Wednesday, March 24, 2010


How stupid ARE these people?
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is warning that some of his Democratic colleagues are being threatened with violence when they go back to their districts
Well, freaking DUH! This country fought for 60 years against communists. I lost family members and friends to communists in two wars. And now these stupid asshole progressives (communists) want everyone to forget history?
My GAWD liberals are stupid!
Buy bullets. Lots and lots and lots of bullets.
That's NOT a threat - unless of course you are a worthless communist progressive democrat dipshit coming to take what I worked a lifetime to build.
Things are getting bad, boys and girls.
(Of course - the same people who are making these death threats an issue ignored similar threats to kill Bush - hell, they even made a MOVIE about killing Bush!) Freaking 'progressive' hypocrites make me very, very angry.


Spider said...

While watching the news this morning, especially on CNN and msnbc, i witnessed the begining of a campaign. I recognized it because i've seen it so many times before.

The first thing the Left does when they plan to target an enemy is to demonize that enemy. (remember what they did to GWB?) This time the enemy is the Tea Party movement, which of course, is being blamed for all of the "alleged" threats "supposedly" being made against Demoncrats. In fact, one of CNN's on-air clowns even mentioned Sarah Palin, because they said, her web site features "little bullseyes" used to highlight certain points on a map. They of course interpreted this as a call for violence on Palins part.

As the day goes on, we'll be seeing more of these "alleged" Demoncrat "victims" coming forward. They claim this all started the other day when they paraded themselves before anti-govt. protestors after Odumbo signed his illegal health care law. You won't be seeing any facts or evidence, just "claims" which are more than enough for the MSM. I saw that scene of them walking passed the demonstrators. I'm sure there were some comments made, and rightfully so. That's what the First Amendment is all about.

What i also saw was a room filled with camera phones, video cameras, and an army of media maggotts. So my question is this. If their claims of being spit upon and being called nigger were true, don't you think we'd be seeing "endless" replays of those video clips from places like cnn and msnbc?

BOW said...

The government should fear the people. Isn't that what the Founders wanted? They fear, not because of any real physical threat, but because they know that they screwed the pooch and the people are angry.
If anyone should fear for their lives, it is WE THE PEOPLE who have to try to live with this deathcare legislation.

Anonymous said...

A perfect example;

"An aid to Colorado's Betsy Markey (D-L) called Fort Collins police Sunday afternoon requesting increased patrols around her unoccupied home out of concern it might be vandalized, “because of her health care vote” later that day, Sgt. Joel Tower told Wednesday night.

There was no specifics given to use about why they expected that (vandalism) or if they'd received any threats," Tower said. Markey’s aid told police that no one was staying at the home this week.

Police did increase patrols around Markey’s home in Fort Collins’ Old Town neighborhood, but there hasn’t been any vandalism or protests there in the wake of the health care bill’s passage, Tower said.

ABC News:

Schteveo said...

They've been doing this with the Tea Party since day one. The problem they have is two fold. The first problem is the leaderless nature of the movement. The maggots have no "one" to blame.

Their second problem is the homogeneous nature of the movement. We know there are Democrats and Republicans and others in the Tea Party. And that means the members are all thinking to themselves,

"..wait just a friggin' minute, I'm a Tea Party member, and I'm NOT a racist!! Hey, kiss my ass MSNBC!!"

So knowing that they as individuals are NOT racists, then LL the Tea Party people CAN'T be racists. That kind of crap is why the Big Three and PMSNBC are continuing to lose viewers.

My fears are that shots will be fired and innocent people will be hurt. Unfortunately, I think it's becoming less and less likely that peace will remain in the country. I firmly believe we are about to go the way Greece is going right now, over exactly the same issues.

Money, food and housing.

Spider said...

Well, if it comes to that, and i truly doubt it will except for a few, the Demoncrats have only themselves to blame, which of course, are the only ones they won't blame.

The Left has gotten use to the American people being weak, mindless, and easily distracted, and to a great extent they're right. But apparently, that doesn't include "all" the people. Thank God!

IMO, Chairman Odumbo and the other Marxists who now control us, are not the kind to give up power, not after waiting so long and working so hard to get it all. With the massive plans they have to re-engineer our society, they realize 4 years is not enough. With this in mind, and if the mid-term elections do not bring "dramatic" change, then there's no way to get our country back other than by force of arms.

Freedom is not free, and we may have to find out how many Americans are willing to pay, and how high a price. Personally, i never thought i'd live to see the day when true Americans would be "seriously" discussing this subject. Then again, i never thought i'd see my country becoming a Marxist state.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Nancy P-Hell-Hole-si was begging for trouble when she marched to Capital Hill through protesters with the Flintstone's sized gavel in her hands on Sunday.

As for the article, turn about is fair play:

Cantor's Office Attacked

Anonymous said...

It was just her way of telling the majority of Americans that they don't count.

Spider said...

To prove how the Left's campaign of demonizing is already working, here's a readers comment from the very liberal NY Daily News. Obviously, the Kool-Aid is being handed out again. And they say we're violent.

"Unlike the party that lost, who resort to Taliban tactics to encourage terrorism to overturn that very democratic process that they themselves proclaim as their own.. Time to bring our troops home to protect our own Homeland Freedom from people who want to end a debate that they lost by attempting to change the outcome with bullets and bombs...Not by the ballot box... We who elected our government representatives that won will make Irag, Afghanistan, Palestine, India and Packistan look like Disneyland compared to what we will have as the landscape of the United States of America if these Anti-American Talbans Beck, Limpbag, Teabag, Palin..and all the like are allowed to continue their Terrorist Campaign. We as a Nation fought for our freedom to choose by the ballot box.... We too are also trained to defend and I will defend my country and our constitutional democratic process by any means possible. We have these rights without fear or threats of harm to kill our families and countrymem."

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Schteveo said...

My younger brother is pretty much moderate in his views, UNTIL Sunday nights fiasco. OH brother is he on the Right now.

He was talking to our un-political mother about the vote and wrangling Sunday night and the fact that they went against what the majority wanted. He asked her, "...and what happens in November if Obama decides we need to not have elections?"

She said, "But they'd never try that, this is America!!"

He said, "...yeah, the majority will rule right? You men like they did on this health care crap! Get a grip mom, they ignored us."

She didn't get worried until he told her she was going to lose some of her Medicare that she's been paying extra for, her PPO plan. Suddenly everyone in my family is a raving conservative!!

I don't think she fully got it, until he told her that.

BOW said...

"Then again, i never thought i'd see my country becoming a Marxist state."

the "ing" should be an "e"

the future is here and it's a brave new world

I hope there's dinero in the coffers when snorpht comes a calling. maybe we can head over to your beef and whiskey extravaganza

Schteveo said...

...I was just sitting here, suddenly, I got an urge for whiskey and beef, it's the damnedest thing!!

BOW said...

can't help you, we only have beef and whiskey.

stinkinrottenkid said...

No problem ahole, anon.

You have no kids so you are the most selfish here. Yu can't see past your own death.

Most of us here have developed various forms of survival skills which you will realize you will need to depend on. Actually, you and you ilk already do but it will become more desperate, just as you do now, but the consequences will be on your immediate survival.

Just as in a sinking ship, unless you can swim, outsmart the predators, create shelter from the elements, you will die w/o the good will of those who possess those skills.

I, for one, would keep you alive as long as I could, providing it was in my best interest. Part of that being a source of fresh nutrition.

Otherwise, I would just use you as bait for fish if I could improvise a way of catching them.

Schteveo said...

OK, I just about had enough...after this, I'm personally killings comments. If I could get my hands on this MFer, he'd need traction.

He adds nothing to the mix but insults. I don't have to help RUN a blog to be insulted!!

Enjoy this day ass munch, after today, I delete every word you say. I'm done with it.

Urinates on Liberals said...

The best answer to jerks like this, Stevie, is the simple reply:

"Yeah, whatever."

(Translation: "You're so fucked up that no one cares.")

Anonymous said...

I told you not to play with him/her/it.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy this day ass munch, after today, I delete every word you say. I'm done with it.

March 25, 2010 7:58 PM

I beat you to it, Stevie.

Fuck Communists.

Anonymous said...

Let him play his little game. It only strengthens the argument against his marxist mentality

Schteveo said...

Anon, 3:55 AM,
it's not going to happen, I won't see those comments left in here anymore. I wouldn't 'ignore' someone shitting on the carpet in my living room, just because I'm a renter either. This is the same thing.

We've asked this person to be civil and argue the issues. He / she / it has proven time and again they are NOT capable of doing so. Why then, should I just 'ignore' those comments?

You don't 'ignore' snakes under the porch. You go in and drag them out and cut their heads off. I'm effectively pulling this snakes fangs.

Anonymous said...

"Hmmmm ... When Republican Senator Jim Bunning was getting death threats because he was holding up an extension of unemployment benefits (he wanted them to be paid for) did Clyburn speak up? Hell no, he didn't. Not in the game plan. The plan is (to demonize) anyone who dares to speak out against ObamaCare. The ObamaMedia will play the game. Actually, as I said, a pretty brilliant tactic. Dishonest as hell .. but brilliant." --- Neal Boortz

Anonymous said...

Poor disability boy.

Anonymous said...

You know the tea party guy who encouraged people to break windows at democrats' office?

He's a 57-year old from Alabama living on government disability checks. SOund familiar?


We The People said...

Andrew Breitbart is offering $10,000 for evidence that the N-word was used at the Tea Party rally in D.C.:

"If we let them get away with Saturday’s stunt — using the imagery of the Civil Rights era and hurtful lies to cast aspersions upon the tea party whole — then they really will have won the day.

It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.

And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now.


Rep. Lewis, if you can’t do that, I’ll give him a backup plan: a lie detector test. If you provide verifiable video evidence showing that a single racist epithet was hurled as you walked among the tea partiers, or you pass a simple lie detector test, I will provide a $10K check to the United Negro College Fund."