Thursday, August 20, 2009

Replacing The "King"

As we all know, Sen. Ted (lady killer) Kennedy's foot is getting closer to that well-known "bucket". And, as one of the few remaining members of Amerika's "royal family", (well, according to the MSM any way) he feels it's his "right" to have the laws changed so that he can pick his successor and thereby continue screwing-up this country even after he's dead. (Kings can do that you know) Great! Just when we thought we would finally be rid of him. But don't expect this ultra, ultra, ultra, Leftist to go quietly. He'll do everything in his power to make sure the damage he's done to Amerika goes on, in his name of course. (remember, this whole health care mess is his personal baby)

Some say he'll hand over his crown to his young wife, who, unlike Mary-Jo, apparently has managed to survive her relationship with fat Teddy. Others say he may choose his nephew Joe. You know Joe, he's Hugo Chavez's little boy. Or, maybe his cousin Smith, the rapist. One thing you can be sure of is, which ever of these human virus's is pulled from the Kennedy nest, the very liberal dupes of the People's Republic of Massachusetts will go along, as always. I hear the major cable "news" channels are already planning several days to cover this "earth shattering" event. Maybe they'll actually show his foot hitting that bucket? Hey, what if the black guy with the AR-15 shows up? Now that would be entertainment!


Schteveo said...

He'll cut some kind of deal whereby he gets to pick the successor. Money will change hands.

Anonymous said...

I bet he picks a black marxist homosexual abortionist peace-activist and former domestic terrorist in a wheelchair who hates Jews and practices Wicca.

Anonymous said...

no eskimo representation?

Anonymous said...


I bet he picks a black marxist homosexual abortionist peace-activist and former domestic terrorist in a wheelchair who hates Jews and practices Wicca and is same-sex married to a gay eskimo.

Anonymous said...


BOW said...

Not just limited to Kings. Queen Barney Frank will do the same when his Spam gets him (not the computer spam, the bad meat in the can variety).

Yes, heirs to the honestly accrued family wealth and power will continue to shove things down and ram things up....

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Gag me. Change the laws so Kennedy can hand pick? He'll get it done too. The tumor is taking over his brain..... and the government.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Just got a miniature burro. What's it's name you ask? ......... Burrito!

Anonymous said...

Not into men any more?

Goober said...

The only way that justice can be served in this world is if the following two things happen before Ted dies:

His senate seat goes to someone with whom he disagrees and of whom he disapproves.

Universal health care is shot down in flames, and the uproar from the American public over the attempt to grab the power that Teddy has been lusting for his entire life is so loud tht he hears it from his death bed.

Only then can he die knowing that his entire life was a failure and that his life's work has been squandered. Only then will i feel like Mary Jo has recieved some form of vindication and justice.

Anonymous said...

Dream on!