Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hugo Would Be Proud

So how would you feel if next pay day, and every pay day, your employer turned over every bit of information on your paycheck (and in your personal payroll records) to, not just the IRS, but the Obamunists in the WH? Why would your boss do that? Well, to keep from being fined or being sent to jail.

It seems the Marxist-in-Chief wants to know every single thing about what you do and how much you earn, whether you work in the private sector or not. The excuse, oops, i mean reason, they're using this time is not the children, as they usually do. This time the victims are, "the women", specifically, black women. (gee, what a surprise) You see, Comrade Odumbo feels black women aren't getting enough money and promotions. No, the words "earned or deserve" don't appear in this new legislation, and if they did, it would probably be considered racist. In fact, in all the attacks by this govt. on our freedom and liberty, this may be the largest assault on our personal privacy yet perpetrated.

Now for my opinion;
Not since the street-wars i fought in the early 60's have i seen this country as racially divided as it's become since the Marxist was elected, in spite of the fact that during his campaign, he claimed he would eliminate that divide. (IMO, widening it was part of his plan all along) How did he eliminate it? Well, he started by being the first (and only) candidate to inject race into that campaign, sending a very clear message to black America. (remember how John McLoser was running around defending himself for making racial remarks, "that he never made"?) Many Whites are starting to realize that every piece of legislation pushed by Odumbo clearly favors black Americans over White Americans, and the Obamunists don't seem to care how obvious it's becoming.

America had better pray that those war-like days of the 60's don't come back, because if they do, it'll make Afghanistan look like Disney Land...


Anonymous said...

The only thing Hugo is proud of is his half-inch pecker and two-inch lips.

Nudder Kuhn Bites Dee Dusht said...


Charlie Da Harlem Pimp Rangel is goin to trial.

Hope I stop laffin my ass off soon so I can go to sleep.

Jimbo said...

According to what I read today, it's not just employers but doctors as well.

But they don't want to know EVERYTHING. For example:

If you've had an abortion or if you've been tested for HIV (regardless of the results) your records are still private.

If you've had an abortion or if you've been tested for HIV (regardless of the results) your records are still private.

If you've had an abortion or if you've been tested for HIV (regardless of the results) your records are still private.

Is that sinking in yet, boys and girls?

I bet if you (someone) suffers from sickle cell anemia, that is also "non-disclosed".

Liberalism has been proven to be a mental disorder. I bet they don't have to report that either.


You know - last time I was in a bullet store I noted that 30.06 rounds keep going way up in price - damn near $3 a round for the good brands. It's beginning to get expensive to reach out and touch someone.


Schteveo said...

These people have got to be stopped. 30.06 sounds about right.

Non-Conforming Spider said...

Jimbo, it's called "protecting votes". The exemptions are clearly aimed at "low-income" women and gays, both major supporters of the Demoncrats. And the rest of us? Well, we just keep paying and keep bending over. Finding it harder to breathe lately? This legislation is one of the reasons why.