Monday, June 29, 2009

Blue' rant: just looked at my gas & electric bill.
From 5/28 to 6/26 I used 7 therms of gas for a charge of $3.99. I used 162 kwH of electricity for a charge of $2.74 cents.

That's a total of $6.75 for 29 days of energy usage. Since this includes profit for the utility company this is what my total bill should be.

The total bill actually is $40.11. The $33.36 difference is for taxes and fees imposed by city, state, & taxing districts.

We do not need to become energy independent - we need to become tax & fee independent!!!!


Spider said...

Just wait until we all get Greenatized by Yobama, Botox Nancy, and fat Algore. Your current bill will look like a huge bargin. Get rid of taxes and fees? No, we need to get rid of the government!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

We need to get rid of both!

Schteveo said...

Uh...I don't want to be obtuse, but, IF you are energy independent, i.e., off the grid, you beat the taxes. If you do it now, the green morons in Congress will give you tax incentives to NOT pay those utility taxes in the future.

That's my goal, off the grid, and asap chitlins.

Blue said...

I do believe that if I install solar power grids on my roof & make my meter spin backwards i would still be billed for the taxes & fees.......

BOW said...

It looks like a bargain to me now. I pay twice as much and use less. And I use even less than at home in my office and they charge me commercial rates!
I'm glad we finally finished paying off the Spanish-American War just about 4 years ago. Yeah, it showed up as a tax on our phone bills all our lives! Few people were aware of that.

Spider said...

It's not only foolish, but naive to think the govt. will not impose some kind of tax or fee no matter what you use. And if they can't tax your solar panels, they'll increase the tax on your natural gas supply, water, sewage, etc. They'll always find a way and we all know it. Does anyone actually believe the govt. would encourage us to use energy systems that would give them less revenue?