Thursday, August 6, 2009

America's New Mobsters

No, not the guys standing on the street corners of Brooklyn. The new mobsters i'm referring to are, according to the Obamunists, American tax payers. American citizens who are tired of being treated like subjects in some banana republic or communist country. These are people who have the unmitigated gall to not like being told what they want, or what they like, or what's good for them and their families. The nerve of them! How dare they defy the will of Chairman Obummer, or queen Pelosi, or the puppet-master himself, George Soros? Don't these poor fools realize that those on the far-Left always know what's best for everyone? Don't they understand that their country, their society, and their lives, are being dramatically changed for their own good, whether they want it or not? Now that's what i call ungrateful!

In most of the worlds countries, including our own, (or what used to be "our" country) this is the kind of stuff that breeds revolutions. These are the things that force good people to pick up guns, torches, and ropes, and take to the streets, although i seriously doubt DC would have enough trees to go around. Personally, i'm very surprised that enough Americans are making demands on their elected crooks to have the Obamunists scared. Yes, they're scared. First, because they're not in the habit of being made to explain what it is they're doing, and second, they know the larger this movement gets, the less control they'll have over the sheeple. Remember, whether it's health care, or the so-called stimulus, or the environment, or the economy, what it's "really" all about, is control!


Schteveo said...

OK, here's the ultimate question.

If the MAJORITY of constituents, of both parties, show up, acting like a MOB, does it take away from the fact that the MAJORITY MOB doesn't want what the idiots want to force on us?

If I were an elected worm, I'd be worried about recalls, special elections and lynchings, instead of being concerned about WHO was in the mob, or how they last voted. And BTW, doesn't the fact that the Obamacare supporters are in the minority of people mean we shouldn't be having this conversation at all? The left keeps screaming about majorities, polls and any other number that shows why they do what they do. Why not follow the polls this time, and do what the majority wants?

That'd be too easy, and too counter-socialistic policy I suppose.

Anonymous said...

The only majority the president cares about (or has to answer to) is the one he has in congress.

BOW said...

Those angry mobs arrived by walkers, armed with canes! They stormed the townhall meetings, attacking everyone in their way, like an F5 tornado!