Monday, September 7, 2009

Yet another occasion to put Lipstick, on the Pig

Who would have thought that an AP writer would write an article about how great 'The One' is, or how bad the country was when he took over. And he's evidently some kind of bridge or messiah or some such tripe. It's all very familiar political ground. It's been tilled, turned and fertilized with liberal amounts of manure. Heres some more fertilizer.

'He's the only 1 we've got'; Obama at 8 months


Spider said...

"A country in transformation"? "Leading to the country's next era"? Those are statements that were also heard in pre-Hitler Germany, pre-Mussolini Italy, and pre-Chavez Venezuela. Going from capitalism to Marxism is a transformation. Going from freedom and liberty, to almost complete government control would be an era change.

EARTH TO THE AMERICAN VOTERS: Change IS NOT always good! Change IS NOT always for the better. In fact, it rarely is, especially when it's change forced by govt-created fear and hysteria. Remember a few months back, when we're were told we "had to" pass a multi-Trillion dollar "stimulus" package or the country would collaps? That taking our grandchildrens money would create "millions" of jobs? Well, what happened?

The people interviewed for this article (assuming you believe what's in it) scare me. They seem to have accepted that, although they may have made a big mistake electing Odumbo, there's nothing they can do about it. "Let's give him a chance". A chance to do what, turn us into the next Cuba?

This article only proves what i've believed all along. It's not the elected, lying crooks that are the problem, it's the weak-minded, gullible, and we're-too-busy-to-care people that are the problem.

BOW said...

New Czar!

BHO said...

stop referring to me as a pig, we Muslims object to that!!!!

BOW said...

transvestite porcine!

yes, much better

Schteveo said...

I though this article would bring more attention. If for nothing else the audacity it took to print the silly thing.

The current Admin is ass deep in NEW debt, they're being savaged over their one big plan, ObamaCare, from 80% of voting aged Americans, and the Porkulus Plan hasn't worked to stimulate anyone who doesn't work at MSNBC. It's absolute propaganda to say Americans are taking a wait and see approach.

Dr Goebbels would be proud of this end run around the truth.