Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am disgusted

I expected to be disgusted after seeing last night's vote. But what disgusts me more is all the talk of protecting wha we believe in, a bullet count, gun shows attended......

Some votes haven't gone well recently. So that's it? All this "bravery" and "chest pounding" is nothing more than a charade?

Go ahead. Give up. Give in.

Go ahead

I won't.

I'll do it for the children.

Not yours.


Bill O'Writes


BOW said...

Maybe Steve's right and this is just a waste of time.

Anonymous said...


"This President has chosen his battle and it is with the American system that has served us well since our country was founded. He believes himself to be our first post-American President and he is aiming to allow his wife to be proud of this country for the second time in her adult life. he does not believe that our Armed Forces are something to be proud of, but that they represent what has been wrong with America for far too long. America the Oppressor has been tamed by Barack the Appeaser and there are no allies he will not insult and no enemies he will not bow down to. He wanted to be the President so he could serve as Organizer in Chief, he has shown he lacks what it take for the required role of Commander in Chief."
– Uncle Jimbo

Spider said...

Things may not be as bad as first reported. It seems the House's Marxist health-care bill may not survive the senate, thanks to some Democrats. No, not Republicans. Democrats! Keep your fingers crossed, and your eyes open.

BOW said...

Vote them all out. Speak loudly and clearly to all. Let it be known these politicians will be jobless come next year! And don't stop fighting!

Anonymous said...

And now this: Link

Jimbo said...

I can blog AND vote.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"In his statement Saturday, Mr.Obama said: "The bill that the House has produced will provide stability and security for Americans who have insurance; quality, affordable options for those who don't; and lower costs for American families and American businesses." In fact, the bill the House passed Saturday night violates every one of those promises, as numerous independent studies have proven.

And members will have to explain to their constituents why they supported legislation that dramatically changes the relationship between the American people and their government — forcing them to relinquish freedom over health care decisions for themselves and their families to the political will of Washington.

This bill is awakening a sleeping giant — Americans who are deeply concerned about the growing size and reach of government and trillions of dollars in deficit spending. They are not going to be swayed by flowery rhetoric. They are going to want real answers."

Marie-Grace Turner,
National review