Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Links, Just Thinks

I think, Scott Brown's thing in MA was totally predictable.
I think the Dems going off the page to block him, is predictable.
I think feces hitting the rotating air handling machinery is predictable if [when] they try it.
I think President BOHICA blaming right wing "teabaggers", and GWB for any violence is predictable.
There will be no violence, it's predictable.
19 states have vowed to fight the Constitutionality of the sweet heart bribes to NE and LA. That they knew the Constitution that well, was not predictable.
PS, Brown's gonna win, it's predictable, EVEN in MA at this point.


srk said...

what time do the polls close in massive 2 shits?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

13% reporting
Brown 53.3%
Croakley 45.8%

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

65% reporting
Brown 52.7%
Croakley 46.3%

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

BREAKING NEWS: Republican Brown wins Mass. Senate race, AP reports


Schteveo said...

I just looked a FOX, 9:25 PM EDT, they are reporting that Mad Martha has conceded the race.

They closed at 8, there srk.

I'd give next months check to be a fly on the wall at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. tonight. I expect things are getting broken, Commandments included, and the 4 letter word count is off the scale.

I'm loving it.

BOW said...

1 down, 59 more in this house....at least....to go!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Harry Reid is next! And it's all Bush's fault!

Spider said...

Old fat Teddy-the-killer must be doing backflips in his grave! Personally, i didn't think he would pull it off, not in ultra-liberal Mass. That's like getting a conservative elected mayor of San Francisco! You can bet the Demoncrats have their dirty-trick book out and will do all they can to delay his seating.

Hey, who knows. Maybe the people are actually starting to wake up.

Anonymous said...


When a Dumbo-eared Marxist legend in his own mind expends precious political capital in a losing cause to rescue the worst candidate in U.S. Senate history.

Schteveo said...

I hate to say, "I told you so", but...

I, like you, wondered how far up their colons the voter's heads were when they elected BOHICA, and gave Congress to the Lib-Commies. But when the Town Hall folks went off on EVERY elected D.C. worm, I thought the worm had turned. Now, the liberal, knuckle-heads of Taxachooseits, elected a fairly Right leaning guy, to replace THE lead Lib-commie, it's a bell weather that marks a HUGE turn in thinking. The coverage and support country-wide for Brown also shows the voters are NOT willing to be dragged any further from the way the country runs this very morning.

And remember, there were 19 states, STATES not interest groups, that were going to block Obamacare. Except for The Equal Rights Amendment, I don't ever remember STATES fighting federal legislation like this.

And finally,

I've been channel surfing since 6, and the Dems look and sound like a bunch of children caught stealing cookies.

Everybody is blaming everybody else.

Pelosi says they'll get THIS Health Care bill passed, one way or the other.

But, Tony Weiner, from the NY 9th, says it will have to be scaled back.

I have NOT seen Harry freakin Reid at all, last night or this morning.

I believe they need a fork over at the DNC, they're done.

Spider said...

You're right in what you say Steve, but i wouldn't count the Demoncrats out so easy. These are people who will do and say anything to get what they want, and little things like laws and rules don't bother them one bit. But with that said, Brown's victory, even though the Left is not seeing it that way, is a huge first step toward taking the country back. We'll see.

But in the past several days, when Brown became a serious threat, i've noticed something that's even more astounding to me. The Leftist, pro-Odumbo MSM is actually starting to show signs of cracking. They're actually asking serious questions about Chairman Obummers performance in this past year. As we know, this was unheard of just a couple of weeks ago. Are they starting to see leaks in the hull? And if so, are they now trying to portray themselves as "unbiased" journalists? It is typical of them to try and switch sides if they see this much anger from the people. Brown's win may turn out to be a much bigger victory than we now see it as.

Schteveo said...

I think the cracks in the MSM armor are being caused by something simpler than doctrinal differences. And as Socialistb as those MFers like to say and vote and act like they are, not one of them agreed to a PAY CFUT to get Obama elected. Nor will they take one fpor Mad Martha.

The cracks we are seeing are FISCALLY driven. Rupert Murdoch is making a damned killing with Fox News and Fox Business. Contrary wise, the Big Three networks, their minor minions on cable and Ted Turner's outfits are all LOSING, LOSING, LOSING money. Olberman, Lauer and Katie Kutiepie may be avowed, parlor Marxist schills for the DNC, but they want to be RICH Marxist schills for the DNC.