Thursday, July 22, 2010

Post racial my ass

I won't dispute the "bitch" part of her description


Svenska said...

How can using the term "whiteman's" make it non-racial? If she'd said "the man's" that'd be different. Or if she said "no man's". Oh - that's right - i forgot - you can say anything about the white man or cracker and it's not racial. As far as being a bitch - well...

Spider said...

This is but one small result of Obummer setting the tone when he started campaigning, trying to convince the 12-15 million blacks in this country that they are the true majority, and that the law doesn't apply to them. And you can't really blame most blacks because they see that almost everything the Marxist-in-Chief does is geared to give them an advantage over Whites.

Now, with what i'm sure has been much coaching from the NAACP, the woman from the USDA fired by Obummer is now blaming Conservatives for the whole problem. (she said that this morning on CNN and MSNBC) In fact, one of the talking heads at CNN said to her, "don't you think Breibarts web site should be shut down"? She said, yes. And when asked if she wants an apology from him, she answered, "yes, but i want a lot more". ($$$)