Monday, April 13, 2009

Maybe Belize?

3 judge panel declares Franken winner
A Minnesota court ruled Monday night that Democrat Al Franken has defeated Republican Norm Coleman and should be granted the election certificate that will allow him to take his seat in the U.S. Senate.

The Coleman camp immediately vowed to appeal.

"More than 4,400 Minnesotans remain wrongly disenfranchised by this court's order," Coleman attorney Ben Ginsberg said in a statement. "By its own terms, the court has included votes it has found to be 'illegal' in the contest to remain included in the final counts from Election Day, and equal protection and due process concerns have been ignored. For these reasons, we must appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court so that no voter is left behind."

The three-judge panel rejected Coleman's equal-protection arguments, saying that "errors or irregularities identified by contestants in the general election do not violate the mandates of equal protection."

What a mess.


bow said...

what a shock

eat me said...

imagine my surprise

Anonymous said...

Ya Der Hay!

Innybubby goin meat me at the NRA convention in PHX next munth?

Secret Poot

Jimbo said...

Well, Al Freakin does fit quite nicely with Omama, Pelousy, Waxman, Hairy Reed, Charley-horse Rangel, Murtha, Bwany Fwank...

Just imagine the group photo!

He will certainly add respectability to Washington, huh? *sincker*

Liberals are such clueless dipshits.

Buy more bullets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ April 13, 2009 8:34 PM

Secret my lilly-white butt-ocks. We KNOW who you are. We are Borg.

Can you still get it up?


Goober said...

I cannot fucking believe that we have become so inept as a society that there is any gray area...


At all, as it pertains to which vote is valid and which is invalid. This shouldn't take a fucking court ruling. It should be in black ink on white paper, with a period at the end of the sentence, in order to avoid any confusion as to it's meaning or purpose.

Of course, the Second Amendment has proven that even black ink on white paper, with a period at the end of the sentence, doesn't necessarily mean that it is no longer open for interpretation in our current fucked up legal system.

This should be very, very simple. Rules stating which vote is valid, which vote is invalid, and then whoever got more valid votes wins. How fucking hard is that?

More votes=win. No court battles, no arguments, no lawyers and judges deciding for the people what they really, really wanted.

THe question is simple. Which votes were legally cast, legally logged, and legally counted?

Votes found in someone's trunk should not count, and the someone that left votes in their trunk should be prosecuted for their ineptitude. Legally cast, legally logged, and legally counted.

Who has more?

There is your answer for who is Senator.

Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Isn't democracy great? LOL!