Saturday, October 31, 2009
Long Absence
I finally found a minute to get on the computer and check in with you all. The last message I left said that I was going to the hospital to have my baby. It took 24 hours, but we have a daughter who will be a month old tomorrow (born 10/1). She's a very good baby, and our only issue is that she has acid reflux. Last Saturday she screamed for 12 hours. But now that we know what's going on, it's getting better. Thanks for all of your support. Hopefully it won't be another month before I get back here again!!
It's Dangerous To Be Honest
On Oct. 5th, someone fired a shot at CNN anchor Lou Dobbs and his wife, (a Mexican-American) while they were standing in front of their NJ home. Was it simply a warning, or an assassination attempt? If you look at the hate groups who have aligned against him, it's easy to see where the shot came from. Dobbs you see, is strongly opposed to "illegal" immigration, and has had many verbal battles with radical advocates for the illegals on his show. Apparently, they can't beat him with facts.
I've been a fan of Dobbs for a long time, as i've often stated here. In fact, his show is the only time my TV will switch to CNN without an alarm bell going off. No, he's not a ranting, childish, dick-head like Beck, nor is he an out-of-control ego maniac like Limbaugh. (although i fully agree with their politics) But, he is obviously effective, else we wouldn't be reading this story.
The invasion of our country by illegals from our south has been highly organized by some of South and Central America's strongest Marxist groups, acting in concert with some of our own communist hate groups and dupes. (you'll see some of them listed in this article) No, it's not just about some jobs for some poor people. It's really about taking control of the US, much of our land, and especially, our political process. In fact, many of these groups have openly stated this. To this add, our Marxist president and his socialist congress, and a fully compliant and supportive MSM. Now do you understand why gun shops and ammo manufacturers are out of stock?
I've been a fan of Dobbs for a long time, as i've often stated here. In fact, his show is the only time my TV will switch to CNN without an alarm bell going off. No, he's not a ranting, childish, dick-head like Beck, nor is he an out-of-control ego maniac like Limbaugh. (although i fully agree with their politics) But, he is obviously effective, else we wouldn't be reading this story.
The invasion of our country by illegals from our south has been highly organized by some of South and Central America's strongest Marxist groups, acting in concert with some of our own communist hate groups and dupes. (you'll see some of them listed in this article) No, it's not just about some jobs for some poor people. It's really about taking control of the US, much of our land, and especially, our political process. In fact, many of these groups have openly stated this. To this add, our Marxist president and his socialist congress, and a fully compliant and supportive MSM. Now do you understand why gun shops and ammo manufacturers are out of stock?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Almost Speechless
Other than the obvious outrage, what can you say. I skipped around and cherry picked this article to get some of what makes me maddest.
Number of arrests growing in gang rape of 15-year-old girl outside high school dance in Calif.
Authorities were still looking for suspects, and have said as many as 10 people ranging from 15 to the mid-20s may have attacked the girl for more than two hours Saturday in a dimly lit area.
...and Marcelles James Peter, 17, did not enter pleas during their arraignment in Contra Costa County Superior Court.
Smith, Morales and Peter each were charged with rape in concert and sexual penetration with a foreign object. They were being held without bail and could be eligible for life in prison, if convicted.
The three were charged as adults because of the severity of the crime, prosecutor Dara Cashman said.
Peter's aunt, Monica Peter, said before Thursday's hearing that her nephew told her he was only a bystander and didn't participate in the attack. She said he didn't do anything to stop the attack because he feared "he would get his ass kicked."
Morales' attorney, Ernie Castillo, said he was still learning details about the case and didn't know "what limited role, if any," his client played in the attack.
So you can stand by, watch a crime and you're INNOCENT? But you were afraid of the rapist kicking YOUR ass if you told on them?
Aw, BS!! 911 will take anon calls for stuff like this. And, when was the last time you saw 20 people, aged 15 to 25, and NO OF THEM HAD A CELL PHONE? All of them were afraid? I don't buy it.
All somebody had to do was call 911. But I guess the "show" was too good for them to do that.
Everyone of these people, male, female, shemale, boyish girls, girlie boys, GLAAD members, FFA members, NRA members, I don't care who they are, in true fact anyone who saw this or knew about it, and did nothing to alert authorities or school officials, should be charged as an accessory. They perpetrated a conspiracy to hide a crime, didn't they?
It's sickening, perverted and aberrant.
Other than the obvious outrage, what can you say. I skipped around and cherry picked this article to get some of what makes me maddest.
Number of arrests growing in gang rape of 15-year-old girl outside high school dance in Calif.
Authorities were still looking for suspects, and have said as many as 10 people ranging from 15 to the mid-20s may have attacked the girl for more than two hours Saturday in a dimly lit area.
...and Marcelles James Peter, 17, did not enter pleas during their arraignment in Contra Costa County Superior Court.
Smith, Morales and Peter each were charged with rape in concert and sexual penetration with a foreign object. They were being held without bail and could be eligible for life in prison, if convicted.
The three were charged as adults because of the severity of the crime, prosecutor Dara Cashman said.
Peter's aunt, Monica Peter, said before Thursday's hearing that her nephew told her he was only a bystander and didn't participate in the attack. She said he didn't do anything to stop the attack because he feared "he would get his ass kicked."
Morales' attorney, Ernie Castillo, said he was still learning details about the case and didn't know "what limited role, if any," his client played in the attack.
So you can stand by, watch a crime and you're INNOCENT? But you were afraid of the rapist kicking YOUR ass if you told on them?
Aw, BS!! 911 will take anon calls for stuff like this. And, when was the last time you saw 20 people, aged 15 to 25, and NO OF THEM HAD A CELL PHONE? All of them were afraid? I don't buy it.
All somebody had to do was call 911. But I guess the "show" was too good for them to do that.
Everyone of these people, male, female, shemale, boyish girls, girlie boys, GLAAD members, FFA members, NRA members, I don't care who they are, in true fact anyone who saw this or knew about it, and did nothing to alert authorities or school officials, should be charged as an accessory. They perpetrated a conspiracy to hide a crime, didn't they?
It's sickening, perverted and aberrant.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Talk about "how to suck up to the boss"...
Review: Job growth overstated
Washington - A Colorado company said it created 4,231 jobs with the help of President Obama's economic recovery plan. The real number: fewer than 1,000.
A child care center in Florida said it saved 129 jobs with the help of stimulus money. Instead, it gave pay raises to its existing employees.
The government has overstated by thousands the number of jobs it has created or saved with federal contracts under the president's $787 billion recovery program, according to an Associated Press review of data released in the program's first progress report.
The discrepancy raises questions about the reliability of a key benchmark the administration uses to gauge the success of the stimulus. The errors could be magnified today when a much larger round of reports is released.
- The Associated Press
I'm sure pressure was put on these companies to lie or they chose to lie in order to beef up Moabama's numbers since they supported him... but I'm not surprised.
BTW, has anybody downloaded the 1990 pages of the House health care plan? I have, but based on my spare reading time (I started reading James Michener's Hawaii - 1036 pages - when we left Hawaii in Feb. and I'm not through yet!) I won't have time to read it. I'll have to depend on Beck, Hannity, etc. to tell me what's in it. Honestly, I think Hawaii is more interesting that all their BS.
Has His Time Come?
Early last year, Annie, our MIA founder, was campaigning for Ron Paul, the "Republican" congressman from Mexas. At the time, i said that IMO, although i agreed with most of what he was saying, i felt he was a bit goofy, kind of tinfoil hat-ish. I was wrong! It turns out that it was the American people who were wearing the tinfoil hats, since they elected an outright Marxist to lead them into hell.
Since then, i have heard Paul speak on several occasions. He doesn't sound goofy any more! In fact, most of the things he was saying last year, and for years before that, have either come to pass or are about to. He warned us that we were headed into the dumper, and that's exactly where we are. The more i listen to him and read the things he writes, the more i realize he's the only honest politician we have!
Now there's talk that he may make another run for the WH in 2012, that is, assuming we still have "free" elections in 2012, and assuming we haven't been turned into some Maoist satellite by then.
So, what do ya'll think about Mr. Paul taking another shot? Do you think he's goofy? Do you feel he has a real chance? Do you think anyone on this planet could possibly make things worse than comrade Odumbo and his commie congress can/have/and will?
Since then, i have heard Paul speak on several occasions. He doesn't sound goofy any more! In fact, most of the things he was saying last year, and for years before that, have either come to pass or are about to. He warned us that we were headed into the dumper, and that's exactly where we are. The more i listen to him and read the things he writes, the more i realize he's the only honest politician we have!
Now there's talk that he may make another run for the WH in 2012, that is, assuming we still have "free" elections in 2012, and assuming we haven't been turned into some Maoist satellite by then.
So, what do ya'll think about Mr. Paul taking another shot? Do you think he's goofy? Do you feel he has a real chance? Do you think anyone on this planet could possibly make things worse than comrade Odumbo and his commie congress can/have/and will?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Piss off Shakespeare, bite me Mark Twain...
I'm no fan of "classic" literature, I'm a sci fi kinda guy. I'm an American, so I've read Twain. I've dabbled "classicly" enough to know some of it. Then today, I found out that I only, ever, needed to read one book.
"Dreams of my Father".
Who knew?!
Then again, I've seen films of Goebbels, Goering, even Spears, as low on the totem pole as he was in the Reich, they all KNEW they had to give speeches extolling the virtues of der Furher.
In politics, little then has changed in 70 years.
Rocco Landesman, Barack Obama's Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, knows how to suck up to the boss. During a recent speech, Rocco Landesman had fulsome praise for Barack Obama's impact as a writer as well as a patron of the arts.
"This is the first president that actually writes his own books since Teddy Roosevelt and arguably the first to write them really well since Lincoln. If you accept the premise, and I do, that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, then Barack Obama the Most Powerful Writer Since Julius Caesar? Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar. That has to be good for American artists."
These people are beyond scary. People who follow ANYTHING blindly, or act like they are following blindly, are very scary to me. I was creeped out by guys I was in the Navy with, who would do whatever they were told, blindly, for the old U.S. of A.
Worse still, are the Obamanoids who seek to destroy the country. Blindly.
Schteveo is weirded out by the proud followers
I'm no fan of "classic" literature, I'm a sci fi kinda guy. I'm an American, so I've read Twain. I've dabbled "classicly" enough to know some of it. Then today, I found out that I only, ever, needed to read one book.
"Dreams of my Father".
Who knew?!
Then again, I've seen films of Goebbels, Goering, even Spears, as low on the totem pole as he was in the Reich, they all KNEW they had to give speeches extolling the virtues of der Furher.
In politics, little then has changed in 70 years.
Rocco Landesman, Barack Obama's Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, knows how to suck up to the boss. During a recent speech, Rocco Landesman had fulsome praise for Barack Obama's impact as a writer as well as a patron of the arts.
"This is the first president that actually writes his own books since Teddy Roosevelt and arguably the first to write them really well since Lincoln. If you accept the premise, and I do, that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, then Barack Obama the Most Powerful Writer Since Julius Caesar? Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar. That has to be good for American artists."
These people are beyond scary. People who follow ANYTHING blindly, or act like they are following blindly, are very scary to me. I was creeped out by guys I was in the Navy with, who would do whatever they were told, blindly, for the old U.S. of A.
Worse still, are the Obamanoids who seek to destroy the country. Blindly.
Schteveo is weirded out by the proud followers
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
FaggoNazis on Patrol
Speaking of homosexuals trumping race in the bid to be THE most equal of all earthly beings (except maybe polar bears or the San Francisco Garter Snake)...
This one takes the cake.
A black professional football player (forgive the redundancy) has been barred from his team for "tweeting" a supposed homo-slur. While the stories I've read don't say what the slur was, I'm speculating something along the lines of 'faggot' - a word found in the King James version of the Bible.
Okay - this black football player is obviously not too smart (a double-redundancy) or he would have realized that "tweeting" is equal to giving up your civil rights, but my gawd folks - this is a clear indication of how powerful the homo-lobby is.
So - 'faggots' trump 'black'. I find it troubling that the FaggoNazi Patrol seems to have search engines particularly designed to root out such "slurs" on the internet, and that they evidently have the power to take a man's livelihood from him for hurting their feelings. The player in question makes (made) about $3 million a year. It looks like 'tweeting' a homo-slur is worse that dog-fighting, and "faggot" is worse than "nigger".
Remember this the next time you even giggle at a homo. That homo now has the power to completely ruin your life and take your children's inheritance. Especially since the silly liberal thieves sneaked the "homos-are-more-equal-hate-crimes" law in with a military spending bill. (So much for The Worthless Liar's "transparency".)
Homos and Obama can go to hell. (That's a prophecy.)
Speaking of homosexuals trumping race in the bid to be THE most equal of all earthly beings (except maybe polar bears or the San Francisco Garter Snake)...
This one takes the cake.
A black professional football player (forgive the redundancy) has been barred from his team for "tweeting" a supposed homo-slur. While the stories I've read don't say what the slur was, I'm speculating something along the lines of 'faggot' - a word found in the King James version of the Bible.
Okay - this black football player is obviously not too smart (a double-redundancy) or he would have realized that "tweeting" is equal to giving up your civil rights, but my gawd folks - this is a clear indication of how powerful the homo-lobby is.
So - 'faggots' trump 'black'. I find it troubling that the FaggoNazi Patrol seems to have search engines particularly designed to root out such "slurs" on the internet, and that they evidently have the power to take a man's livelihood from him for hurting their feelings. The player in question makes (made) about $3 million a year. It looks like 'tweeting' a homo-slur is worse that dog-fighting, and "faggot" is worse than "nigger".
Remember this the next time you even giggle at a homo. That homo now has the power to completely ruin your life and take your children's inheritance. Especially since the silly liberal thieves sneaked the "homos-are-more-equal-hate-crimes" law in with a military spending bill. (So much for The Worthless Liar's "transparency".)
Homos and Obama can go to hell. (That's a prophecy.)
Now This Is Funny!
As we all know, you can't get any further to the Left than San Francisco, Botox Nancy's home town. The mayor, Gavin Newsom, an avowed socialist, was one of the first officials in the country to take it upon himself to "legalize" gay marriages in his goofy city. That was after he officially designated the place a sanctuary city for millions of illegals. These are the same illegals that have sucked the life ($$) out of Mexifornia. And thanks to those illegals, the crime rate, especially drugs and homicide, has gone through the roof. There are sections of the city (ie: the Tenderloin district) that are actually under the control of vicious street gangs of illegals. But, when you have a city that is not only filled with, but run by bleeding-heart socialists, the outcome is predictable.
But, in spite of what they would have you believe, there's trouble out there in Mexifornia's version of the Twilight Zone. It seems the handful of freaks and odd-balls who make-up the city's Board of Supervisors has issued an order telling the police (not) to report young, illegal criminals they arrest to ICE, as they had been doing in compliance with Federal law. Now, comrade mayor Newsom is pissed at this group of Left-wing misfits for being "way too liberal"! In fact, he's ordered the SFPD to ignore the order and keep arresting these violent criminals, and to continue handing them over to the Feds!
I don't know about you guys, but i find nothing as entertaining as watching the Left-wing philosophy blow up in their faces. I mean sit back, make some popcorn, wake-up grandma and the kids, and enjoy the bloodletting, cause it ain't over yet...
But, in spite of what they would have you believe, there's trouble out there in Mexifornia's version of the Twilight Zone. It seems the handful of freaks and odd-balls who make-up the city's Board of Supervisors has issued an order telling the police (not) to report young, illegal criminals they arrest to ICE, as they had been doing in compliance with Federal law. Now, comrade mayor Newsom is pissed at this group of Left-wing misfits for being "way too liberal"! In fact, he's ordered the SFPD to ignore the order and keep arresting these violent criminals, and to continue handing them over to the Feds!
I don't know about you guys, but i find nothing as entertaining as watching the Left-wing philosophy blow up in their faces. I mean sit back, make some popcorn, wake-up grandma and the kids, and enjoy the bloodletting, cause it ain't over yet...
Save the planet! Give up meat!
People will need to turn vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming.
In an interview with The Times, Lord Stern of Brentford said: “Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”
Eating meat is soon going to be along the same lines of political incorrectness as wearing a fur coat. I think it was Jimbo who previously brought this subject up. I didn't take it too seriously then... sorry Jimbo :-( ... but it looks more serious now, especially since Lord Stern issued a clear message to President Maobama that he must attend the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in person in order for an effective deal to be reached. What's the "effective deal"? Kill all the cows and pigs in the world or simply "cap-and-tax" meat? Maobama would go for that!
Where's the Line?
I contend that the "line" is at the border, within certain limits. Demanding English at work is fine, changing the names, that's stupid and offensive to me. Suppose your boss's father or mother had your name, would you suddenly want to be BOB, or MARY at work? That's stupid and offensive.
Although many Asians do JUST this when they come here. I've met guys from the middle east who do it too. But that's SELF imposed, as opposed to being demanded.
Larry Whitten marched into this northern New Mexico town in late July on a mission: resurrect a failing hotel.
The tough-talking former Marine immediately laid down some new rules. Among them, he forbade the Hispanic workers at the run-down, Southwestern adobe-style hotel from speaking Spanish in his presence (he thought they’d be talking about him), and ordered some to Anglicize their names.
No more Martin (Mahr-TEEN). It was plain-old Martin. No more Marcos. Now it would be Mark.
Whitten’s management style had worked for him as he’s turned around other distressed hotels he bought in recent years across the country.
The 63-year-old Texan, however, wasn’t prepared for what followed.
His rules and his firing of several Hispanic employees angered his employees and many in this liberal enclave of 5,000 residents at the base of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, where the most alternative of lifestyles can find a home and where Spanish language, culture and traditions have a long and revered history.
“I came into this landmine of Anglos versus Spanish versus Mexicans versus Indians versus everybody up here. I’m just doing what I’ve always done,” he says.
Former workers, their relatives and some town residents picketed across the street from the hotel.
“I do feel he’s a racist, but he’s a racist out of ignorance. He doesn’t know that what he’s doing is wrong,” says protester Juanito Burns Jr., who identified himself as prime minister of an activist group called Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico.
After he arrived, Whitten met with the employees. He says he noticed that they were hostile to his management style and worried they might start talking about him in Spanish.
“I asked the people in my presence to speak only English because I do not understand Spanish,” Whitten says. “I’ve been working 24 years in Texas and we have a lot of Spanish people there. I’ve never had to ask anyone to speak only English in front of me because I’ve never had a reason to.”
I think the language thing is a good idea. It's the language of the country and it should be used. I think it puts off the CUSTOMERS when the employees speak a language they, the customers do not speak. I've heard people grumbling and griping too many times about the employees speaking Spanish just AFTER speaking English to the customer.
As to the Boss and his understanding Spanish, not speaking Spanish, well that's HIS RIGHT. I think he's a boob, for NOT speaking it, but again, in America, we have a God given right to be foolish. I simply don't understand people who don't "pick up" the language from hearing it.
I speak a smattering of Spanish and French, ALL from working with Spanish speakers here, and from travelling and working in Quebec. It's not all that hard to do. I'm no genius and I did it.
Having said that, any number of times, I caught people around me, talking trash about me or my crew, because they assumed we didn't habla or parlez. I'm the kind of guy who made a snide joke BACK, to let them know that I was in the loop. Making jokes about someone's clothes or the width of their mothers ass, in retaliation of like jokes about me or my crew, is usually a tie breaker. I always took the tack, that turnabout is fair play. It usually cracked up the jokesters friends,, and invariably helped the working atmosphere all around.
Schteveo is a multi-lingual pain in the culo, ciuccio, cul...
I contend that the "line" is at the border, within certain limits. Demanding English at work is fine, changing the names, that's stupid and offensive to me. Suppose your boss's father or mother had your name, would you suddenly want to be BOB, or MARY at work? That's stupid and offensive.
Although many Asians do JUST this when they come here. I've met guys from the middle east who do it too. But that's SELF imposed, as opposed to being demanded.
Larry Whitten marched into this northern New Mexico town in late July on a mission: resurrect a failing hotel.
The tough-talking former Marine immediately laid down some new rules. Among them, he forbade the Hispanic workers at the run-down, Southwestern adobe-style hotel from speaking Spanish in his presence (he thought they’d be talking about him), and ordered some to Anglicize their names.
No more Martin (Mahr-TEEN). It was plain-old Martin. No more Marcos. Now it would be Mark.
Whitten’s management style had worked for him as he’s turned around other distressed hotels he bought in recent years across the country.
The 63-year-old Texan, however, wasn’t prepared for what followed.
His rules and his firing of several Hispanic employees angered his employees and many in this liberal enclave of 5,000 residents at the base of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, where the most alternative of lifestyles can find a home and where Spanish language, culture and traditions have a long and revered history.
“I came into this landmine of Anglos versus Spanish versus Mexicans versus Indians versus everybody up here. I’m just doing what I’ve always done,” he says.
Former workers, their relatives and some town residents picketed across the street from the hotel.
“I do feel he’s a racist, but he’s a racist out of ignorance. He doesn’t know that what he’s doing is wrong,” says protester Juanito Burns Jr., who identified himself as prime minister of an activist group called Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico.
After he arrived, Whitten met with the employees. He says he noticed that they were hostile to his management style and worried they might start talking about him in Spanish.
“I asked the people in my presence to speak only English because I do not understand Spanish,” Whitten says. “I’ve been working 24 years in Texas and we have a lot of Spanish people there. I’ve never had to ask anyone to speak only English in front of me because I’ve never had a reason to.”
I think the language thing is a good idea. It's the language of the country and it should be used. I think it puts off the CUSTOMERS when the employees speak a language they, the customers do not speak. I've heard people grumbling and griping too many times about the employees speaking Spanish just AFTER speaking English to the customer.
As to the Boss and his understanding Spanish, not speaking Spanish, well that's HIS RIGHT. I think he's a boob, for NOT speaking it, but again, in America, we have a God given right to be foolish. I simply don't understand people who don't "pick up" the language from hearing it.
I speak a smattering of Spanish and French, ALL from working with Spanish speakers here, and from travelling and working in Quebec. It's not all that hard to do. I'm no genius and I did it.
Having said that, any number of times, I caught people around me, talking trash about me or my crew, because they assumed we didn't habla or parlez. I'm the kind of guy who made a snide joke BACK, to let them know that I was in the loop. Making jokes about someone's clothes or the width of their mothers ass, in retaliation of like jokes about me or my crew, is usually a tie breaker. I always took the tack, that turnabout is fair play. It usually cracked up the jokesters friends,, and invariably helped the working atmosphere all around.
Schteveo is a multi-lingual pain in the culo, ciuccio, cul...
It's a world of laughter, A world or tears
It's a small world after all. If your willing to walk for 20 days to see some of it. I post this one for fun and relaxation, we're much too serious here often. Sit back, relax and dream of some exotic, far away place...
(except for Jimbo, he's ALREADY beatin' the pants off most of us out livin' there in Paradise!)
If you're wondering how "close" two places are, a geographic map doesn't help much anymore. If the airports are good--or if there's a bullet train nearby--hundreds of miles might as well be down the street. Point being, "distance" is now really a function less of geography, than of the transport networks we've invented.
The most remote place: Tibet, parts of which are as much as three weeks away from a city--with the journey comprising 20 days on foot.
I just checked seeing Tibet OFF my bucket list.
Schteveo's been around, but he ain't as round as he used to be!!
It's a small world after all. If your willing to walk for 20 days to see some of it. I post this one for fun and relaxation, we're much too serious here often. Sit back, relax and dream of some exotic, far away place...
(except for Jimbo, he's ALREADY beatin' the pants off most of us out livin' there in Paradise!)
If you're wondering how "close" two places are, a geographic map doesn't help much anymore. If the airports are good--or if there's a bullet train nearby--hundreds of miles might as well be down the street. Point being, "distance" is now really a function less of geography, than of the transport networks we've invented.
The most remote place: Tibet, parts of which are as much as three weeks away from a city--with the journey comprising 20 days on foot.
I just checked seeing Tibet OFF my bucket list.
Schteveo's been around, but he ain't as round as he used to be!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Big Elections Coming in 2010
Yes, the congressional elections in Nov. of 2010 will be crucial. So crucial in fact, that there are those who are already preparing for them, as the below link shows. This Nation of Fools will go to their polling places and decide if they will re-elect (once again) the incompetent, corrupt, liars they put in power during the last election. (makes one think of old Albert Einstein, doesn't it) So why will the next congressional election be so crucial? Well, let's see.
We're fighting two unnecessary wars.
Our country is on the brink of insolvency.
Our currency is almost worthless.
We owe more money than even we can print.
We have doomed our grandchildren to poverty.
Our biggest enemies own more of America than we do.
Tens-of-millions of Americans have lost their homes, their jobs, and their life savings.
The people have also lost their will to take their country back from the corrupt liars who have caused most of these problems. But fear not. The American people know that, come election day, they'll make everything better with their vote. Yes, we have that unique right that only free people have. And all one has to do is look back at our history, especially very recent history, to see how we've always managed to make things better with our vote.
But there is one question that has always bothered me. Does your vote actually count? Or, better yet, who counts your votes?
We're fighting two unnecessary wars.
Our country is on the brink of insolvency.
Our currency is almost worthless.
We owe more money than even we can print.
We have doomed our grandchildren to poverty.
Our biggest enemies own more of America than we do.
Tens-of-millions of Americans have lost their homes, their jobs, and their life savings.
The people have also lost their will to take their country back from the corrupt liars who have caused most of these problems. But fear not. The American people know that, come election day, they'll make everything better with their vote. Yes, we have that unique right that only free people have. And all one has to do is look back at our history, especially very recent history, to see how we've always managed to make things better with our vote.
But there is one question that has always bothered me. Does your vote actually count? Or, better yet, who counts your votes?
T-shirt design making people cross

This design on Penn State T-shirts is making some people cross.
The design is a take-off of the blue stripe on the football team's helmets.
It certainly brought out the anti-Christian whiners.
Okay, I have a question... Which of the crosses in the picture below should be removed because some people are REMINDED of Christianity?...

*sigh* Some folks have WAY to much time on their hands. And every last one of them is a silly liberal.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What Say You
This was sent to me by a friend. I hadn't seen it before, and i'm not sure of it's source. There's a lot of scary stuff in this piece, especially the stuff that Odumbo has already done, or is trying to do...
Things to watch for during a “Declared National Emergency”
By Marion Valentine
Saturday, October 24, 2009
As I predicted—though I was unsure whether it would be the H1N1 virus or the collapse of the dollar—the Communist Puppet would use something to cement his total control over every aspect of our lives.
From the day he took office, Obama and his puppet masters have been building a shadow Government with all power vested in them. The Czars he has appointed, who were not vetted and approved by Congress nor elected, now have the authority to control every aspect of American commerce. I challenge you to look at the Executive Orders that have been signed over the last 30 years and are still in place. Also carefully read the provisions of the Violent Crime Control Act. They are listed here America In Peril and I include a partial list below.
You will see that with the Executive Orders already in place, combined with the provisions of the Violent Crime Control Act, with the stroke of a pen Obama can suspend the Constitution, the Judiciary, Elections and in effect declare himself president for life. The next step In the wannabe dictators plan is to declare Martial Law, confiscate all privately owned firearms, round up all dissenters and move them to detention centers. Also there will be detention centers for those who have the H1N1 virus.
A series of Executive Orders, internal governmental departmental laws, unpassed by Congress, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and the Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, provides additional powers to the President of the United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas, has whittled down Constitutional law substantially. These new Executive Orders and Congressional Acts allow for the construction of concentration camps, suspension of rights and the ability of the President to declare Martial Law in the event of a drug crisis. Congress will have no power to prevent the Martial Law declaration and can only review the process six months after Martial Law has been declared. The most critical Executive Order was issued on August 1, 1971. Nixon signed both a proclamation and Executive Order 11615. Proclamation No. 4074 states, “I hereby declare a national emergency”, thus establishing an economic crisis. That national emergency order has not been rescinded.
This, teamed with the Executive Orders of the President, enables Orwellian prophecies to rest on whomever occupies the White House. The power provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial Law.
When the Constitution of the United States was framed it placed the exclusive legislative authority in the hands of Congress and with the President. Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution is concise in its language: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
That is no longer true. The Bill of Rights protected Americans against loss of freedoms. That is no longer true. The Constitution provided for a balanced separation of powers. That is no longer applicable. Perhaps it can be summed up succinctly in the words of arch-conservative activist Howard J Ruff: “Since the enactment of Executive Order 11490, the only thing standing between us and dictatorship is the good character of the President, and the lack of a crisis severe enough that the public would stand still for it.”
Next we will look at all legislation passed or attempted by the dishonest Socialist regardless if they call themselves Progressive, Liberal, Independent, Republican, or Democrat.
If you have a computer you can look up the legislation.
Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Here are the later Executive Orders:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent, including Marine Colonel Oliver North...
Things to watch for during a “Declared National Emergency”
By Marion Valentine
Saturday, October 24, 2009
As I predicted—though I was unsure whether it would be the H1N1 virus or the collapse of the dollar—the Communist Puppet would use something to cement his total control over every aspect of our lives.
From the day he took office, Obama and his puppet masters have been building a shadow Government with all power vested in them. The Czars he has appointed, who were not vetted and approved by Congress nor elected, now have the authority to control every aspect of American commerce. I challenge you to look at the Executive Orders that have been signed over the last 30 years and are still in place. Also carefully read the provisions of the Violent Crime Control Act. They are listed here America In Peril and I include a partial list below.
You will see that with the Executive Orders already in place, combined with the provisions of the Violent Crime Control Act, with the stroke of a pen Obama can suspend the Constitution, the Judiciary, Elections and in effect declare himself president for life. The next step In the wannabe dictators plan is to declare Martial Law, confiscate all privately owned firearms, round up all dissenters and move them to detention centers. Also there will be detention centers for those who have the H1N1 virus.
A series of Executive Orders, internal governmental departmental laws, unpassed by Congress, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and the Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, provides additional powers to the President of the United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas, has whittled down Constitutional law substantially. These new Executive Orders and Congressional Acts allow for the construction of concentration camps, suspension of rights and the ability of the President to declare Martial Law in the event of a drug crisis. Congress will have no power to prevent the Martial Law declaration and can only review the process six months after Martial Law has been declared. The most critical Executive Order was issued on August 1, 1971. Nixon signed both a proclamation and Executive Order 11615. Proclamation No. 4074 states, “I hereby declare a national emergency”, thus establishing an economic crisis. That national emergency order has not been rescinded.
This, teamed with the Executive Orders of the President, enables Orwellian prophecies to rest on whomever occupies the White House. The power provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial Law.
When the Constitution of the United States was framed it placed the exclusive legislative authority in the hands of Congress and with the President. Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution is concise in its language: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
That is no longer true. The Bill of Rights protected Americans against loss of freedoms. That is no longer true. The Constitution provided for a balanced separation of powers. That is no longer applicable. Perhaps it can be summed up succinctly in the words of arch-conservative activist Howard J Ruff: “Since the enactment of Executive Order 11490, the only thing standing between us and dictatorship is the good character of the President, and the lack of a crisis severe enough that the public would stand still for it.”
Next we will look at all legislation passed or attempted by the dishonest Socialist regardless if they call themselves Progressive, Liberal, Independent, Republican, or Democrat.
If you have a computer you can look up the legislation.
Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Here are the later Executive Orders:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent, including Marine Colonel Oliver North...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Nah, It Couldn't Have Been Hate
This is a story about laws that have been invented to protect special, highly pampered groups of people in our society, such as blacks and gays, and how those laws are selectively applied. Apparently, the rest of society, especially White society, is not worthy of such protection. In fact, as we speak, congress is ready to expand the so-called "hate crime" laws to cover a whole array of sexual sub-humans. You see, to the Demoncrats, everyone (or thing) is a potential vote.
It is also a story about an incredibly brutal crime and the MSM's failure to report on it (it took the British media to report it ) because as numerous as they are, black on White crimes are not PC, whereas White on black crimes are. (remember their nation-wide, 24/7 coverage of the phony Duke University lacrosse team rape case?) And now that we're stuck with a half-breed in the WH, crime reporting has become all but color-less.
If there was ever a case that demanded the death penalty, it's this one. But, in 2009 Amerika, where young White people enjoy pretending to be black, where the minority has become the majority, it probably won't happen. Personally, and as i've always said about animals like these, it's too bad you can only take someones life once...
It is also a story about an incredibly brutal crime and the MSM's failure to report on it (it took the British media to report it ) because as numerous as they are, black on White crimes are not PC, whereas White on black crimes are. (remember their nation-wide, 24/7 coverage of the phony Duke University lacrosse team rape case?) And now that we're stuck with a half-breed in the WH, crime reporting has become all but color-less.
If there was ever a case that demanded the death penalty, it's this one. But, in 2009 Amerika, where young White people enjoy pretending to be black, where the minority has become the majority, it probably won't happen. Personally, and as i've always said about animals like these, it's too bad you can only take someones life once...
Friday Family Fotos
Not MY family, ALL our families.
Excerpts from a book about people and their guns.
Here's the greatest gun owner comment I ever heard and I'm jealous I didn't think of it.
"I have guns now largely for the same reason I have fire extinguishers in the house and spare tires in the car. I'm a self reliant kind of guy."
I'm the same way, I just never thought of it that way.
Not MY family, ALL our families.
Excerpts from a book about people and their guns.
Here's the greatest gun owner comment I ever heard and I'm jealous I didn't think of it.
"I have guns now largely for the same reason I have fire extinguishers in the house and spare tires in the car. I'm a self reliant kind of guy."
I'm the same way, I just never thought of it that way.
A smarter Dinosaur, finally.
We were talking about the MSM, I meant the bosses, fearing the White House. Yesterday, the maroons at the WH tried to cut FOX News out of their rotation in the Press Pool. Not that we'd expect anything else at this point. But what happened over it is seemingly unprecedented.
The other networks stood by them. The Big Three networks and CNN told the WH, if they don't get in, we're not reporting either.
I'm guessing they did see that it could be them next. They must know that old Ben Franklin quote, "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
We were talking about the MSM, I meant the bosses, fearing the White House. Yesterday, the maroons at the WH tried to cut FOX News out of their rotation in the Press Pool. Not that we'd expect anything else at this point. But what happened over it is seemingly unprecedented.
The other networks stood by them. The Big Three networks and CNN told the WH, if they don't get in, we're not reporting either.
I'm guessing they did see that it could be them next. They must know that old Ben Franklin quote, "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Thursday, October 22, 2009
You know what? I see a bad trend in our thinking and worse still, in our writing.
We all need to quit using the term "the government" when decrying issues like net neutrality, and all these other control policies and the general PCascist take over. And, admittedly, I'm guilty too.
Not friggin Obama or idiot Harry Reid or even, as Jimmy the cripple would say, that cuh...cuh, cuh, cuh...cuh,...cuh, er, Nancy Pelosi.
Let's use the correct terms for the people who are pushing us away from our Constitutional Rights. It's really, the Obama Administration, Liberal (lying) Democrats, Progressives, COMMUNISTS, Socialists, etc.
Even if we say government and mean the people actually on the payroll, most of them aren't "in on the push" toward socialist policies. They are people, like Mrs. Schteveo f'rinstance who IS a Conservative, Christian, gun-ower, who don't want all this crap either. Yes there are control freaks and kooks in the government employ, but I worked, and you may still, for them in private industry too. The vast majority of gub'ment employees have NO power to exert to get policies like Obamacare or Porkulus passed.
That crap comes straight from the Kremlin, via the DNC and our universities, and then gets promulgated by the indoctrinated members of the Obama Administration, the Liberal (lying) Democrats, Progressives, COMMUNISTS, Socialists, etc, etc, etc.
Let's put blame where it belongs.
Schteveo stands corrected, by Schteveo
You know what? I see a bad trend in our thinking and worse still, in our writing.
We all need to quit using the term "the government" when decrying issues like net neutrality, and all these other control policies and the general PCascist take over. And, admittedly, I'm guilty too.
Not friggin Obama or idiot Harry Reid or even, as Jimmy the cripple would say, that cuh...cuh, cuh, cuh...cuh,...cuh, er, Nancy Pelosi.
Let's use the correct terms for the people who are pushing us away from our Constitutional Rights. It's really, the Obama Administration, Liberal (lying) Democrats, Progressives, COMMUNISTS, Socialists, etc.
Even if we say government and mean the people actually on the payroll, most of them aren't "in on the push" toward socialist policies. They are people, like Mrs. Schteveo f'rinstance who IS a Conservative, Christian, gun-ower, who don't want all this crap either. Yes there are control freaks and kooks in the government employ, but I worked, and you may still, for them in private industry too. The vast majority of gub'ment employees have NO power to exert to get policies like Obamacare or Porkulus passed.
That crap comes straight from the Kremlin, via the DNC and our universities, and then gets promulgated by the indoctrinated members of the Obama Administration, the Liberal (lying) Democrats, Progressives, COMMUNISTS, Socialists, etc, etc, etc.
Let's put blame where it belongs.
Schteveo stands corrected, by Schteveo
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Net Neutrality vote tomorrow
As important as all the fights are that we're in right now, perhaps the biggest of all is the fight over whether the government will take over the Internet. That's because as long as the Internet is free, we can use it to communicate, educate, and organize. Tea parties, townhalls, and AFP events would be very difficult to organize if government owned and controlled the Internet and chose to interfere with it. That's what's at stake this week as the Federal Communications Commission decides on Thursday whether to move forward with so-called "net neutrality" regulations.
The net neutrality movement is an outgrowth of the larger so-called media reform project of radical left-wing activists like Robert McChesney who seek to destroy private control of the country's communications systems.
Net neutrality sounds simple--force phone and cable companies to treat every bit of information the same way--until you realize that modern networks are incredibly complex, with millions of lines of code in every router. Making sure services like VoIP, video conferencing, and telemedicine (not to mention the next great thing that hasn't been invented yet) get priority may be necessary to make the Internet work. But the government is working to do just the opposite.
These networks cost billions of dollars to build and maintain, and if there is uncertainty whether there will be a good return on that investment, private investment will dry up. And then government will step in, spending billions of our tax dollars on a government-owned and controlled Internet.
That's just their plan. The FCC will vote Thursday on what it calls a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Net Neutrality. Just the name "Net Neutrality" sounds a little like the "Fairness Doctrine" to me. If it happens, all blogs like this one, plus conservative web sites, etc., will be shut down.
From "The Cube"
Why does this woman...

Hate this man...

It's not the War on Terror, it's the War of Words.
Why does this woman...

Hate this man...

It's not the War on Terror, it's the War of Words.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Nanoo, Nanoo...
I love this kind of stuff.

"He didn't just cross a border, he crossed a galaxy!"
Immigrants Not Amused by ''Illegal Alien'' Halloween Costume
Next, mermaids will be pissed at little girls dressing up like Ariel and real sponges will picket the Cartoon Network over Spongebob.
I love this kind of stuff.

"He didn't just cross a border, he crossed a galaxy!"
Immigrants Not Amused by ''Illegal Alien'' Halloween Costume
Next, mermaids will be pissed at little girls dressing up like Ariel and real sponges will picket the Cartoon Network over Spongebob.
How's the old saying go, Figures don't lie...
A revised formula for calculating medical costs and geographic variations show that approximately 47.4 million Americans last year lived in poverty, 7 million more than the government's official figure.
So, using REVISED formulas (courtesy of the DNC I'm sure) there were more living below the poverty line last year, than previously thought. I'm only guessing, but I feel sure the ONLY answer is a gub'ment programmed aimed at the control of factors "X", "Y" or "Z", that are the root cause of poverty. Said programs will initially make things worse, but...over the long run...over a period of years...for the first 7 of 24 fiscal quarters...over the next 1o years allowing for inflation...(enter your favorite moronic, liberal, lack of monetary policy understanding, sound bite here).
Well, if BOHICA can do it, so can I. Using MY revised formulas, we need to enslave or imprison anyone who thinks the Constitution is a living document, or who thinks the Founding Fathers were atheist, or who think the government way, is the best way TO DO ANYTHING!!
Using MY revised formulas, I'm not overweight, I'm under tall and not selling me life insurance is illegal because it discriminates based on my height, not my general health. Using MY revised formulas, my driving actually gets BETTER after 5 or 6 beers and 5 shots of Tequila. You buy, and I'll prove it, can we use your car Mr. Senator, Sir?
Mine's in the body shop in Chappaquiddick. It's right next to that one that's drying out, in bay 3, you know the one, it's that '67, Olds Delmont 88, with the Kennedy Compound ID sticker on the bumper. Using revised formulas. Mary Jo was "probably" dead when he swam out, right?
Schteveo knows BS when he sees it.
A revised formula for calculating medical costs and geographic variations show that approximately 47.4 million Americans last year lived in poverty, 7 million more than the government's official figure.
So, using REVISED formulas (courtesy of the DNC I'm sure) there were more living below the poverty line last year, than previously thought. I'm only guessing, but I feel sure the ONLY answer is a gub'ment programmed aimed at the control of factors "X", "Y" or "Z", that are the root cause of poverty. Said programs will initially make things worse, but...over the long run...over a period of years...for the first 7 of 24 fiscal quarters...over the next 1o years allowing for inflation...(enter your favorite moronic, liberal, lack of monetary policy understanding, sound bite here).
Well, if BOHICA can do it, so can I. Using MY revised formulas, we need to enslave or imprison anyone who thinks the Constitution is a living document, or who thinks the Founding Fathers were atheist, or who think the government way, is the best way TO DO ANYTHING!!
Using MY revised formulas, I'm not overweight, I'm under tall and not selling me life insurance is illegal because it discriminates based on my height, not my general health. Using MY revised formulas, my driving actually gets BETTER after 5 or 6 beers and 5 shots of Tequila. You buy, and I'll prove it, can we use your car Mr. Senator, Sir?
Mine's in the body shop in Chappaquiddick. It's right next to that one that's drying out, in bay 3, you know the one, it's that '67, Olds Delmont 88, with the Kennedy Compound ID sticker on the bumper. Using revised formulas. Mary Jo was "probably" dead when he swam out, right?
Schteveo knows BS when he sees it.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Balloon boy WAS a hoax!!
I guess it was a hoax, the parents were fishing around for a Reality TV show deal. And now, they'll get one. It's called Court TV.
Idiots. And I was actually worried about this kid. Well, then again, if his parents are this damned dumb, I'm still worried.
I guess it was a hoax, the parents were fishing around for a Reality TV show deal. And now, they'll get one. It's called Court TV.
Idiots. And I was actually worried about this kid. Well, then again, if his parents are this damned dumb, I'm still worried.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tea Party Protests in Raleighwood!!
This just in, Tea Party Members are protesting in front of WRAL-TV in Raleigh NC this afternoon. But I'm not seeing ANY mention of it on ANY of my local TV station websites.
Odd that, eh Watson?
There were people carrying several signs saying,
Report the News, Don't repeat Lies
There were numerous signs and flags with a segmented snake, others with Don't Tread on Me. There were numerous American flags, signs calling for the infamous birth certificate, signs calling for tort reform not a gub'ment option.
I'll keep this updayed if it shows up. There are no MSM links, because the crackpots are being ignored. Here's one I found to a Conservative Blog, Randy's Right.
But the funniest part of this for we old timers in Raleigh. WRAL is THE station where NC's most conservative, most hated U.S. Senator got his start. Jesse Helms used to be a part owner and did the nightly commentary. It wasn't like the commentaries they do now.
This just in, Tea Party Members are protesting in front of WRAL-TV in Raleigh NC this afternoon. But I'm not seeing ANY mention of it on ANY of my local TV station websites.
Odd that, eh Watson?
There were people carrying several signs saying,
Report the News, Don't repeat Lies
There were numerous signs and flags with a segmented snake, others with Don't Tread on Me. There were numerous American flags, signs calling for the infamous birth certificate, signs calling for tort reform not a gub'ment option.
I'll keep this updayed if it shows up. There are no MSM links, because the crackpots are being ignored. Here's one I found to a Conservative Blog, Randy's Right.
But the funniest part of this for we old timers in Raleigh. WRAL is THE station where NC's most conservative, most hated U.S. Senator got his start. Jesse Helms used to be a part owner and did the nightly commentary. It wasn't like the commentaries they do now.
Friday, October 16, 2009
When I was in high school we had a student body of just over 900 students. (It would have been a lot higher, but back then freshman were in Jr. High with 7th and 8th graders - only three grades, sophomore through seniors in high school.) In the three years I walked those halls there was only one (openly) pregnant student - and she was married.
But nowadays, things are different. 1 in 7 girls in a Chicago school are either pregnant or already have children.
Who do I feel sorry for? Not these girls - I believe the majority of them purposely chose the path they're on. I feel sorry for the grandparents. These pregnant girls have not considered the impact on their parents. The grandparents have been through HELL raising these daughters, and before they're even grown they've brought a brand new child into the house for the grandparents to raise. I know from personal experience that's the way it is.
Our partner and friend Schteveo knows what I'm talking about. I've not advertised it here, but it appears, in my mid-50's, I'm heading down the path to be my grandson's father-figure and chief supporter: He will be 2 in about 3 weeks. His father is a deadbeat who if ever shows up at my door will be turned away (or worse).
While I celebrate my grandson's life and love him like a son - I've been through child rearing - and yes, part of me resents having to do it again. It's the hardest job in the world, and the most rewarding job in the world. My hair turned white during the time my daughter was 14 to 20. By the time I get my grandson out the door, I expect it all to fall out.
On the upside, it's just a few more years and I get to teach him to hunt, fish, cuss, and drink beer. Ah... the silver lining.
When I was in high school we had a student body of just over 900 students. (It would have been a lot higher, but back then freshman were in Jr. High with 7th and 8th graders - only three grades, sophomore through seniors in high school.) In the three years I walked those halls there was only one (openly) pregnant student - and she was married.
But nowadays, things are different. 1 in 7 girls in a Chicago school are either pregnant or already have children.
Who do I feel sorry for? Not these girls - I believe the majority of them purposely chose the path they're on. I feel sorry for the grandparents. These pregnant girls have not considered the impact on their parents. The grandparents have been through HELL raising these daughters, and before they're even grown they've brought a brand new child into the house for the grandparents to raise. I know from personal experience that's the way it is.
Our partner and friend Schteveo knows what I'm talking about. I've not advertised it here, but it appears, in my mid-50's, I'm heading down the path to be my grandson's father-figure and chief supporter: He will be 2 in about 3 weeks. His father is a deadbeat who if ever shows up at my door will be turned away (or worse).
While I celebrate my grandson's life and love him like a son - I've been through child rearing - and yes, part of me resents having to do it again. It's the hardest job in the world, and the most rewarding job in the world. My hair turned white during the time my daughter was 14 to 20. By the time I get my grandson out the door, I expect it all to fall out.
On the upside, it's just a few more years and I get to teach him to hunt, fish, cuss, and drink beer. Ah... the silver lining.
The other day...
...I needed to go to the emergency room.
Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Army fatigues and stuck a patch onto the front of my shirt that I had downloaded off the Internet.
When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all.
Cut at least 3 hours off my waiting time.
Here's the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

It also works at DMV and the Laundromat.
(Today I'm in San Antonio. Makes me think of a little known saying... REMEMBER THE ALAMO!)
Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Army fatigues and stuck a patch onto the front of my shirt that I had downloaded off the Internet.
When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all.
Cut at least 3 hours off my waiting time.
Here's the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

It also works at DMV and the Laundromat.
(Today I'm in San Antonio. Makes me think of a little known saying... REMEMBER THE ALAMO!)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I, Notsumdumbass, predict...
the ass beating of the century is about to happen in Colorado!!
The boy who was the subject of an frantic search in Colorado Thursday afternoon has been found safe at home, authorities said.
A giant silvery helium balloon floated away from a yard with a 6-year-old boy believed to be aboard and slowly touched down in a field two hours later with the child nowhere in sight, setting off a frantic search.
The saga captivated people around the country as they stopped to watch the jaw-dropping sight on television of the balloon gliding through the air. The flying saucer-like balloon tipped precariously at times before gliding to the ground in a field, the culmination of a two-hour, 50-mile journey through two counties.
Larimer County sheriff's spokeswoman Kathy Messick said one of the boy's two older brothers saw 6-year-old Falcon Heene get into a box that was attached to the balloon with pegs. The box was not found when the balloon landed; several people reported seeing something fall from the balloon while it was in the air.
The balloon was owned by the boy's parents, Richard and Mayumi Heene, who are storm chasers and also appeared on the ABC reality show "Wife Swap."
These kids were horsing around with one of Dad's weather hunting toys and it got trashed. I woulda' hid in the attic TOO!! Been there, done that, stayed gone overnight until pop went back to work!!
Schteveo once trashed his Dad's power saw, cutting steel pipe
the ass beating of the century is about to happen in Colorado!!
The boy who was the subject of an frantic search in Colorado Thursday afternoon has been found safe at home, authorities said.
A giant silvery helium balloon floated away from a yard with a 6-year-old boy believed to be aboard and slowly touched down in a field two hours later with the child nowhere in sight, setting off a frantic search.
The saga captivated people around the country as they stopped to watch the jaw-dropping sight on television of the balloon gliding through the air. The flying saucer-like balloon tipped precariously at times before gliding to the ground in a field, the culmination of a two-hour, 50-mile journey through two counties.
Larimer County sheriff's spokeswoman Kathy Messick said one of the boy's two older brothers saw 6-year-old Falcon Heene get into a box that was attached to the balloon with pegs. The box was not found when the balloon landed; several people reported seeing something fall from the balloon while it was in the air.
The balloon was owned by the boy's parents, Richard and Mayumi Heene, who are storm chasers and also appeared on the ABC reality show "Wife Swap."
These kids were horsing around with one of Dad's weather hunting toys and it got trashed. I woulda' hid in the attic TOO!! Been there, done that, stayed gone overnight until pop went back to work!!
Schteveo once trashed his Dad's power saw, cutting steel pipe
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Pioneer! Oh, Pioneer!
Anybody seen the new Levi's Commercial? The voice over is from a Walt Whitman poem, but I find the content odd. Has Levi's gone Patriotic?
The text,
COME my tan-faced children,
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,
Have you your pistols? have you your sharp-edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!
For we cannot tarry here,
We must march my darlings, we must bear the brunt of danger,
We the youthful sinewy races, all the rest on us depend,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
O you youths, Western youths,
So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship,
Plain I see you Western youths, see you tramping with the foremost,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
Have the elder races halted?
Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the
We take up the task eternal, and the burden and the lesson,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
All the past we leave behind,
We debouch upon a newer mightier world, varied world,
Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
Watch the commercial,
I'm stymied, it's damned near All-American in content. I especially like the "gunshots" for punctuation.
Schteveo is a Wrangler's kinda guy
Anybody seen the new Levi's Commercial? The voice over is from a Walt Whitman poem, but I find the content odd. Has Levi's gone Patriotic?
The text,
COME my tan-faced children,
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,
Have you your pistols? have you your sharp-edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!
For we cannot tarry here,
We must march my darlings, we must bear the brunt of danger,
We the youthful sinewy races, all the rest on us depend,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
O you youths, Western youths,
So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship,
Plain I see you Western youths, see you tramping with the foremost,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
Have the elder races halted?
Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the
We take up the task eternal, and the burden and the lesson,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
All the past we leave behind,
We debouch upon a newer mightier world, varied world,
Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
Watch the commercial,
I'm stymied, it's damned near All-American in content. I especially like the "gunshots" for punctuation.
Schteveo is a Wrangler's kinda guy
The Enslavement of America's Children
By now, i'm sure most of you have heard about that class of New Jersey school children "who were made" to sing the praises of your leader, president Hussein Obummer. Supposedly, one of the reasons this was done was to celebrate something called Black History month and Women's History month. I assume if White men had any history we'd get a month also. No, i don't believe that either. It now turns out that this staged event was videotaped by a black women named Charisse Carney-Nunes, a black nationalist, and hard-core, Kool-Aid gulping supporter of yo leader. Neither the kids nor their parents were told of this worshiping session, nor were they told that the above named Kool-Aid gulper would be taping it for her own political motives. Now, it's all hit the fan, and rightly so.
We all know NJ to be a very liberal state and definitely Obummer territory. (something that bothers me personally, since both my grandchildren live and go to school in NJ) We also know some other things.
1. That for the most part, public education in this country is controlled by Left-wing teachers and their Leftist/Communist unions.
2. With the way life is today, most parents are so busy working, that they don't have as much time as they should to watch what's being done to their children. (sadly, this includes my own family) There is no doubt that they are being politically indoctrinated.
On occasion, and in different parts of the country, a group of parents will rise-up after finding out what their children are being exposed to while at school. (anti-Americanism, homosexuality, etc.) More often than not, they are usually ignored or made to appear foolish (as in this case) by the lying Nazi's who run these indoctrination camps. Whatever these parents are doing, it's not nearly enough, not when you consider what's at stake...
"To take control of a nation without military force, you must first control the minds of their young"........... Karl Marx
We all know NJ to be a very liberal state and definitely Obummer territory. (something that bothers me personally, since both my grandchildren live and go to school in NJ) We also know some other things.
1. That for the most part, public education in this country is controlled by Left-wing teachers and their Leftist/Communist unions.
2. With the way life is today, most parents are so busy working, that they don't have as much time as they should to watch what's being done to their children. (sadly, this includes my own family) There is no doubt that they are being politically indoctrinated.
On occasion, and in different parts of the country, a group of parents will rise-up after finding out what their children are being exposed to while at school. (anti-Americanism, homosexuality, etc.) More often than not, they are usually ignored or made to appear foolish (as in this case) by the lying Nazi's who run these indoctrination camps. Whatever these parents are doing, it's not nearly enough, not when you consider what's at stake...
"To take control of a nation without military force, you must first control the minds of their young"........... Karl Marx
If you think you're about to be thrown under a bus...
...throw a guy named "Bush" under there first, to break your fall.
The MSMorons aren't exactly under the bus, except by the proxy of supporting all this socialist horse carp, but they must protect their leader, and themselves with anecdotal evidence that they're all better than anyone named Bush. In this case, and many others, the MSM points out that the Dems are NOT making headway on the economy. But they point out what happened to GHWB and the economy. What they fail to piont out is that it wasn't JUST the economy, it was one simple sentence that got Clinton elected, and sent Bush to the locker room.
"Read my lips, no new taxes!"
That was the part of the economy that sunk his re-election. The MSM does the same thing with EVERY topic and GWB right now. Taxes, jobs, world peace, dogs and fleas... But the usual line looks something like this.
"...and we admit that we're struggling with [enter BHO's problem of the day here], but GEORGE BUSH, OR HIS DADDY SUCKED MORE THAN US..."
All such statements said in that snide, whiny, I hate anyone named Bush voice all liberals have. Here's yesterday's installment of the We're Struggling BUT...Diarys.
Job Losses Mar Recovery, Create Woes for Dems
A distressed economy is widely blamed for President George H.W. Bush's re-election defeat in 1992, and a decade earlier, for the loss of 26 House seats in midterm elections by Ronald Reagan's Republicans. Yet in both instances recession had already ended or was winding down.
It's a point not lost on President Barack Obama's White House or Democrats headed into next year's midterm elections. The stock market may be up, U.S. service industries may be recovering, banks may be lending again and housing prices holding. But one major piece of the recovery puzzle is still missing: a brighter employment picture.
And that's bad news for the party in power, whether the recession is officially over or not.
Job losses are expected to continue at least into the middle of next year, likely driving the unemployment rate above 10 percent from 9.8 percent last month. It could take three or four more years for it to fall to normal levels.
The article has MANY more numbers, facts, projections, but it's all smoke and mirrors, and Chinese Money. But this has nothing to do with the economy, it's about the Health Care Stupid!! If they can keep people stirred up about jobs, they'll ignore that huge health care projectile aimed at their anal sphincter! Because if they pass this health care nightmare, the first procedure we're going to get from those worms in D.C., is a tax payer colonoscopy.
Schteveo won't bend over without a fight
...throw a guy named "Bush" under there first, to break your fall.
The MSMorons aren't exactly under the bus, except by the proxy of supporting all this socialist horse carp, but they must protect their leader, and themselves with anecdotal evidence that they're all better than anyone named Bush. In this case, and many others, the MSM points out that the Dems are NOT making headway on the economy. But they point out what happened to GHWB and the economy. What they fail to piont out is that it wasn't JUST the economy, it was one simple sentence that got Clinton elected, and sent Bush to the locker room.
"Read my lips, no new taxes!"
That was the part of the economy that sunk his re-election. The MSM does the same thing with EVERY topic and GWB right now. Taxes, jobs, world peace, dogs and fleas... But the usual line looks something like this.
"...and we admit that we're struggling with [enter BHO's problem of the day here], but GEORGE BUSH, OR HIS DADDY SUCKED MORE THAN US..."
All such statements said in that snide, whiny, I hate anyone named Bush voice all liberals have. Here's yesterday's installment of the We're Struggling BUT...Diarys.
Job Losses Mar Recovery, Create Woes for Dems
A distressed economy is widely blamed for President George H.W. Bush's re-election defeat in 1992, and a decade earlier, for the loss of 26 House seats in midterm elections by Ronald Reagan's Republicans. Yet in both instances recession had already ended or was winding down.
It's a point not lost on President Barack Obama's White House or Democrats headed into next year's midterm elections. The stock market may be up, U.S. service industries may be recovering, banks may be lending again and housing prices holding. But one major piece of the recovery puzzle is still missing: a brighter employment picture.
And that's bad news for the party in power, whether the recession is officially over or not.
Job losses are expected to continue at least into the middle of next year, likely driving the unemployment rate above 10 percent from 9.8 percent last month. It could take three or four more years for it to fall to normal levels.
The article has MANY more numbers, facts, projections, but it's all smoke and mirrors, and Chinese Money. But this has nothing to do with the economy, it's about the Health Care Stupid!! If they can keep people stirred up about jobs, they'll ignore that huge health care projectile aimed at their anal sphincter! Because if they pass this health care nightmare, the first procedure we're going to get from those worms in D.C., is a tax payer colonoscopy.
Schteveo won't bend over without a fight
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
A new record II
Gold hits new record, approaching $1100!
If you need ask why, vote for more democrats and invest in printing presses
If you need ask why, vote for more democrats and invest in printing presses
Afghanistan, get in, or get out!! Even Diane Feinstein gets it!
I've got zero to say about this story, it tells itself. And this is a story from the SFGate, not exactly a right wing rag.
Feinstein wants more troops in Afghanistan
The U.S. mission in Afghanistan is in "serious jeopardy" and needs more troops to turn the tide against an increasingly potent Taliban insurgency, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday, putting her at odds with an influential Democratic colleague on military matters.
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein's views are more closely aligned with those of key Republicans than members of her own party. Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, urged a more methodical approach that begins with crafting a new, comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan.
"I'm saying at this time, don't send more combat troops," said Levin, D-Mich., who wants the emphasis to be on strengthening Afghanistan's own security forces so they can bear a greater share of the security burden.
But Feinstein, whose post gives her access to sensitive information about the war's progress, said delaying the reinforcements also puts the forces already in Afghanistan at greater risk. She pointed to an Oct. 3 battle in northeastern Afghanistan in which eight U.S. soldiers were killed during an enemy attack on their remote outpost.
"We didn't have the ability to defend them, and now the base is closing, and effectively we're retreating away from it," she said.
I've got zero to say about this story, it tells itself. And this is a story from the SFGate, not exactly a right wing rag.
Feinstein wants more troops in Afghanistan
The U.S. mission in Afghanistan is in "serious jeopardy" and needs more troops to turn the tide against an increasingly potent Taliban insurgency, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday, putting her at odds with an influential Democratic colleague on military matters.
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein's views are more closely aligned with those of key Republicans than members of her own party. Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, urged a more methodical approach that begins with crafting a new, comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan.
"I'm saying at this time, don't send more combat troops," said Levin, D-Mich., who wants the emphasis to be on strengthening Afghanistan's own security forces so they can bear a greater share of the security burden.
But Feinstein, whose post gives her access to sensitive information about the war's progress, said delaying the reinforcements also puts the forces already in Afghanistan at greater risk. She pointed to an Oct. 3 battle in northeastern Afghanistan in which eight U.S. soldiers were killed during an enemy attack on their remote outpost.
"We didn't have the ability to defend them, and now the base is closing, and effectively we're retreating away from it," she said.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A new record!!
We set a new record for the lowest high temperature today. Not only did we set the record... we obliterated it! The old record was 53°. The new record… drum roll… 42°!! Put that in your “burn as much energy in a month as most families burn in a year” pipe and smoke it Algore! We need some global warming! Too bad we can’t get any.
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