions and here's why.
IF he turns his back on HIS supporters and his ideals for political expediency like this, how quickly would he sell the COUNTRY down the river to save his own ass?
"Mr. Obama, we the leaders of the Taliban and Al Queda have planted bombs and germ weapons in 200 places throughout the country. 50 are planted near the White House and your daughter's schools!! Unless you turn over The Great Satan to The Prophet's Love and Protection, we will set off the devices. Allah hu Akbar!!!"
He'd cave in 2.2 seconds without confab or discussion. That's what he did on this and it was INSIDE the country with little to no pressure or discussion that I am aware of! He caved on his basic ideals of income redistribution, one of the driving forces of his life and career, because he was taking public heat from 6 Senators, 50 Congressman and FOX News!


Spider said...

His move is not all that surprising, (even though you could see he hated it) since he didn't have much choice.
a) the Demoncrats no longer have total control.
b) all Obummer cares about is 2012.
Yes, his left-wing base is pissed, but they only comprise about 20% of the country, while conservatives make up about 40% and they're getting stronger. Obviously, there's someone in the WH who can do the math and figured it was a worth-while risk. At some point we'll find out what "goodies" he's offering the Left to keep them in line.

I wonder if any of those gutless Republicans stood up at that meeting and said, "now we won"!

Schteveo said...

Considering the current crop of folks from the right, I'm sure a few think they lost too. RINO's aren't happy for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Did you really think he meant what he said?

Federal Times, 12-7-10: - President Obama spoke of the need for sacrifice last week when he announced a two-year pay freeze for federal employees.

But feds won't be too terribly deprived in 2011 and 2012. Despite the freeze, some 1.1 million employees will receive more than $2.5 billion in raises during that period.

Congress is expected to approve Obama's proposal, which cancels only cost-of-living adjustments for two years. Regularly scheduled step increases for the 1.4 million General Schedule employees — who make up two-thirds of the civilian work force — will continue. The size of those increases ranges from 2.6 percent to 3.3 percent and by law kick in every one, two or three years, depending on an employee's time in grade.

Many government employees will also be getting promotions, which come with raises. Then there are performance bonuses. Even the hold on cost-of-living raises applies only to some branches, not to others.

Schteveo said...

It's like removing a thimble of water from the ocean as a stopgap against the tide.

The sad part is that there are people who fall for this crap.

Anonymous said...

Add all those thimbles of water together and you have a tsunami.

Suk My ASS said...

4 No particular reason.

Just felt like saying suk my ass.
Now.................. EAT ME!

Schteveo said...

SMA? Havin' a bad day? It could be worse, you could be a liberal, they're never happy. And think about the carpal tunnel from wringing your hands all the time!!

Buck up bud, Friday is coming!!