Friday, July 24, 2009

UPDATED....Fri, 20:15 EDT..... Is JUST the arrest a deterrent to stupidity? Or racism?

I guess backpedaling is in vogue in the WH. Or is this a case of "Dumbocrat Waffling"?

I like when I can recycle a Title. I'm feeling lackadaisical this morning.
OK, so Pres. BOHICA has a bud who teaches at Harvard. Said Presidential bud had a "tussle" with the local po po the other night. It started when the bud's neighbor called the police when she saw to African-American men, "...breaking into a house", and gave 911 the address.
By the time the police arrived, the bud, Professor Henry Gates Jr., was in the house. Rightfully so, it's his house. The policeman, Sgt. James Crowley, asked for ID to prove that it WAS Gates home and to prove that Gates WAS Gates.
In typical liberal, leftist rhetoric, fashion, Gates accused Crowley of racial profiling, because he wanted to see the ID. It degenerated from there, Gates called somebody and attempted to " to the 'Chief'...well find him then...". He then proceeded to tell the Sgt, "...and you don't know who you're messing with...", as if Gates is someone who doesn't have to follow the legal actions of a policeman. It got so heated that Gates was arrested for being abusive and uncooperative.
What's interesting is that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, instead of keeping his mind on the national needs, decided (via connection of the the MSM and Pres. Press Office I'm sure) that he needed to expound on this event. Pres. BOHICA said that the Officer had acted "...stupidly..." in arresting Gates.
But this time the WH, Gates, the MSM and the typical liberal whiners bit off more than could be chewed. The Officer in question has a superlative record and teaches, within his department, classes in Racial Profiling. A job he was given BTW, by Cambridge's BLACK Police Chief.
In this mornings blurb, the Police Commissioner and the DA are trying to decide whether to release all the 911 tapes, to let the public see just what was said by whom and when. I hope they do. Most Americans are sick to death of all this kind of crap, and BOHICA's numbers are falling. This would help them go further down if it's proved that he went off half-cocked. (again)
Law Abiding Schteveo


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I saw a picture of him being arrested. At least one of the cops were black!

Spider said...

You have no idea how typical this situation is. A "prominent" black person, (lawyer, doctor, professor, etc.) finds himself in a situation where he comes in contact with the police, who at the time, have no idea who or what this person is. The first thing the police must establish is his identity. And that's where it all usually starts to go sideways.

"How dare you. Don't you know who i am?" No sir, i don't, which is why i'm asking you to ID yourself. And in a case such as this one, where the "prominent" black has low friends in high places, his arrogance and belligerence will really kick into high gear, which seems to be what happened here. Apparently, the professor, being educated but not very smart, failed to understand how his situation appeared at that moment. Sure he was in his own home, but how do the police know that.

Then, in jumps comrade Obummer to save his pal. Of course, if his pal were White, and the officer black, Obummer would've been busy somewhere else and not involved himself, especially with that incredibly asinine remark, "the police acted stupidly, but i don't have any of the facts". That should tell you a lot about this moron who's in charge of our lives.

"Beware of those who constantly cry racism, for they are the true racists"..... Prof. Spider

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why this professor just didn't say, "thank you officer to responding to a possible breakin. I feel safer that you responded so quickly, however as you can see, this is my house. I'm also grateful that my neighbors look out for one another. There has been a history of breakins around here."

This asshole should be dragged out, beaten and hanged

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Check out the poll on the MSM concerning this issue (I think you have to vote first):

Even the followers of the MSM are coming around.

Schteveo said...

At 15:44 EDT,

76% thought BOHICA should apologize. I for one will NOT be holding my breath.

(...and his number continue to slide into the sunset...ain't it a shame)

srk said...

I hope he doesn't. If he does, the sheeple will be satisfied and put it to rest

Spider said...

"This asshole should be dragged out, beaten and hanged."

Um,.... i have an opening this Sat. afternoon.

Jimbo said...

The Punk and Pelosi's panty-assed 'majority' party of political perverts are coming apart like a bad retread on a speeding 18-wheeler.

I absolutely love it.