Friday, August 28, 2009

Frightening (And Real) Possibilities

While the American people have been distracted by major situations like health care, the bail-outs, the so-called stimulus packages, and the outright nationalizing of private business’s, the Odumbo administration has been quietly embedding dozens, if not hundreds, of its radical, Left-wing “soldiers” in powerful and influential government positions, including DOJ, State Dept., the CIA, FBI, and yes, even the SCOTUS. And let’s not forget all those mysterious, powerful, and not-answerable-to-anyone, Czars. Many of these positions have the power and authority to create policy that will seriously affect our country. And it’s all politically motivated.

The new attack on the CIA, based on old allegations which have already been investigated, is a perfect example of that politically motivated power. Personally, I believed the attack was simply to distract the nation from seeing how destructive Obummer’s so-called health care plan really is. But perhaps it’s much more serious than that. Perhaps, what the president is really doing is using his AG to destroy his enemies, (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld) a promise he made to his Socialist and Marxist base. Of course and as usual, while this is being done, Odumbo, with the MSM’s help, will create the illusion that his hands are clean, that he has no part in any of this, and in fact, that he “doesn’t want to look back”. And as usual, the Kool-Aid drinkers of the Left will believe that the AG would actually go forward with this "persecution", even when the president says not to. They refuse to see or believe that their president is an outright liar, and has been most of his life.

The possibilities contained in this story are truly frightening. That the people who now control all the power can make these things a reality, is (or should be) enough to give real Americans nightmares, or reach for their guns. There are things being done by this Marxist administration that are changing our country, our Constitution, our people, and our very way of life. They are for the most part, being done quietly, so as not to attract too much attention. If these policies are put into place, simply shouting at some town hall meeting won’t be enough to get our country back. It’s going to take “extreme, drastic, action”, the kind that this country hasn’t seen in hundreds of years. Or, perhaps the American people will fool me when the 2010 and 2012 elections come around. We’ll see…


Schteveo said...

Holder will die from lead poisoning, wait and see. I think either 9mm, or .223 caliber.

Spider said...

Hey, here's an idea. How about giving president Obummer total control of the internet? Can you think of a better way for his hacks to get rid of all those nasty blogs that disagree with him?

Anonymous said...

"People are not buying these Obama concepts that are completely foreign to America. We're almost reaching a revolution in this country."
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.)