Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Are We The New Soviet Union?

Another czar? Apparently, president Yomama is impressed with the old Soviet title, since he's handing them out like candy at a kids party. And looking at his policy decisions, even the one's done in public, it's obvious he's also impressed with that whole political ideology. ( you know, the one that always fails) One of the hallmarks of Communism is having the govt. tell the people what they can say, or not say. Kind of like where we're headed.

It seems one of Yomama's Chicago pals from his "alleged" law school days is to become the "Regulatory Czar". If that doesn't sound like one of those "limitless, you can do anything you want" titles, i don't know what does. When you read about this commie, you'll notice he has his own ideas as to what free speech really is, (or should be) and it ain't what we think it is!

Change? Things are changing alright. Unfortunately, many American voters are not smart enough to realize that change is not always for the better. But they're going to find that out. The hard way...



Koasa said...

This is from wikipedia.com's entry for the 1987 ABC miniseries "Amerika" which is set about ten years after a Soviet Union takeover of the US. Notice the speech in the last paragraph (emphasis mine). Sound familiar?

An early scene shows schoolchildren in Chicago learning about Social Darwinism, which is characterized as the dominant philosophy in the old United States before the Soviet conquest and occupation, and a speech delivered by one child later in the series demonstrates the extent of Soviet indoctrination in the new America:

We are the voice of the new generation. We are the voice of the new people. The destructive ways of the past are gone. We will replace them with our vision of the future. The Party will lead us to the new age. There have been those who have tried to stop the new age. They are the corrupt reminder of the past. They have tried to confuse us with the idea that the old America was a good country. We know that lie. History teaches us that lie. We are grateful to our Soviet brothers who saved the world from destruction, and we can now join them in a world of socialist brotherhood. Everyone will go to school, everyone will have a job, everyone will be equal. No one will exploit or be exploited, and all those who oppose this wonderful vision will be crushed.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Like I said in a previous post: Maobama has 9 Czars, 3 times the number Bush had, AND he criticized Bush for wielding too much executive power, AND it's more Czars than the Romanov's had (one of Russia's imperial dynasties) and he did it in just 3 short months. Scary, isn't it?

Schteveo said...

OK, I quit reading at the end of the first paragraph, and fuck him. Is that angry or opinion?

They can try this, but there are too man ways to defeat it. Right off the bat, offshore servers make this impossible to enforce. A server farm in Antigua or Belize won't fall under the Czar's realm of enforcement.

So screw them.

that scenario only works, AFTER they've taken our guns. Let them come on, we're waiting.

Abu "the quitter" Kareem said...

The fall of Amerika is inevitable at this time. There are too many stupid lazy people in this country who will always vote for the guy who promises them free goodies. Some of us know right from wrong and the value of hard work but most people don't. Parents and schools didn't teach it. Minorities in this country all feel they are owed everything they want and unfortunately, their vote counts as much as yours.

The Democrats have pulled off a bloodless coup. Over the last forty years they have enslaved minorities and "special" groups by giving them everything they need to live in return for their vote. They knew the only way to get the Whitehouse this year was to nominate a Black guy. That got all of the blacks and browns and gays out in force to vote. Something they had never done before. The real genius of the plan was find a stupid black man who could talk. The white communist leaders of the Democrat party will soon control him. They're letting him look like an idiot right now so that they can step in with the same line they've used on black people for 50 years. "you've tried, but you just can't do it without us." They've also completely killed any real critisism of the president. If you don't like him, you're a racist.

Let's face it. The real leaders of the Democrat party have won. Their people are in power, free speech is dead, freedom of the press is a joke, 2nd Amendment is history, property rights - gone. America is toast. Welcome to the new USSA.

When Obama starts hiring his new Gestapo thugs, I'm going to sign up. At least my family will eat and I won't end up in the gulag.

BOrWell said...

To answer the topic question, yes. While Russia is now more capitalist than we.

(We were always at war with Eurasia)

srk said...

we are the old soviet union

Spider said...

Right on Babu. I agree with everything you've said (except the last paragraph) because it's true.

BTW, when you join up with him, wear a bright colored marker on your head. That way, when i look through my scope i'll know it's you and pass you by. Maybe.

Goober said...

You know that the term Czar has nothing to do witht he Soviet Union, right?

About as much as "Kaiser" had to do with Hitler.

The Soviet Union replaced the Czars, much like Hitler replaced the Kaiser. Czar is just another term for "King" or "emperor" which is about as un-communist and un-soviet an idea as you can possibly come up with, but it is still an innapropriate term to use in a constitutional democratic republic when discussion non-elected government officials, in my humble opinion.