Friday, July 10, 2009

What Price Will We Pay For This

A few months back, the news was all about waterboarding and alleged torture. At the time, the wild-eyed speaker of the House, Botox Nancy, after having been caught in an obvious lie about what she knew, thought the best way for her to get herself out of it was to tell another lie and accuse the CIA of committing a Federal crime, to wit, lying to congress. Even the fact that president Obummer had given control of the CIA to a big-time liberal Demoncrat, (Leon Panetta) didn't stop her from trying to destroy the agency simply to save her rock-hard face. In fact, she went so far as to go on national TV like some raving crack-head and ranted incoherently. That performance alone should have been more than enough to end her infamous career!

The problem for Botox was that even liberal Panetta wasn't going to stand for it. He fought back, but with facts, proving Botox was in fact lying. After a couple of weeks, while the MSM desperately tried to find some other news to get her off the front pages, Botox was quietly hustled off to China for "diplomatic meetings", even though the Speaker of the House is not authorized to conduct foreign policy.

Now that a few months have passed, and having noticed that the heat from the weak, gutless Republicans has died down, she has apparently managed to line-up a few of her trained lap dogs in an attempt to save her rock-hard face again. This time, it's some leftist clown from Mexas, Rep. Reyes, a guy who, on a good day, can maybe manage 2 or 3 words of English, who she put out front to take the return fire, should there be any. The obvious fact that these commies are playing with the nations security doesn't seem to bother them in the least, not when their queen's reputation and possibly her political future are at stake...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Clintons, the CIA was filled with liberal hacks back in the early 90's. That's one of the reasons it leakes information like a sieve.

Spider said...

As Dumbocrats have always known, the best defense is a good offense. Now they're back pointing at their favorite target.