Monday, July 20, 2009

Thoughts about history, on just another day?

40 years ago today, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of Earth's moon.
At that time, America was involved in a war in Viet Nam, was struggling with what many thought was racism's dying gasps, wrestling with the daily struggles against the U.S.S.R., and short of re-reading newspapers from that day, we can't remember all that was going on. But it all got dwarfed by the goings on, on the moon.
I was just shy of 15, it was summer, and we spent the day at the swimming pool, where someone had set up a TV. My recollection is being completely in awe of those two lucky men who were on the moon. All the other news, the war, politics, rape, robbery, murder, NASCAR, whatever else that got reported, was gone for that day. Everyone's eyes and ears were on the moon. It is, along with a few other days in my life, a day that I can recall with great clarity.
40 years later, our space program, as with many scientific studies, is stalled. We spend tons of money on Midnight Basktball, Condoms for High Schools, food, housing, and support for people who won't work. We pay farmers to NOT grow crops, we've allowed millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, we've allowed leftists to co-opt our education system, we've allowed our country's ideals, history and culture to be denigrated and made to seem dirty or archaic.
I have wondered in the last few days, if our time isn't about up as a world power and world leader. Did we pass the American Apex at some point in the last 40 years? It seems so to me.


Spider said...

Did anyone notice that the site was just down? I had an icon on my desktop which i click on to get here. It's gone! (WTF?)

BOW said...

It seems to be back. I suggest you all bookmark the "other" site even if you don't go there too frequently

Anonymous said...

What "other" site?

Spider said...

All seems to be well again with the site, but that was spooky! (no pun intended Mr president)

Maybe we should send all the illegals to the moon so they can get started on the landscaping.

Schteveo said...

I saw a sign yesterday, it said



so I called to see what was up. The nice lady took all my information and told me I'd be contacted.

This morning, two Spanish kids with a lawnmower and a weed eater showed up at my door.

Maybe I misread the sign.

Spider said...

I'm surprised at you for falling for that one Steve. You know God has an unlisted number!

BOW said...

But, but, but...It was all faked!

Schteveo said...

two can keep a secret only when one of them is dead.

There were tens of thousands of people who worked on the equipment for getting those first three men to he moon. There were hundreds who worked directly, during the pre-launch, launch, telemetry, health science, ballistics, tracking, recovery, and areas I'm sure I've forgotten. I cannot believe, that with the kind of money and celebrity it would bring, that just one person involved in the supposed cover-up, wouldn't have come forward in 40 years.

Tens of thousands can keep a secret only when all but one of them is dead. Just doesn't even deserve consideration.