Thursday, November 5, 2009

Now even the gay's hate Obama

So Obama has lost support on the left and the right and just about anyone else who doesn't live in Detroit with half a brain thinking Obama is sharing his own stash money with the masses but now even the GAYS don't like him?


Schteveo said...

As I recall, that great sage, Schtevarino da Great, oh he of prior Expanded Girth, predicted this move away from the Messiah, a year ago. About 15 seconds after BOHICA was pronounced the winner. There was NO WAY Mr. Obama could do all the shit he said he would do, and I said it would cost him. Here's another example.

And, the gay rights people need to shut the hell up anyway. I'm tho thick of hear them thpeak!! (it's like steam escaping)

If the GLAAD people are right, and 10% of the population is gay or curious or leaning, or bending over, why do NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF TV SHOWS HAVE A GAY CHARACTER? Hell, some of the new cop shows have gay cops. Anyone see "V" yet? Are there any "gayliens" from outer space on there. If I was black, brown, yellow, or red skinned, I'd be pissed!! Percentage wise, they should be better represented.

It's probably not healthy or smart to tell those GLAAD people to kiss your ass, is it?

Spider said...

I watched an interesting (and telling) interview on CNN yesterday. They were asking some very pissed-off San Fran queen for his/her/it's opinion of yesterdays anti gay-marriage vote in Maine. He/she/it said, "we will not be stopped by the people. We will use the courts to get what we want"! And, being it was CNN, and in the face of such rare honesty, they immediately went to a commercial.

Lesson 1: There was more honesty in that statement (see: threat) than most people realize.

Lesson 2: Unless radical gays can find someone more leftist than comrade Odumbo, (impossible) they will not abandon him. Their threats are simply meant to push Odumbo into doing their bidding. The closer we get to the mid-terms of 2010, and the 2012 election, the more Odumbo will cave to them.

Schteveo said...

I have a sneaking suspicion that unless there is a mass die off of heterosexual, moderates and conservatives, the gay vote won't push him over the top.

Besides, the gays usually vote to push in the bottom.

Barney Frank said...

How do you get 4 queers on one barstool?

Goober said...

Turn it upside down. That's an old one, Barney.

Barney Frank said...

Rim Shot! and I mean it (wink to Elton John)

Now, what is the biggest pickup line in a gay bar?

Schteveo said...

"Do you cum here often?"

BArney Fag said...

I hea da boy goin be 'goin down' to Ssssssan Fransssssssssisco to do sum goin down 2 'sssssssstimulate' hid gwaswswoots kunstituanssssssssy.

Elton Jonray said...

Push your stool in for you!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Now boys....

And Steve, It's probably not healthy or smart to tell those GLAAD people to kiss your ass but you can tell them to shove it up their ass!

Schteveo said...

HEY, there's C-Bug!!

I thought one of our lady friends would show up and tell us to calm down.

It's just harmless horse play!!

Anonymous said...

"One of the great mysteries in today's United States is how a country founded on the principle of individual freedom, having achieved great wealth and world influence, could have developed a political class bent on transforming the nation into a collective dominated by a powerful central government." – Steve McCann

Schteveo said...

that's easy. The elite KNOW they are smarter than any other living beings And that means they KNOW they are smarter than guys who never drove a car, never used a computer or who had to travel on a horse.

How smart could guys like THAT be? Right?

Shakespeare said, "...first thing we do, is kill all the lawyers..."

Among the original signers were 24 lawyers, of the 56 signers. Now Congress is MOSTLY lawyers and all legislation is written in that weasel worded lawyer speak. And the Elites all have droves of liberal lawyers on their side, twisting the law around our lives.

I vote we follow Shakespeare's idea.