Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Game of Racism

The other day, i saw NAACP president Benjamin Jealous interviewed on the Fox Cartoon Network. The thrust of his performance was to tell the world that the Tea Party movement is nothing more than a bunch of racists. As is always the case when the word racist is used, it was Whites he was talking about, because as we all know, (and as the MSM always tells us) blacks are not racist. He even mentioned the incident a few months ago when black members of congress walked through a group of Tea Party members on Capital Hill. Some of the elected liars ran to the nearest TV camera and accused Tea Party'ers of "spitting on us and calling us niggers". What the nitwit forgot was that every TV network was standing right there with cameras and recorders rolling. Odd, but not a single allegation the Congressional Black liars made was recorded, by anyone! Of course, had there been even the slightest bit of evidence, the MSM would have been more than happy to shove it in our faces 24/7.

As expected, Mr. Jealous made no mention of the "clearly racist and violence inciting" rants by the Black Panthers, and no one at Fox thought it relevant to bring it up. So what's up with the NAACP? It's called survival. Everyone knows this organization has outlived any usefulness it may have had. And, in a desperate attempt to keep itself relevant, (and to keep those govt grants flowing) it must become as controversial as possible. Apparently, they feel siding with their brothers in the Black Panthers and advocating the murder of Whites is the way to go. And since this organization has "very close" ties with the WH, you have to assume their remarks were either pre-approved, or at least, known. Couple that with the fact that Odumbo is clearly trying to racially divide this nation, and you have some very interesting questions that must be thought about.

1) Is Obummer trying to start a race war? The Marxist-in-Chief knows he's loosing much of the White vote, including many of his bleeding-heart, Leftist supporters who feel he's not Leftist enough. He needs every black vote, and also needs every illegal alien vote, which is why he's pushing so hard for "comprehensive immigration reform". (ie: amnesty) But if he is trying to create racial unrest, could there be another reason?

2) Crazy Scenario: What would happen if violent racial unrest did break out on a huge scale? Would the president have the ability to declare a State of Emergency? Yes. Would he have the reason and authority to declare Martial Law? Yes. If it got to that point, could he suspend the Constitution and postpone the elections, using the "national emergency" to remain in power? IMO, Yes! Not being a Constitutional expert, i have to leave the answer to that one to someone who is. But, it doesn't take an expert to see that this Marxist administration is power/control-crazy, and there's nothing they won't do to keep it.

Does it sound really nuts to think of such a thing? It does to me, but keep this in mind. We're seeing things done to our country, our freedoms, and our liberties that none of us have ever seen before, things that we would've called nuts just a few years ago had someone told us they would happen...


B Hussien Da Da , President for Life said...

I be tellings all y'all fors a while...I be the boss man nows

Paul ReverePoot said...

Huessien Bi Obama is not a racist. He does not care. He is NOT BLACK. He is a MUSLIM.... only.

If you want to understand why he does anything (and everything) just ask youself, every time, 'just what about what he is doing is it that furthers the Marxist-Muslim takeover of the US (eventually the world)?

> Amnesty for illegals
> Open borders (for now)
> Healthcare takeover
> Liberal foreigners on the S.C.
> Redistrubution of wealth
> Illegal voting rights
> Corporate governamnt takeovers
> Gun Control
> Having a wife that makes EVERYONE wish she was wearing a Burka.
>20 years with Farakans best friend and Butt Buddy 'Rev'
(Imam) Williams.

Everything and more has one goal. He is the Sharia Law-Giver to the US. AS France, Holland Germany Spain the UK and others have their Musilfication 'annointed ones'.

It's about time boys.... About time....

Schteveo said...

My fear is NOT a race war, it's a French Revolution scenario.

TCM has been running those kinds of old B/W movies as it is Bastille Day. Lots of Robepierres and Mdme's Defarge today on TCM. Good movies, but scary shit when you think about that revolt vs ours against King George.

Pig Giz Sukkin Muslims said...

Fuk dem French Muslim Pig sukkas

Anonymous said...

Official charges of racism aimed at the DOJ.

Spider said...

You've got a point there brother Poots. The Mooselamb thing and the black thing may be one in the same, since many blacks in America have converted to I-slam. In fact, if you look at the female members of the Black Panther Party you'll notice they all wear long, black burkas.

Cartoon Network said...

"The Game of Racism" if feel it nice and entertaining to the viewers if you want more about Cartoon Network info visit

Anonymous said...

Government sponsered and approved racism, and in full view.