Thursday, July 15, 2010

And what's wrong with American quail?

U.S Government Spent $181,406 to Study How Cocaine Enhances Sex Drive of Japanese Quail

Cocaine powder. (Photo courtesy of DEA, Wikipedia Commons)

( – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $181,406 this year to a researcher at the University of Kentucky to study how cocaine enhances the sex drive of Japanese quail.

“Controlled preclinical studies that utilize animal models have demonstrated that prior repeated exposure to cocaine enhances sexual motivation and behavior,” says the grant description posted by the NIH. “However, no parametric or systematic studies further investigating the basic mechanisms underlying this relationship have been conducted.

“The goal of the proposed experiments is to utilize an animal model whose sexual behavior system has been well-studied, Japanese quail,” the description says. “In addition to the benefits of using quail to study sexual behavior, the use of a visually-oriented species in studying drug effects may be of additional relevance to studying human drug addiction. We currently have preliminary evidence in male Japanese quail that preexposure to cocaine enhances sexual motivation. This finding ties in well with clinical observations that indicate that cocaine use in humans may increase sexual motivation, thereby increasing the likelihood of the occurrence of high-risk sexual behavior.”


They should have studied gerbils.


Spider said...

Look for a story next week about how an attorney representing the quail is filing a lawsuit claiming the numbers in this study are fraudulent, since it was the NIH staff, not the quail, that used all the blow. The staff gets loaded, the quail get a settlement check, and the tax payers get bent over. Again.

Schteveo said...

I got just two words for MY tax dollars going for this kind of "study".



BOW said...

What did the male japanese quail say to the female japanese quail?

"Have I got a stimulus package for you!"

ChiTownSoopCon said...

Jus needs go down DC an axe de firs shniffa wut dat flake goin doo fo yoo

Anonymous said...

BOW said...
What did the male japanese quail say to the female japanese quail?
"Have I got a stimulus package for you!"


Anonymous said...

"The government has no source of revenue, except the taxes paid by the producers. To free itself—for a while—from the limits set by reality, the government initiates a credit con game on a scale which the private manipulator could not dream of. It borrows money from you today, which is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you tomorrow, which is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you day after tomorrow, and so on. This is known as “deficit financing.” It is made possible by the fact that the government cuts the connection between goods and money. It issues paper money, which is used as a claim check on actually existing goods—but that money is not backed by any goods, it is not backed by gold, it is backed by nothing. It is a promissory note issued to you in exchange for your goods, to be paid by you (in the form of taxes) out of your future production."
– Ayn Rand

Schteveo said...

Remember, when we were younger, and Rand was considered a "nut", not a prophetic voice, screaming the truth to idiots and fools?