Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Body Scanners? I think NOT

So now the TSA wants body scanners in all airports. Note that the picture in this article is blurred as the high res pictures that are actually produced would be considered pornography so its hard to find them. Just think .. if the law changes these pictures will also be of our CHILDREN!


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I'm wondering if folds of fat will hide explosives/weapons? Does anyone know? Since so many Americans are considered obese this slender gal is the exception, not the rule. Just watched the first episode/9th season of the Biggest Loser last night and my gosh... they get bigger every season!

As for the children, if they are not scanned I predict the terrorists will start using them to blow up airplanes. Just sayin'.

Spider said...

That's a good point Lady-Bug. When i was a kid, i worked in a super market and recall seeing a woman arrested one day for shoplifting a 3 lb roast beef, which she hid in her, vagina! (true story)

Since the terrorists have the Leftist media to gather intelligence for them, they know exactly what's going on here. And, being far smarter than the corrupt, incompetent fools who run this country, it won't take them long to get around whatever dumb system is put into place. But to the govt. that doesn't matter, so long as they put on a show for the mindless public. So look to see 90 year old people and 6 year old kids being scanned, searched, and continually picked-on. And rest assured the TSA nitwits will still take away my tiny BIC lighter. Not the book of matches, mind you. Don't ya feel safer already?

BOW said...


Surf and Turf!

Schteveo said...

OK, I'll play devils advocate on this one.

I understand that the scanner shows this image, but the is NO NEED for someone to sit and watch us tramp through the scanners. In fact, I think the people yelling are being purposefully mislead by leftist MSM hacks who know better. The computers on the scanner can spot and identify any foreign objects. They can also be equipped with chem skimmers that will pick up explosives and such. And if the scanner goes off, THEN the scannee can be checked by the appropriate officials. Regardless of age, anyone scanned and not passed gets searched. And just like any other interrogation, Mommy and Daddy can be present while that happens.

There is always the option of NOT flying.

no, it will scan that too according to the manufacturer. The Islamofascists will have to revert to Butt Bombs to keep them hidden.

that chick getting scanned is shaped oddly. Wide bottom, small boobs.

HJR said...

Total f'ing bovine excrement!

On 9/11/01 some islamikazi nutbags that love death more than we love life and liberty murdered nearly 3000 people.

Our Federal Gubmints response: 300 million AMERICANS are now "suspects"!

An islamikazi asshat nearly succeeds in exploding his undies on 12/25/09 and the Gubmints response?

A continuation of the assault on our individual liberty as American Citizens as personified by the 4th Amendment eviscerating "Patriot Act".

Taking off my damn shoes is an inconvenience but these body scanners are an "unreasonable search" in my book and the idiots at TSA and Homeland Stupidity can go F themselves.


Boortz Gets Real About Jihadikazes

Right now we have two organizations who are working on the airline security issue. One on this side of the pond .. the other over there in Yemen. Our Homeland Security Department - headed by Janet "The System Worked" Napolitano" - is trying to figure out how to keep some Islamic radical from blowing up a commercial airliner. The other crowd is trying to figure out how to thwart any efforts put forth by Napolitano's crew. Our side has rules. Their side doesn't. Our side won't even profile. Their side will do whatever it takes. Our side won't torture. Their side thinks that's laughable. Our side cares what other's think of our efforts. Their side doesn't. Their side will kill to accomplish its goals. Our side won't even pour water over a bad guy's head. Our side gives the other side constitutional rights. Their side wants to give our side nothing more than a painful death.

One group or the other is going to accomplish its goal. Either we are going to prevent future Islamic terrorist attacks, or they are going to succeed in blowing up an airliner.

Which side do you think has the advantage here?

Spider said...

Thanks Bill! :(

Spider said...

Neal Boortz is right again.
When two teams are on the field and only one is playing by the rules, the outcome is very predictable.

Anon said...

And this story is another reason why children won't be exempt.

Teen Recruited by Al Qaeda to Bomb Western Target in Yemen, Sources Say

Earlier this week, Pakistan freed a child jihad training/brainwashing center. The Taliban response - "that wasn't ours, ours are much better!"