Friday, June 5, 2009

America? Guess Again.

Last year, when Yobama was running around lying his head off in order to get elected, several reports came out claiming he's really a foreign-born Mooselamb, and therefor not legally qualified to be the US president. Of course, his fans in the MSM quickly labeled such reports as racist lies. Now, for the last couple of days, i see Obummer off visiting Mooselamb countries telling them of his Mooselamb father and his coming from Mooselamb Indonesia! It sure sounds to me like he's over there confirming all those "racist lies" his worshipers in the media were howling about. Is the truth finally coming out, albeit disguised as a peace-making effort, so that the American people will swallow it, as they swallow everything else?

Another thing his visit with his Mooselamb brothers has taught me is that, all the things i've learned as a "natural born" American, are apparently wrong. America is not a Christian nation. We are in fact, "the worlds largest Mooselamb nation"! WTF!! So, in just over 100 days, not only has El Yobama managed to do away with those pesky little things that have bothered the far-Left for decades, like capitalism, democracy, private enterprise, etc., but now he's doing away with Christianity as well? I don't know about you, but these are the questions i'm asking my self.

1) Have the notoriously gullible, brain-dead, Kool-Aid gulping American people been duped into actually electing a foreign-born Mooselamb as their president?

2) Will 78.5% of the above-described people accept that they're no longer Christians, and if not, what will/can they do about it?

3) Is there enough will, brains, and backbone left in this country to admit that we've been had?

Because if there isn't, then we deserve everything that's coming our way...รข??s-christian-muslim-double-standard-our-first-dhimmi-president/


Jimbo said...

I've convinced myself that among the reasons Obama had his college transcripts sealed is because they contain evidence he was foreign-born... As well as a below-average affirmative action student who was a marxist activist.

Blue said...

during the election if I said "Barack Hussein Obama" I was a racist

today if I do not say "Barack Hussein Obama" I am a racist

& my spell checker still tells me that Obama is misspelled

Spider said...

Yes, it's Obummer.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I think the Republicans should get a do-over based on his pro-muslim feelings that he "swept under the rug" pre-election and now is very proud of.

Anonymous said...

What if it's more than just feelings?

Schteveo said...

Buy bullets, clean your guns, sharpen the guillotines!!

Anonymous said...

Good advice, but we have to use them!

"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."
Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

"I can attest from scores of interviews with some of the region's most dangerous terrorists that they are not waging a jihad against the U.S. because they are poor, or angry or desperate, but because they believe it is their Islamic duty to spread their belief system around the world." – Aaron Klein