Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why is this virtually nowhere in the news?

Significant amount of water discovered on the moon.

I'd say it is significant to the future of mankind, if we don't get destroyed first.

Then again, what time is "Dancing with the Stars" on?


blue said...

Al Gore wants this hushed up until it gets his facts straight. His new claim - lunar warming, caused by the landings of all the Apollo spacecraft, caused the moon's ice caps to melt.

Luna Tiq said...

The Earthlings have declared war and we want reparations

Fu Man Chu said...

A.) it WAS on the news

B.) it's science / space news so it went after what the last 'merican Idol winner had for lunch

C.) only about 5% of the population get that it's a big deal

D.) we can leave their 95% stupid asses here when we leave!!

Uncle Fu says FO to the anti-space, luddite knuckleheads.

Spider said...

Big deal. Capt. Kirk knew about the water years ago.

Blue said...

this just in - Obama orders Holder to investigate why Bush never told us there was water on the moon.....he said " It tooK my free and open administration to make this major announcement, those republicans never wanted you to know"
In a related announcement Obama sez that he will taxes taxes on water consumption 1,000,000,000% on order to fund NASA to retrieve the water from the moon...

Anonymous said...

How does the water stay there if the moon has no gravity? Is it bottled?

Snorpht, the Science Guy said...

NannerMoose..... You ARE freekin kidding................ rite?

Out of, maybe Bidens mouth.. certianlly out of Hillerys. They have the Nobel Prize of shtoopit.

But not you, not for real.

Fu Man Chu said...

of course there is gravity on the moon. It's only 1/6 of Earth gravity though. So only 1/6 of the water has to be bottled.

Uncle Fu knows a silly question when he sees one.

Andy Kaufman said...


Fu Man Chu said...

Gesundheit, Andy!!

your Old Uncle Fu

Missys' Fu said...


Man, Ya'll can Chew My Foo