Friday, July 31, 2009
Not enough spoons full of sugar?
Remember the good old days of free speech when people threw pies at Ann Coulter, or anti-war activists screamed and yelled every time Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld stood on a stage? As I recall, most leaders on the left said little or nothing about such behavior. Well it seems that those free speech events are no longer a good thing. Democrats are now suffering through those kinds of hecklers, hasslers and screamers, and they don't like it either.
Town halls gone wild
Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress.
On the eve of the August recess, members are reporting meetings that have gone terribly awry, marked by angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior. In at least one case, a congressman has stopped holding town hall events because the situation has spiraled so far out of control.
“I had felt they would be pointless,” Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) told POLITICO, referring to his recent decision to suspend the events in his Long Island district. “There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation.”
In Bishop’s case, his decision came on the heels of a June 22 event he held in Setauket, N.Y., in which protesters dominated the meeting by shouting criticisms at the congressman for his positions on energy policy, health care and the bailout of the auto industry.
Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.
“I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold,” Bishop said, noting that, for the time being, he was using other platforms to communicate
with his constituents. “But I also believe no one is served if you can’t talk through differences.”
For years the Dems have not just defended this kind of behavior, they've cultivated a liberal culture of constituents and supporters who act like spoiled children. Well sometimes when you turn a beast loose, it turns on it's creator.
Dr. Schteveoschtein
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Go Oklahoma!
OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklahoma's congressional delegation is asking the U.S. Justice Department to explain why it got involved in a debate by state lawmakers over making English the state's official language.
The delegation sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday. It asks why the civil rights division reminded Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson last spring that state agencies that get federal funds must observe laws regarding people with limited proficiency in English.
The Legislature approved a resolution in May to allow voters to declare that English is Oklahoma's common and unifying language and that all official state actions must be conducted in English. It would bar lawsuits to have state services provided in languages other than English.
Wednesday, state Rep. Randy Terrill discussed his concern with the U.S. Justice Department's involvement.
"It is unprecedented for the federal Department of Justice to attempt to preemptively manipulate the outcome of state legislation and a subsequent referendum through the use of bullying, intimidation and threats," said Terrill, R-Moore. "The DOJ's actions were an unjustified and unwarranted intrusion into the sovereign affairs of our state government. States are not mere administrative arms of the federal government and the people of Oklahoma will not submit to blackmail and extortion."
I bet Spidey wishes Bloomberg would use the same argument for
New York where the 2nd Amendment is concerned instead of
pushing for a national gun ban. If this keeps up, I might
have to move from Mexas to Oklahoma. They tell me I was born
there but I really don't remember. In Oklahoma, not Arizona.
What does it matter? What does it matter?
Personal responsibility? Part Deux.
Surprise, surprise, Bernie Madoff blames the federal gub'ment.
Butner, N.C. — Representatives of victims of Bernie Madoff met with the disgraced financier for more than five hours Tuesday at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner.
Attorney Joseph W. Cotchett told reporters he was the first visitor Madoff has had since he arrived in Butner July 14.
"He was very candid with us and very remorseful," Cotchett said. "He spelled out how the fraud was committed, the parts of it and how long it went on."
The firm of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy is suing members of Madoff's family, feeder funds and accounting firms in an attempt to recover money lost by their clients. Two lawyers from the San Francisco firm questioned Madoff, with his attorney present, about the activities that landed him in Butner and cost their clients millions. The firm represents investors from California, Florida and across the country.
"It, was quite frankly, an extraordinary interview," Cotchett said.
"I was very surprised at how candid and open he was. On the other hand, if you're doing 150 years in a federal prison, you don't have a lot of options."
Cotchett and colleague Nancy Fineman said before the interview that they hoped to gain information to use in their case. Tuesday's visit marks the first time Madoff has spoken to representatives of victims.
He did not hold anything back, Cotchett said. While Madoff insisted that his family knew nothing about his schemes, Cotchett said. "He did tell us some things that are going to assist us with third parties that are involved."
Cotchett was critical of the justice and financial regulatory systems, charging that Madoff was able to get away with his scam because of a lack of oversight.
"My message to the public today is: This should have never been allowed to happen and our government should have picked this up many years ago," he said.
"I was dumbfounded at the details he gave us and why it wasn't picked up earlier.
"My hope and desire is that it's gonna help a lot of people," Cotchett said. "There is a Madoff incident happening in this country, every week and every month. Maybe what we have learned here today is going to shed some light."
I guess NOT stealing the money just never came up as an option? What a dickhead.
There's America, Then There's NYC
Now that doesn't mean it's impossible to get a concealed carry permit in NYC. It simply means that it would be easier to get an invitation to the Pope's wedding. The system for getting a carry permit, which is handled by the NYPD, has been "deliberately" designed to obstruct, delay, confuse, bankrupt, and frustrate anyone who gets involved in it. And don't think that retired law enforcement people are exempt from this. They're not! Of course, if you happen to be a "politically connected" Rabbi, (most here are) or some on-air media maggot, or one of His Majesty's mega-wealthy, ultra-liberal, Manhattan pals, the whole process becomes mysteriously easy. Hmmm.
I understand that the law firm that handled the Heller case in DC, has filed a suit against NYC and the NYPD (they only follow His Majesty's orders) for creating this maze of deliberate obstruction. The linked story shows the level of anti-gun insanity that Bloomberg has introduced here...
Personal responsibility? What's that?
BOSTON (AP) -- A family picked up by a taxi at the airport left a sleeping 5-year-old child behind in the back of the minivan -- and the cabbie almost took the blame for it.
Joseph Cohen, a taxi driver for 39 years, picked up the family at Logan International Airport on Sunday, drove them to their home in the city's Mattapan neighborhood, and helped them unload their luggage.
''They paid me, thank you very much, everything was nice, and I left,'' he said.
Minutes later, Cohen got a call from the cab pool at the airport. State police, who have jurisdiction over Logan, were looking for him.
He was told the family left a child in his cab.
''I said, 'What?' So I looked in the back and I see the baby sleeping. I said, 'What should I do?' So you know, I take the baby (back) to the family,'' he said. ''The father came out. He was very happy.''
He even gave him a $50 tip.
The following day, Cohen was ordered to report to the Hackney unit, where police told him his license was being suspended for three days because he didn't do a thorough check of the van. He appealed the suspension and was allowed to keep his license pending a hearing. On Tuesday, he visited the police station with an attorney and learned he would only get a warning.
Here's what ought to happen, Mr. Cohen should sue for time and lawyers fees. This is THE dumb story of the week, but somebody missed the point methinks. THE PARENTS LOST A KID!!! Who's checking on them?
Schteveo only leaves kids behind intentionally
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What You See Is Not Always What You Get
But it also brings up something else, perhaps even worse. More people are starting to realize that president Yomama is a liar. That's in addition to the fact that he (and the people around him) hasn't got a clue as to what he's doing. It's like you making a fake resume to get the job as CEO of Walmart, when the only experience you've had is asking people if they want fries with their order. Sooner or later, the cracks will start to show.
Obummer campaigned for almost two years and almost everything he said during that campaign has turned out to be a lie. No, not mistakes. Lies! When you're running for the White House, and you have a thousand advisers around you, you don't make mistakes because they won't get you elected. But telling lies will, and did. In fact, it's becoming so obvious that even some parts of the MSM are starting to notice, causing some of them to start asking "real" questions. (is the Kool-Aid wearing off?) What is actually pushing the MSM are the poll numbers which tell them that even the American sheeple are slowly starting to wake up, although in this case, waking up late is the same as not waking up at all, since there's nothing the sheeple can do about Yomama now. At best, they can blow the Demoncrats out of congress in 2010, which would shut Yomama and his vision of a Marxist America down. But don't hold your breath since the American sheeple are famous for the amount of abuse they'll take from their elected crooks.
Our govt. and our country are being run by corrupt liars, and their lies will have a massive impact on every one of our lives, perhaps for generations. As bad as that makes our elected leaders, and our system of govt. look, it makes the people who put them in power look far worse...
Letter from Senator Cornyn
As you know, on June 28, 2009, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was arrested by the Honduran military and exiled to Costa Rica. Honduras’ congress then removed Zelaya from power and subsequently selected Roberto Micheletti, the head of the congress, to fulfill the remainder of Zelaya’s term until national elections are held in November 2009.
These decisive actions came in the wake of months of political turmoil due to Zelaya’s defiance of Honduran political and legal institutions. Perhaps most notably, Zelaya attempted to hold a referendum with the goal of amending the Honduran constitution to extend the presidential term limit, thereby extending his own power. This action was in direct violation of the Honduran constitution, which forbids altering the current one presidential term limit and only empowers the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to organize referenda. Therefore, the Honduran Supreme Court issued a ruling declaring Zelaya’s proposal unconstitutional. Nevertheless, Zelaya defied the Supreme Court and scheduled the referendum for June 28—the day on which he was overthrown.
In 1982, the people of Honduras triumphed when the Honduran military was forced to relinquish control of the country after nearly two decades in power and a democracy was established. The Hondurans’ resilient determination to preserve their nation in the midst of trying political times—both then and now—is inspiring. Hondurans should not be expected to stand by and let a Hugo Chavez-style dictator take their hard-fought freedom from them, and the United States has a moral obligation to stand in support of their actions to preserve democracy, liberty, and order. Because the Honduran congress, the Honduran Supreme Court, and the Honduran military have all acted in accordance with the Honduran constitution to uphold the rule of law, I strongly support and commend their efforts.
I am very troubled by the Obama Administration’s calls for the reinstatement of Zelaya, as well as the Organization of American States’ and United Nations General Assembly’s resolutions condemning these recent events. I recently had the opportunity to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding this issue, and urged her to give equal time to both sides of the current conflict, ensure that the Honduran Constitution is not undermined, and that the health of the Honduran democracy and its rule of law are preserved. I have also met with several Honduran leaders, including two former presidents, six current members of the Honduran Congress who supported the deposition of Zelaya, and two individuals who helped to draft the 1982 Honduran Constitution. I am hopeful that Costa Rica’s upcoming mediation will be successful and that the health of Honduras’ democracy will be preserved.
The people in Honduras, Iran, and elsewhere who are currently fighting for the freedom should never be left to wonder which side America will choose. The Obama Administration must realize that despots such as Manuel Zelaya, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be strongly renounced in favor and support of those who are fighting to obtain the same values, liberties, and privileges that we as Americans hold dear, and that our United States Armed Forces fight to defend.
I appreciate having the opportunity to represent the interests of Texans in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
Amen Senator Cornyn! If only the other side of the isle shared your views.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Maybe the scariet thing EVER said about ANY legislative bill
If he was my Congressman, I'd be looking for his replacement.
The Dishonorable John Conyers of Michigan.
Is he from Dearborn?
Schteveo says read the damned Bill.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
America? Well, It Used To Be
This is a video taken at an Islamic "street fair" that was held in Dearborn, MI, (yes, the USA) a city that has more towelheads and terrorists than the entire Middle East. The only apparent difference is, here they're coddled, tolerated, and subsidized by this nation of fools.
WARNING: I have a feeling some of you may want to react the same way i almost did watching this. Heed my friends advice!
Friday, July 24, 2009
EVERYTHING's bigger in Texas?
Friday silliness.
They had the land and the plan ready for a 3,000-square-foot retirement home.
But sticker shock and a sour economy spurred Lee and Donna McCollough to downsize their dream into a 336-square-foot "country cabin."
"It was mostly an economic move. But it’s serving our lifestyle very well," said Lee McCollough of their home near Schulenburg in South Texas.
Built from vintage salvage materials by Tiny Texas Houses of Luling, McCollough said the "turnkey package" cost $70,000. "It’s great," said the 62-year-old retired electrical technician. "People are impressed with the construction and coziness of it. It’s built like an Igloo ice chest."
Tiny home proponents call it "super downsizing," but that’s just the extreme edge of a growing movement away from suburban castles and into "right-sized" homes that require less energy, upkeep and money, experts say.
P.T. Barnum would have sold these clowns a ticket to see the "Egress". I've been pricing land, homes, modulars, monolithic domes, foam domes, various alternative / cheap housing. These people are being swindled,$200 per sqft, is highway robbery.
UPDATED....Fri, 20:15 EDT..... Is JUST the arrest a deterrent to stupidity? Or racism?
I guess backpedaling is in vogue in the WH. Or is this a case of "Dumbocrat Waffling"?
I like when I can recycle a Title. I'm feeling lackadaisical this morning.
OK, so Pres. BOHICA has a bud who teaches at Harvard. Said Presidential bud had a "tussle" with the local po po the other night. It started when the bud's neighbor called the police when she saw to African-American men, "...breaking into a house", and gave 911 the address.
By the time the police arrived, the bud, Professor Henry Gates Jr., was in the house. Rightfully so, it's his house. The policeman, Sgt. James Crowley, asked for ID to prove that it WAS Gates home and to prove that Gates WAS Gates.
In typical liberal, leftist rhetoric, fashion, Gates accused Crowley of racial profiling, because he wanted to see the ID. It degenerated from there, Gates called somebody and attempted to " to the 'Chief'...well find him then...". He then proceeded to tell the Sgt, "...and you don't know who you're messing with...", as if Gates is someone who doesn't have to follow the legal actions of a policeman. It got so heated that Gates was arrested for being abusive and uncooperative.
What's interesting is that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, instead of keeping his mind on the national needs, decided (via connection of the the MSM and Pres. Press Office I'm sure) that he needed to expound on this event. Pres. BOHICA said that the Officer had acted "...stupidly..." in arresting Gates.
But this time the WH, Gates, the MSM and the typical liberal whiners bit off more than could be chewed. The Officer in question has a superlative record and teaches, within his department, classes in Racial Profiling. A job he was given BTW, by Cambridge's BLACK Police Chief.
In this mornings blurb, the Police Commissioner and the DA are trying to decide whether to release all the 911 tapes, to let the public see just what was said by whom and when. I hope they do. Most Americans are sick to death of all this kind of crap, and BOHICA's numbers are falling. This would help them go further down if it's proved that he went off half-cocked. (again)
Law Abiding Schteveo
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Is JUST the arrest a deterrent to crime?
This morning on FOX, they had a story about three boys, 7,8 and 11, who were cuffed and arrested for stealing bicycle parts. The owner of the parts followed one of the boys home, then called the police, so the police are sure they have the right kids. Here's the blurb from a TV station in Bal'amur.
Guess what? Their mommies are upset, that the little darlings were treated like "hardened criminals". One mother says she is considering legal action.
So once again, the cops are the bad guys, the mini-gangstas are the downtrodden masses. AW, BS! What would your parents have done if you were caught stealing out of a neighbors yard? My father would have beat me like a red headed step-child. I'd still be grounded, and I'd owe three more years of raking leaves and shoveling snow in that neighbors yard. The punishment would have WAY outweighed the crime, but I would have thought twice about it before heisting anything else. To start with I knew better than this at 7 or 8, and certainly by 11.
On FOX only 2 of the 3 mothers and miscreants did the interview, hopefully miscreant number 3 was still too sore to sit down for the interview. And in answer to the topic title, "Is JUST the arrest a deterrent to crime?". One of these little thieves lied about stealing the parts on camera, until mom told him he needed to tell the truth. Something tells me, this wasn't his last trip in a squad car.
OBLIQUE THOUGHT: in the article, the African-American mother referred to the vehicle her son was placed in, as a "paddy wagon". Should we expect a spokesmen from Sinn Fein to start asking for an apology from this lady for using racially charged terms that harm all Irish people?
Straight and Narrow Schteveo
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chemicals that eased global woe worsen another
The chemicals, called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), were introduced widely in the 1990s to replace ozone-depleting gases used in air conditioners, refrigerators and insulating foam.
They worked: The earth's protective shield seems to be recovering.
But researchers say what's good for ozone is bad for climate change. In the atmosphere, these replacement chemicals act like "super" greenhouse gases, with a heat-trapping power that can be 4,470 times that of carbon dioxide.
Now, scientists say, the world must find replacements for the replacements -- or these super-emissions could cancel out other efforts to stop global warming.
Really? Was there ever a hole in the ozone? 4,470 times carbon dioxide? Does that mean cars don't pollute? Replacements for the replacements? How about some of that Whoopee-sh*t??
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What's good for the goose...
That is, so long as the geese in question are Liberal Democrats.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by trading on her position as she sought money for lawyer fees, in the latest legal distraction for the former vice presidential candidate as she prepares to leave office this week.
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as her legal defense fund.
The practical effect of the ruling on Palin will be more financial than anything else. The report recommends that Palin refuse to accept payment from the defense fund, and that the complaint be resolved without a formal hearing before the board. That allows her to resolve the issue without a formal ethics reprimand.
Palin posted an entry on Twitter in which she said the "matter is still pending," a statement echoed by her lawyer.
In his report, Daniel said his interpretation of the ethics act is consistent with common sense.
An ordinary citizen facing legal charges is not likely to be able to generate donations to a legal defense fund, he wrote. "In contrast, Governor Palin is able to generate donations because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure. Were it not for the fact that she is governor and a national political figure, it is unlikely that many citizens would donate money to her legal defense fund."
The ethics complaint was filed by Eagle River resident Kim Chatman shortly after the fund was created, alleging Palin was misusing her official position and accepting improper gifts.
"It's an absolute shame that she would continue to keep the Alaska Fund Trust Web site up and running," Chatman told the AP.
At least 19 ethics complaints have been filed against Palin, most of them after she was named the running mate for GOP presidential candidate John McCain. Most of those have been dismissed, and Palin's office usually sends a news release with the announcement.
OK, we've commented here, that Palin MUST represent something dangerous to the Libs, they've been after her since day one. What I don't get, is the idiot idea that she is "benifitting from her position as Governor", in this matter. If she WASN'T who she is, she WOULDN'T need the funds!! So he's supposed to go down without a fight, and her supporters aren't allowed to help her with paying to defend herself?
That's as big a pile of BS as I've ever heard. If she can't do it, then neither should Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, Bill Jefferson, et al, on the LEFT.
The Democrats have lost their minds, and most Republicans have lost their spines. A dangerous time to be a little guy. I liken it to the common man of France, circa 1778.
How'd that work out for the King and his court.
Schteveo is sharpening his sword.
OK, tell me what's wrong here UPDATED
OK here's the UPDATE
The second paragraph says,
Approximately 100 people protested the state's handling the case of a black dragging death of 24-year-old Brandon McClelland. The black panthers were met by about about a dozen white supremacist protesters, and two people were reportedly arrested by the Lamar County Sheriff's Office.
So the white guys were WHITE SUPREMACISTS, but, the Black Panthers are just protesters. And notice the spelling, SMALL b-lack, SMALL p-anthers.
Again, I find all that very odd.
Filed under, "Things that make you go, hmmmm..."
Riot police separate protesters in Texas town
PARIS, Texas (AP) - Texas state riot police have swarmed into the streets of an eastern Texas town and broken up a tense standoff between screaming black separatists and white supremacists.
About 100 people protesting the state's handling of a black man's dragging death case Tuesday avoided a designated protest zone near the courthouse in the Texas town of Paris' marched through downtown streets. They were met by about a dozen white supremacist protester.
One skinhead and one shirtless man, both of them white, were arrested by Lamar County deputies after exchanging words with a deputy.
One hundred protesters violated their legal edict, (most of whom were probably not white), but it was two white guys who got arrested. I found that odd.
Something to think about
Article Page
Monday, July 20, 2009
Whoopi Goldberg Entertains Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories
as my long dead grandmother used to say "Yoy"
Obama orders his cabinet to cut $100 million from budgets
He did this 90 days ago. He said this MUST be done in 90 days. That makes the cuts due TODAY. Has it been done, even though it's a drop in the bucket compared to their budget?? NO! Not even close! Zip! Nada! I don't know about you but when I have a deadline, it has to be met. Case in point: I got a letter from the IRS today saying I owe an approximate $300 penalty for filing a form late. The tax was paid on time but I forgot to mail in the form. Do I have to pay on time? Darn right I do! The government is pointing a finger at me but they have 100 million pointing back at them.
Thoughts about history, on just another day?
40 years ago today, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of Earth's moon.
At that time, America was involved in a war in Viet Nam, was struggling with what many thought was racism's dying gasps, wrestling with the daily struggles against the U.S.S.R., and short of re-reading newspapers from that day, we can't remember all that was going on. But it all got dwarfed by the goings on, on the moon.
I was just shy of 15, it was summer, and we spent the day at the swimming pool, where someone had set up a TV. My recollection is being completely in awe of those two lucky men who were on the moon. All the other news, the war, politics, rape, robbery, murder, NASCAR, whatever else that got reported, was gone for that day. Everyone's eyes and ears were on the moon. It is, along with a few other days in my life, a day that I can recall with great clarity.
40 years later, our space program, as with many scientific studies, is stalled. We spend tons of money on Midnight Basktball, Condoms for High Schools, food, housing, and support for people who won't work. We pay farmers to NOT grow crops, we've allowed millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, we've allowed leftists to co-opt our education system, we've allowed our country's ideals, history and culture to be denigrated and made to seem dirty or archaic.
I have wondered in the last few days, if our time isn't about up as a world power and world leader. Did we pass the American Apex at some point in the last 40 years? It seems so to me.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mr. Obummer told us that if we didn't give him every cent we have, if we didn't sell-out our grand children's futures, if we didn't go along with putting our country in debt for the next thousand years, the entire country would collapse into a depression worse than the one in the 30's. He's been on national TV telling us that there wasn't a moment to lose, (sounds a lot like Al "the worlds burning up" Gore, doesn't it) and that the only way to save the country was for him to put every one of his socialist/Marxist political plans into action, as he's doing. It brings a whole new meaning to the word "democracy", doesn't it.
If we had a truly democratic form of government, (or, if the Republicans were in control) the MSM would be up in arms. They would be demanding to see where every cent of that money is going, and why. But that would require an honest and unbiased media, something we assumed we had, but don't. Although the First Amendment does guarantee freedom of the press, i've never been sure just what they're free to do. Apparently, they're free to further their own political agenda, lie, misinform, manipulate facts, and generally take advantage of a weak, distracted, and not-very-bright public. Free country? Sure, but free for whom?
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Freedom To Self-Destruct
There are those in Amerika, usually the enlightened ones of the Left, who believe we should welcome our enemies into our midst. How else can we show them that we truly care, they say. As one can imagine, our enemies around the world find that very amusing. But as they're laughing, they're also taking full advantage of that irrational, fuzzy-brained view of the world.
I don't know about the rest of you, but where i come from, when someone says that their only goal in life is to kill me and my family, i tend to lose my desire to be compassionate and welcoming. In fact, where i come from, we live by a rather simple rule, "do unto others before they do it unto you". In that way, you can live long enough to show compassion to someone who truly deserves it...,2933,533525,00.html?test=latestnews
Let's see how Democrats handle a worldwide threat
Diplomats: Iran has means to test bomb in 6 months
VIENNA (AP) - Iran is blocking U.N. nuclear agency attempts to upgrade monitoring of its atomic program while advancing those activities to the stage that the country would have the means to test a weapon within six months, diplomats told The Associated Press Friday.
The diplomats emphasized that there were no indications of plans for such a nuclear test, saying it was highly unlikely Iran would risk heightened confrontation with the West—and chances of Israeli attack—by embarking on such a course.
But they said that even as Iran expands uranium enrichment, which can create fissile nuclear material, it is resisting International Atomic Energy Agency attempts to increase surveillance of its enrichment site meant to keep pace with the plant's increased size and complexity.
For Iran to amass enough fissile material to conduct an underground test similar to North Korea's 2006 nuclear explosion, it would likely have to kick out monitors of the IAEA—the U.N. nuclear agency—from its one known uranium enrichment site at Natanz. Technicians then could reconfigure the centrifuges now churning out nuclear-fuel grade enriched uranium to highly enriched, weapons-grade material.
Iran is unlikely, however, to want to do that. Such a move would immediately set off international alarm bells and could bridge rifts on how strongly to react—Russia and China, which have resisted Western calls to increase pressure on Iran over its nuclear defiance, would likely endorse more sweeping U.N sanctions and other penalties.
With the U.N. nuclear agency strictly limited in its nuclear monitoring of Iran, the existence of a hidden enrichment site that could supply the weapons-grade uranium needed for a nuclear weapons test is also possible.
International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed Elbaradei has repeatedly warned that his agency cannot guarantee that Iran is not hiding nuclear activities. Iranian nuclear expert David Albright on Friday put the chances that such a secret site exists at "50-50."
So it's a 50-50 shot whether these fanatical jerks blow us all to hell. I feel safe just knowing that Barrack Hussein Obama is my president. I'm sure he'll TALK them out of blowing us up. He da man.
Schteveo hu akbar
I've met at least 10 people who were one of these three.
Happy 40th birthday Woodstock baby, if you exist.
BETHEL, N.Y. (AP) - Welcome to middle age, Woodstock Baby—if you're really out there.
The babies reportedly born at the Woodstock festival 40 years ago remain the most enduring mystery from that chaotic weekend that defined a generation. Depending on the source, there was one birth on that patch of upstate New York farmland between Aug. 15-17, 1969. Or two. Or three. Or none.
There is some tantalizing evidence. Singer John Sebastian is captured on film announcing that some cat's old lady just had a baby, a kid destined to be far out. A couple of surviving eyewitnesses say there were births. The concert's medical director told reporters at the scene there were two births: one at a local hospital after the mother was flown out by helicopter; the other in a car caught in the epic traffic jam outside the site crowded with more than 400,000 people.
But no one has come forward with a credible public claim of giving birth to a Woodstock baby or being born there. No one has produced proof that it happened. If babies were born at Woodstock, they have lived their lives ignoring—or unaware of—the fact that reporters and researchers have been on their trail for decades.
"I've searched, I've spoken to the doctors and nurses from the main hospitals that were there," said Myron Gittell, who wrote the new medical history, "Woodstock '69: Three Days of Peace, Music, and Medical Care."
Like many before him, he found nothing.
Where are these "historians" looking for proof? The Bethel Hall of Records? NY State Vital Statistics? The Woodstock Archives? Wavy Gravy's house? Mountain Girl's garage?
The Simps! They the need to be looking for these kids at more obvious places. Waffle House, Grateful Dead Concerts, Rainbow People gatherings, Chapel Hill NC, Berkeley CA, the California General Assembly, NORML, the offices of High Times magazine. The kinds of places 40ish hippie children and "freaques" might hang out.
Schteveo wasn't at Woodstock, or maybe he just forgot...
OH, another good place to look, Texas Hill Country.
(tell 'em Jimbo)
Barbara Boxer gets here ears boxed!!
At yet another energy hearing Barbara Boxer tried to disprove the beliefs of Harry Alford, current President of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, by saying other's believed something else. He was very cool to start with, then after she just kept on, and on, he...went off. It's too bad MORE people don't speak their minds like this.
The beginning is also priceless, it's like she's a cop, trying to confuse a crack head into telling the truth about ??? Alford let's her hold it, enjoy children.
I'm not sure what Harry Alford's political leanings are, but America needs more people like him who speak their minds and who aren't afraid to run against the pack.
I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it myself a couple times unintentionally but this one is real, and it's important.
Please send this warning to everyone on your e- mail list.
If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!! They only want to see you naked!
(I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid.)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Buy Frito-Lays stocks!!!
Calif tax officials: Legal pot would rake in $1.4B
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - California tax officials say a state proposal to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol would generate nearly $1.4 billion in revenue.
A State Board of Equalization report released Wednesday estimates marijuana retail sales would bring $990 million from a $50-per-ounce fee and $392 million in sales taxes.
The bill introduced by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano in February would allow adults to legally possess, grow and sell marijuana.
Ammiano has promoted the bill as a way to help bridge the state's $26.3 billion budget shortfall.
As the bill is written, the state could not begin collecting taxes under the bill until the federal government legalizes marijuana.
A spokesman says Ammiano plans to amend the bill to remove that provision.
Meaning, they'll do this soon and screw the Feds. Hell, I'm all for that sentiment, but I'm thinking the courts will shut this down. (hoping I'm wrong, hoping I'm wrong, hoping I'm wrong...)But NONE of the deep thinkers in Sacrademento have thought of the boost to the economy via drinks, munchies, EZ-Wider and ZIG-ZIG papers, pipes, bongs, there's an entire thought patter they've ignored.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Justice Sham
The hearings are going along smoothly, like a well-rehearsed play. Oh, there were a couple of Republican senators making some noise and asking what appeared to be tough questions, but for the most part, she simply looked them straight in the eye, and lied with the full backing of the Demoncrats. Most of her responses were either evasive, or outright lies, even when asked to respond to her own statements! To have her sit there while her own quotes were being read to her, then listening to her respond by saying, no, i didn't say that, or, oh no senator, you don't understand what i meant", is (IMO) an outrageous insult to the American people, especially when you realize she will have a loud voice in shaping our lives for decades. If this woman is the "brilliant jurist" the Left claims she is, she does one hell of a good job hiding it!
The system for selecting Supreme Court justices is a total sham, just like the rest of our government. If the sitting president simply said to someone, hey you, put this robe on, you're now a Supreme Court Justice, that would at least be honest. But to put the country through this nonsense, while everyone already knows the outcome, is not only another waste of our tax money, but a national insult. Then again, the American people love good TV drama, especially when it's fake. And they're used to being insulted by their elected officials, so don't count on anything changing, any time soon...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Does my shell make you horney, Baby?
Flight delays as JFK airport runway taken over by turtles!
Dozens of randy turtles crawled onto a JFK airport runway Wednesday, delaying flights for over an hour, authorities said.
Port Authority workers rushed to the shell-covered runway about 8:30 a.m. and scooped up 78 diamondback terrapins that had left the waters of Jamaica Bay scouting a spot to breed, said Port Authority spokesman John Kelly.
So much for manmade facilities stifling nature, huh?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Convoluted Thinking from the Left Side of SOCUS
I'm not sure just how to take this little bon mot.
In an interview to be published in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she thought the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion was predicated on the Supreme Court majority's desire to diminish “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
In the 90-minute interview in Ginsburg’s temporary chambers, Ginsburg gave the Times her perspective on Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s first high court nomination. She also discussed her views on abortion.
So, is the good Justice saying that SOCUS voted what they WANTED done "legally" for personal, or idealogical reasons, not what was really approvable under the Constitution?
Say it isn't so, the Supreme Court would NEVER do anything like that.
Not to mention the whole liberals wanting abortions legalized, conservatives want them stopped, liberals own the LOVE of minorities, conservatives would love to OWN minorities argument.
Can one of the Justices be removed for mental reasons, 'cause Ginsburg's lost it this time!!!
And, by all means, read the comments.
What Price Will We Pay For This
The problem for Botox was that even liberal Panetta wasn't going to stand for it. He fought back, but with facts, proving Botox was in fact lying. After a couple of weeks, while the MSM desperately tried to find some other news to get her off the front pages, Botox was quietly hustled off to China for "diplomatic meetings", even though the Speaker of the House is not authorized to conduct foreign policy.
Now that a few months have passed, and having noticed that the heat from the weak, gutless Republicans has died down, she has apparently managed to line-up a few of her trained lap dogs in an attempt to save her rock-hard face again. This time, it's some leftist clown from Mexas, Rep. Reyes, a guy who, on a good day, can maybe manage 2 or 3 words of English, who she put out front to take the return fire, should there be any. The obvious fact that these commies are playing with the nations security doesn't seem to bother them in the least, not when their queen's reputation and possibly her political future are at stake...
The next Loopy-Lefty Political Pundit, Levi Johnson
In the ongoing effort of the left to discredit Sarah Palin, the leftists from the MSM have found a new insider in Alaska Politics, 19 y/o Levi Johnson, ex-boyfriend and "baby daddy", who used his previous smarts and insider info, to avoid parents and Alaska HP Security, to knock up his 17 y/o girlfriend, Bristol Palin.
Johnson says he thinks Gov. Palin left office to go after the money aspects of her fame. This, to me, sounds like the polar bear calling the snowflake white, as Johnson is currently trying to sell his story for a book or a movie.
His STORY? What movie prospects would he have if he'd spent a buck on some condoms?
Plus, Johnson thinks Palin is a bad choic for VP or President. He should know about bad decisions, he made about the biggest one a teenager can make. But, who shouldn't listen to him? He's 19, a man, a father!! Personally, I'll listen to him from here on out, I get all my voting intel and make decisions based on opinions of people who've never done it. Vote I mean, he's done the big IT, right?
What I don't get is just how deep will they go to put doubt on Palin? Seriously, WHAT'S NEXT, stories about Sarah Palin's turds, before and after the election, from her plumber? The Palin Family's Stains, the insider story from One Hour Martinizing of Wasilla. The Long Road to D.C., by Sarah Palin's personal Tire Salesman.
Personally I think Johnson's father should have done what Palin did, back out gracefully before his "term" was finished.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Caption This

Caption? You could write a book around that scene.
Photo courtesy of Reuters - but they have the caption wrong.
The D.O.J., America's Gestapo
We all know Joe Arpiao, the tough, no-nonsense Sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ. Well, it appears Sheriff Joe may be in trouble with the Feds. Why? Because Joe is a guy who believes his job is to protect the people who voted him into office. Also, Joe believes that, as a law enforcement officer, his job is to enforce the law. (sounds right to me) But here's the problem. Sheriff Joe is enforcing immigration laws, the very laws that the lying, corrupt, communists who are in control of this govt. don't want enforced. Since they don't believe this country should have a border, they therefor don't feel anyone coming into this country illegally is breaking any laws. Of course, the true motive of these Leftist Demoncrats is that they see every illegal as another vote which will keep them in power and control. 30 to 40+ Million illegals voting can make a very big difference in any election! This is the real reason Sheriff Joe has a target on his back. What i find truly sad is that there is not a national outrage over his treatment by these left-wing, political assassins...
Obviously NOT a Racial Hate Crime
Group of white people attacked by a group of black people yelling "This is a black world", but it's not racially motivated.
Elitist Hypocrit
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
With all the bad stuff in schools
Article Page
So dope is bad for us, unless it helps the gub'ment?
Pro-marijuana ad pushes pot as Calif. budget fix
SAN FRANCISCO — A pro-marijuana group is launching another television bid to legalize pot in California — this time with the pitch that legalizing and taxing the drug could help solve the state's massive budget deficit.
The 30-second spot, airing Wednesday and paid for by the Marijuana Policy Project, features a retired 58-year-old state worker who says state leaders "are ignoring millions of Californians who want to pay taxes."
"We're marijuana consumers," says Nadene Herndon of Fair Oaks, who says she began using marijuana after suffering multiple strokes three years ago. "Instead of being treated like criminals for using a substance safer than alcohol, we want to pay our fair share."
State lawmakers are bitterly debating how to close a $26.3 billion budget deficit that likely means cuts to state services.
In February, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, introduced a bill to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol. Bill supporters estimate the state's pot industry could bring in more than $1 billion in taxes.
The ad will air on several cable news channels and network broadcast affiliates in Los Angeles, Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay area, according to the Marijuana Policy Project.
The group said in a statement that three California stations — KABC-TV in Los Angeles, KGO-TV of San Francisco and KNTV-TV in San Jose — refused to air the ad.
Representatives from the three stations did not immediately return calls from The Associated Press seeking comment.
In an e-mail to the group, a KNTV account executive said the station's standards department had rejected the ad.
Don't get me wrong, I think pot should be legal and taxed. But the thought that JUST taxing ganga will fix California's financial problems proves that some Legislators out there are smoking the "doobage", regularly.
Schteveo is a law abiding citizen
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
In death, as he was in life
Michael Jackson to be buried without his brain
Michael Jackson will be buried this week– without his brain. As his family tries to finalise details for the King of Pop’s funeral on Tuesday they have been told it will be held back for tests.
They faced the grim choice of waiting up to three weeks for Jackson’s brain to be returned to them or go ahead and bury him without it – which they have decided to do.
Los Angeles Coroner’s spokesman Craig Harvey confirmed that neuropathology tests will be carried out to see if it holds any clues to the exact cause of his death.
But the examination cannot begin until at least two weeks after the death when the brain has hardened sufficiently to slice it open.
Schteveo knows funny shit when he hears it
The strange and the curious case of Steve McNair
As previously stated, I am not a big sports fan. There's stuff I watch, stuff I don't, but this story caught my eye. For the un-informed, McNair, a retired NFL quarterback, was found shot to death over the weekend, near him was a 20 something woman, also deceased. McNair had been shot 4 times, two in the chest, one in each temple, the woman was shot once, in the head. They've danced all around McNair being married and just what his relationship is with this deceased babe.
It took the police two days to call McNair's death a homicide. They're toying with calling her's suicide.
Here's my question, would the police, and the MSM, be taking this careful, hands off approach if the players in this little drama were WHITE? If it was John Elway, would intel be dribbling out, or would "sources" be telling us everything as it became known?
Schteveo has an inquiring mind
UPDATE 7 / 8 18:45
So, McNair's GIRLFRIEND shot him, because she thought he was seeing somebody else. Maybe he was just going home to his wife, huh?
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—Former NFL star Steve McNair(notes) was shot dead in his sleep last week by a 20-year-old girlfriend distraught about mounting financial problems and her belief that he was seeing someone else, police said Wednesday.
The Priorities of CNN
Class Act
Here’s another example of one of the Left’s oldest (and most effective) tricks. Take someone’s words, spin them around until they say what you want them to say, then attack using the lies you’ve created. The object behind this tactic is of course, to put your enemies on the defensive. To the uninformed, this gives the appearance of guilt. It’s a tactic that the Left has mastered and one that almost never fails to do damage. It is exactly what they’re doing to Sarah Palin right now.
Jon Voight is a highly-accomplished and well-known actor. And aside from having an ultra-hot daughter, he’s also known for being a staunch conservative, something that truly makes him an oddity in Commiewood. Because of his political beliefs, Mr. Voight, and the few others in his industry who believe as he does, has been a constant target. In fact, knowing how his industry is controlled by Communists, Marxists, and Socialists, I’m surprised he gets any work at all.
A smart and tough Russian immigrant I know, (I’d swear he’s “former” KGB) once told me, “if you want to find communism these days, don’t look to Russia, look to Hollywood.”
Monday, July 6, 2009
Nobody in Nebraska owns a knife, a scalpel or any scissors?
...and on the topic of personal responsibility.
The Nebraska man who abandoned his nine children last year under the state's Safe Haven law and whose girlfriend is now expecting twins is "clearly troubled" and brings a "black eye" to the state, local lawmakers told
Gary Staton, 37, became a single father in February 2007 when his wife, RebelJane, died shortly after giving birth to their ninth child. Unable to handle the burden alone, Staton made national news more than a year later when he dropped off his children — ages 1 to 17 — at a hospital in Omaha.
And what a fine picture of manhood he is. Seriously, what's wrong with a 37 y/o, white guy, wearing his ball cap backward, looking like something from a bad gangsta rap video? Someone needs to pour more chlorine and pot ash in the Nebraska gene pool.
Schteveo is sad for those kids
The Lone Voice Of Truth
NY congressman Peter King, a conservative Republican from Long Island, is the only public person that I’m aware of who has the courage to actually speak the truth about the death of the child-molesting, junkie freak who died last week. Like millions of other Americans, Mr. King is about ready to throw up over the MSM’s non-stop worshiping of MJ, while at the same time, doing their best to gut Sarah Palin. Again.
And, as is typical when there’s the aroma of attention and money in the air, there was NYC’s most famous con-artist on CNN this morning. Yes, it was Al $harpton in some black church in Mexifornia, scolding America. It seems Al was “demanding” that America pay the same homage to the little freak as was paid to greats like Elvis and Frank Sinatra! (you may recall neither of them was a child molester ) We NY’ers know how good Al is when there’s a hefty “donation” ($$$) waiting for him at the end of his performance. As for the MSM’s obsessive coverage, well, we all know what whores they are, so there’s no surprise there.
But what does this say about the people of America? What does this tell the world about us as a society? As usual, it ain’t good!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A Garden of Piggish Delights
Waxman-Markey is part power-grab, part enviro-fantasy. Here are 50 reasons to stop it.
The House of Representatives, famously, did not read this bill before passing it, which is testament to either Nancy Pelosi’s managerial incompetency or her political wile, or possibly both. If you take the time to read the legislation, you’ll discover four major themes: special-interest giveaways, regulatory mandates unrelated to climate change, fanciful technological programs worthy of The Jetsons, and assorted left-wing wish fulfillment.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Tree of Liberty
written by Thomas Jefferson to William Smith
Paris, November 13, 1787
DEAR SIR, -- I am now to acknoledge the receipt of your favors of October the 4th, 8th, & 26th. In the last you apologise for your letters of introduction to Americans coming here. It is so far from needing apology on your part, that it calls for thanks on mine. I endeavor to show civilities to all the Americans who come here, & will give me opportunities of doing it: and it is a matter of comfort to know from a good quarter what they are, & how far I may go in my attentions to them. Can you send me Woodmason's bills for the two copying presses for the M. de la Fayette, & the M. de Chastellux? The latter makes one article in a considerable account, of old standing, and which I cannot present for want of this article. -- I do not know whether it is to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it: & very bad. I do not know which preponderate. What we have lately read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a chief magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been disposed towards one: & what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. Wonderful is the effect of impudent & persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, & what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independent 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century & a half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusetts: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen-yard in order. I hope in God this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted. -- You ask me if any thing transpires here on the subject of S. America? Not a word. I know that there are combustible materials there, and that they wait the torch only. But this country probably will join the extinguishers. -- The want of facts worth communicating to you has occasioned me to give a little loose to dissertation. We must be contented to amuse, when we cannot inform.
20 years without a rebellion? I'm thinking then, that we're long overdue.
Friday, July 3, 2009
This One's For BOW
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Stick a fork in California, they're done
The elected morons in Sacramento have done it again. They're going to collect salaries, but send IOUs to many who have needs.
This seems like it's been decided by people making the last grab at what little remains. I'm no fan of welfare, but this seems like a travesty to me. The legislators, most of whom are lawyers or business owners, get their salary, but the blind and disabled get vouchers.
I expect there's about to be a riot.
Here's an in depth article.
Schteveo's glad he don' be livin' out dere