Friday, August 21, 2009

It was an interesting day in Hawai‘i.

Today was the 50th anniversary of Statehood. For the most part it was celebratory – a lot of folks counting their blessings and ‘entitlement’ checks. For government workers it was a paid holiday.

But there are those who are bitter. Here in Honolulu about 1,000 people gathered, gave speeches, and marched in protest. They cut the 50th star from an American Flag and burned it. They believe Hawai‘i should be an independent nation.

Some things I noted about the protesters:
Their speeches were in English rather than Hawaiian (or Japanese).
They marched on paved thoroughfares built (in part) with federal dollars (not German marks).
The Islands are protected by the US Pacific Fleet, US Marines, and US Air Force.
They thrive on US tourist dollars.
They are employed (fed) by US companies.
Their homes are built of American lumber.
Their shit is carried away from their homes by pipes engineered by American ingenuity and manufactured on the US Mainland.
95% of what they eat, drink, drive, and wear is courtesy of US shipping – be it floating or flying.
Their favorite food is Spam.

That brings us to our ‘Word for the Day’:

Main Entry: un·grate·ful
Function: adjective
1: showing no gratitude: making a poor return
2: disagreeable; also: thankless

It reminds me of the typical American liberal.

Cheers from Paradise,
photo courtesy of C-Bug


Spider said...

Well done Jimbo. The simple answer to this situation is, cut them loose. Let them make it on their own. Maybe they can get a better deal from Chavez or Castro, or Putin. I like pineapple, but i can live with out it. Can they live without us?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

"The protesters joining in on the Native Hawaiian rally swelled to more than 300 people when they reached the Convention Center today following their march from Ala Moana Beach Park."

300 people. Wow. Not impressed. Looks like from the pictures in your article they found the 2 "native Hawaiians" in the "mob" to make sure they could use the title.

Beautiful picture! ;-)

Schteveo said...

Except for the weather, it sounds like NY or CA.

Anonymous said...


" Health care is not the only threat to our democracy. [The Demoncrats] can vote in anything they want. The only thing standing between you and them voting in anything they want is you."
– Congressman Wally Herger (R-CA)