Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What You See Is Not Always What You Get

This story relates to something we're all deeply involved in, our health care. Right now, it's the #1 topic in the nation, meaning everyone is looking at and talking about it. And that's making the Demoncrats and yo president Yomama very unhappy. Why? Because if you take a close look at this plan, you realize it's one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the American sheeple. As is usually the case with anything the Left does, this plan is more about power and control than it is about health care.

But it also brings up something else, perhaps even worse. More people are starting to realize that president Yomama is a liar. That's in addition to the fact that he (and the people around him) hasn't got a clue as to what he's doing. It's like you making a fake resume to get the job as CEO of Walmart, when the only experience you've had is asking people if they want fries with their order. Sooner or later, the cracks will start to show.

Obummer campaigned for almost two years and almost everything he said during that campaign has turned out to be a lie. No, not mistakes. Lies! When you're running for the White House, and you have a thousand advisers around you, you don't make mistakes because they won't get you elected. But telling lies will, and did. In fact, it's becoming so obvious that even some parts of the MSM are starting to notice, causing some of them to start asking "real" questions. (is the Kool-Aid wearing off?) What is actually pushing the MSM are the poll numbers which tell them that even the American sheeple are slowly starting to wake up, although in this case, waking up late is the same as not waking up at all, since there's nothing the sheeple can do about Yomama now. At best, they can blow the Demoncrats out of congress in 2010, which would shut Yomama and his vision of a Marxist America down. But don't hold your breath since the American sheeple are famous for the amount of abuse they'll take from their elected crooks.

Our govt. and our country are being run by corrupt liars, and their lies will have a massive impact on every one of our lives, perhaps for generations. As bad as that makes our elected leaders, and our system of govt. look, it makes the people who put them in power look far worse...



Schteveo said...

It should be obvious to the dumbest watcher, that NO ONE knows just what the hell this bill is or does.

My question is, as ever, if NO ONE knows WTF is IN this bill's 200 pages, where did it come from? Who wrote it, and what's the payoff.

Just saying "for the power" is a cop out. WHO gets the power? It certainly won't be the people who don't know what's in the bill. Something is being hidden from them too, IMHO.

Spider said...

Oh, they know what's in there Steve, they just don't want anyone else to know. That's why Yomama wants it done at warp speed, or faster. It's a good thing those blue dog dems are there, else this bill would be law already.

Schteveo said...

I honestly don't think they do know. They've gotten so used to rubber stamping anything that "their side of the aisle", this was just another day at the office. The jerks on the right are not much different, the self-serving, blind, cocksuckers, all.

Schteveo said...


Has anyone ever used the "Next Blog" button at the top of the page? I've done it several times, out of boredom. It goes to blogs not in English, mostly. Weirdness.

BOW said...

I'd say half the things Yomama said were lies. The other half he is doing exactly what he said he would do. eg: fundamentally change America.

"But it also brings up something else, perhaps even worse. More people are starting to realize that president Yomama is a liar"

The realization isn't worse. I expected the American people to be comatose a lot longer than this. This may be a good sign. But midterm elections are 2 years off and even when most paople want to change the elected worms and weasels, they mean in other districts, not there's.

srk said...

It doesn't matter whether or not they know what's in it or any other piece of legislation. They live outside of it. No empathy for us, only apathy.

? said...

Deja Vu?

Anonymous said...

When you get down to it, it's the young congressional staffs that are really runnning this country. They are the ones who write these bills and read them. They then tell the old fools in congress how to vote.