Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tell Us What Yu Really Think

Obama always said if you want to know what he's about, just see who he surrounds himself with. This is what the commie Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar (whatever that is) thinks of us.



srk said...

Obama seems to be taking one vacation after another while his comrades nationalize everything. He comes out daily from playing to deliver his messages of hope and change which seems more like dope and chains. And every one of his so-called post-racial comrades keeps stirring up racial hatred at every turn.

Spider said...

President Odumbo has made his long-time pal Van Jones the new "green czar", whatever that is. I think it would've been more appropriate to call Jones the "red czar", since he's a well-known radical communist revolutionary. That's not just my description of him, it's his description of himself. He is Amerika's Che Guevara. Apparently, president Obummer believes he's the official employment agency for the country's radical Communists and Marxists, as he surrounds himself with this little army of radicle czars. Does that remind you of anyone? (Fidel, Hugo, Kim Jong, Mao, etc.)

The other night, while sitting on my terrace peering into a glass of Southern Comfort, i had a crazy thought. (no, not about my great-looking neighbor) At least i hope it was crazy. What if, come 2012 and he loses the election, and having all his czars in place, Odumbo "refuses" to give up power? Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Then again, it doesn't take a genius to see how he's consolidating his power over, and control of, everything. Government take-overs happen all the time, in many parts of the world. Why not here? Who would stop him, his congress? Do you hear his congress screaming about all the power and authority they're losing to these czars? Not a sound! Crazy idea? We had better hope it is!

Anonymous said...

since he's a well-known radical communist revolutionary. That's not just my description of him, it's his description of himself.

Beck called him a czar and the WH called him on it. They said he's not a czar. Ironic, isn't it.

Spider said...

Not a czar? Well, that makes everything better, doesn't it. As of this morning, comrade Jones says, since becoming part of the Odumbo administration, he "no longer believes in his old ideas"!

No, it's not just that statement that's crazy, it's that the MSM will buy it and run with it!

BOW said...

He didn't want to be czar. That's who the commies overthrew.

Anonymous said...

Good point.