Thursday, April 23, 2009

One Man's Opinion

Just a short diatribe.
If President BOHICA, at the beck and call of, wants to prosecute members of the Bush Administration and their lawyers and advisers, doesn't that open a HUGE door? If every new administration, prosecutes the previous administration, isn't that the end of anyone deciding to advise the White House?
Suppose the Republicans re-take both Houses of Congress in 2010? Given the current thought policy of wanting to prosecute for prior policies, shouldn't Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their minions be worried?
Schteveo says, "...and roll out the guillotine".


Spider said...

Way back, even before the election, leftists like Rep. Henry (pig snout) Waxman have been calling for an all-out inquisition into anything Bush. Now that the far-left controls the govt., and the Republicans have been swept aside like yesterdays garbage, (without any resistance i might add) the cries for a witch hunt are getting louder. Will it happen? Of course it will, simply because there's no one to stop them.

The far-left has been after Bush since 2000, and now that they have the power, no one will be safe. But there are a few little surprises in this "torture" story that are only now starting to become public, which could stop the whole charade dead in it's tracks.

Just after 9/11, the CIA went before members of the congressional intelligence committee and discussed (in detail) what they were going to do, and to whom, and why. "THEY WERE GIVEN A GREEN LIGHT"! Who was on that committee? Well, there was comrade Pelosi. There was comrade Jay Rockefeller, and a few other members of the far left. In fact, the record shows that some of these phony commies commented on whether things like waterboarding would be tough enough!

Now this doesn't mean these leftists will pass-up a chance to put on a lynch-anything-Bush show, it just means they may not be able to go as far as they would like.

Blue said...

"Congress will face questions about what the Members knew and when, especially Nancy Pelosi when she was on the House Intelligence Committee in 2002. The Speaker now says she remembers hearing about waterboarding, though not that it would actually be used. Does anyone believe that? Porter Goss, her GOP counterpart at the time, says he knew exactly what he was hearing and that, if anything, Ms. Pelosi worried the CIA wasn't doing enough to stop another attack. By all means, put her under oath."

WSJ artcle

BOW said...

The dismantling of America continues....

Spider said...

Just last week, Speaker Botox denied knowing "anything" about the wiretap/spy case against two Israeli agents, which also involves the very liberal Demoncrat Rep. Harman from Mexifornia. Yesterday, Ms. Botox said "she might remember something" about it, even though official records from DOJ show she was "completely informed" two years ago!

To continue believing that this is still a democracy is a joke. Unfortunately, the joke is on us.

Anonymous said...


Schteveo said...

I guess they never considered their own involvement?


Spider said...

Some of the cretins of the far-left are starting to use that old phrase they like so much when talking about all this "torture" bullshit. That phrase is "war crimes". They'd love nothing better than to put Bush and even better, Cheney on trial.

But now, one or two Republican voices (that's about all that's left) are saying that if they want to put Bush on trial, they also have to put Polosi and Rockefeller on trial, since they knew what was going on. As you can imagine, the tone of the congressional and WH hatchetmen has changed. (BTW, Juan McLoser who came too close to getting elected said, he believes waterboarding IS a war crime!)
