Monday, November 23, 2009

PC Will Destroy America

Thanks to Eric Holder, our "i still hate GWB" AG, the 9/11 terrorists will be brought back to NYC to stand trial in a criminal court for their act of war against the US. Of course, the Kool-Aid gulpers of the Left actually believe it was Holder's decision, while the rest of us clearly understand that Holder wouldn't go to the bathroom without Chairman Odumbo's orders and approval. The other problem is that comrade Holder also controls the FBI, which is one of the reasons that world-renowned, crime-fighting agency has now become the poster-child for political correctness.

Back in '93, a couple of days after the WTC was bombed, my partner and i were hurriedly transferred from the Brooklyn Homicide Sqd. to a newly-formed joint task force comprised of the NYPD, FBI, and the NYS Police. The large team was made-up of people with real-world, street experience, not PC'ized desk jockeys and paper pushers. The consensus then was, this was an act of war, why are we involved. PC was not a factor back then, especially not with this team. We were all aware of Mooselamb terrorists active in the US, so it didn't take us very long to figure out who and what to look for. We did what we had to do, and the results were in the news. (well, some of what we did) That was then. This is now.

Today, the FBI is a very different agency. They have become very susceptible to political pressure, especially from the current Leftist govt. In other words, they are awash in political correctness, as are most government agencies. That means they will be much less effective, because they're being controlled by Leftist politicians who are putting on this show for political reasons. I have close friends who are still active in the Bureau. They have served many years and are sick over the changes they see.

Here's something else to think about. Thanks to some incredibly stupid, asinine public statements by Chairman Odumbo, there's a realistic chance these terrorists could walk away! Don't laugh just yet. This is NYC, with our Leftist judges, ultra-liberal juries, and Leftist defense lawyers coming from all over the country to protect the terrorists! Did Odumbo make those statements out of sheer stupidity and his total lack of any experience? Or, was he laying the groundwork for an acquittal, thereby sending a message to his Mooselamb brothers around the world that "we're sensitive to your plight so please don't hurt us any more "...


PC said...

I'm a PC, not a Mac

Anal Seepage said...

But Missys' a


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

"The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday." so yes, Maobama is making sure they walk away.

BOW said...

Why is no one calling for the impeachment of Obama?

Anonymous said...

The PC virus continues to creep forward.,2933,576436,00.html?test=latestnews

Spider said...

BOW said...
"Why is no one calling for the impeachment of Obama?"

Aside from us, who would call for it?

Spider said...

Here's another example of how the FBI has been "PC-ized". (note the "sensitivity" in the last paragraph)

It's also shows the wonders of living in a country that lacks the will to protect it's own borders.

Impeach the Commie said...

Yobamaramamama doesn't need help. He's destroying America singlhandedly, but he does appreciate all the help he's getting.

Anonymous said...


Goober said...

"The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday." so yes, Maobama is making sure they walk away.

Well, then, they’ll be disappointed. They’ll never get their day in court. Or at least, if our legal system still functions the way it is supposed to. We are left with two choices here, folks. Two. Count ‘em.

1.) We try and convict the terrorists, ignoring that their 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights have been hopelessly trampled, their confessions were coerced by torture, they weren’t given Miranda rights, they weren’t protected against self-incrimination, and probably most important, they were not given any right to a speedy trial. I’m not saying that they should be entitled to these things, but by moving them to civilian trial, THEY ARE NOW SO ENTITLED. Rights denied means case dismissed, so if we convict them, we basically have conceded that in special circumstances, constitutional rights don’t apply. Which sets a dangerous precedent. Think about it, folks! It also means that our judicial system, which is supposed to be fair and evenly applied, is now a travesty and a farce, and as a result, our enemies have more ammo to use against us because we put on show trials, and we lose the moral high ground when talking to other countries like Cuba and China about their pre-determined, unfair show trials.

2.) They walk.

So, we are stuck between making a joke of our legal system and all the values that Americans stand for, fight for, and live for…

Or, they terrorists are set free. On American soil.

Why have we been left with this choice? Why is Holder such an ignoramus as to not see the simple legal precedent here? They walk, or we make a mockery of ourselves. Those are our choices. Thanks, Eric “Nation of Cowards” Holder. Oh, and fuck you!

Spider said...

"Think about it, folks! It also means that our judicial system, which is supposed to be fair and evenly applied, is now a travesty and a farce,"

Well, we can give them a fair trial, (which BTW, is now legally impossible) with all the rights and protections granted to American citizens. But in doing so, we make a travesty and a farce out of the 3000 people they murdered.

"Or at least, if our legal system still functions the way it is supposed to."

Our legal system has never functioned the way it is supposed to, or how it was intended. Also, if we're so worried about how we look to the rest of the world, most of whom hate us and already think we're weak fools, then we have lost this war with radical Islam. What is Chairman Odumbo going to say when a dozen Leftist defense lawyers make the case that their clients "rights" have been violated, and they can't get a fair trial in NYC? And what will he say when some Leftist judge agrees and they walk? If the sheeple stand for this, that's exactly the outcome they deserve.

Rather than showing the world how weak we are by worrying about our image, we had better start worrying about our survival. As i've said before, it will take more than one 9/11 to make the American people wake up.

Anonymous said...

And now it starts.,,4914841,00.html