Thursday, September 10, 2009

A 9/11 Prayer




Schteveo said...

Amen. But many people already have.

Missy said...

yea cuz now its a day of service.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Just turned on the tube. Fox News hasn't forgotten. They are honoring flight 93 and the time it went down. ABC, CBS, and NBC don't give a damn.

Svenska said...

I'm wearing my 9/11 pin that has the twin towers encircled by a red, white & blue ribbon - to remind myself and everyone I come in contact with today.

Abu "I'm BAAAACK" Kareem said...

As of today, anything that goes wrong in America can be blamed on Barak Obama.

8 years ago, we were attacked and everything after that was blamed on George W. Bush and his administration. There can be no more "I inherited this problem" from BO.

Spider said...

I've got news for you guys. The American people have already forgotten 9/11. Just look at our southern border (wide open) and our ports (wide open) if you don't think so. It will take more than one 9/11 to make them wake up. And a new govt!

Jimbo said...

According to the favored search engine home pages, only Google has forgotten.