Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Using free speech to combat free speech

Silly liberals. Next thing you know, they'll be using guns to protest guns.

Sean Penn Wants Reporters Jailed for Calling Chavez 'Dictator'

First Amendment be damned . . . If Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn had his way, any journalist who called Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a dictator would quickly find himself behind bars.
It was just the beginning of a busy weekend for Penn. When asked on CBS' "Sunday Morning" about those who question his motives for his humanitarian work in Haiti, he said: "Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it."

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' senior judicial analyst, said the same constitutional protection that applies to journalists also applies to Penn, who can say pretty much anything he wants in the "political arena" -- aside from an immediate incitement of violence.

This boy puts the 'shit' in Dipshit.


BOW said...

Penn is an asshole, an excellent actor- just do that and follow direction. No one cares what a rich, uneducated (formally or self taught) pseudointellectual has to say about....anything. Let him move to Cuba or Venezuela...Johnny Depp- send to France. Capeesh?

Free speech to quell free speech?done

Guns to do the same? done

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

dik-tey-ter, dik-tey-ter]

a person (check) exercising absolute power (check), esp. a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession (check).

Hmmmmm... I'd say Chavez is... well... a dictator... but I'm not a journalist... or does blogging count?

Bawney Fwank said...


pretty much the same

Schteveo said...

Let's hope his finger is loaded.

Spider said...

This nitwit would make a great poster boy for an anti-drug campaign. "Stop doing drugs or you'll end up like this"!

stinkinrottenkid said...

Is he plugging a hole in the dike? Wouldn't want all that goo to spill out.