Tuesday, May 12, 2009

But it's not racist

Couple's 'buy black' experiment becomes a movement

Just imagine if it was a "buy white" experiment...


BOW said...


Spider said...

The call for black nationalism has been around for a long time. It was one of the founding principles of the Black Panthers, and Louis Fairy-can's Nation of Islam army. Of course, without those monthly checks coming in from Mr. Whitey, they wouldn't be able to shop for anything.

My question is, what would happen if we had a;

Congressional White Caucus

A White Chamber of Commerce

Association of White Personnel in City Government

Association of White Psychologists,

Association of White Women Physicians

National Organization of Concerned White Men


National Coalition On White Civic Participation

National Conference of
White Mayors, Inc.

National Conference of White Political Scientists

National Congress of Women Women

etc. etc. etc.

CTreallywhiteguy said...

No, we can have our own NAACP too;
Assn for the
Advancement of

Name recognition and great confusion factor, too.

Abu said...

These people are fooling themselves. No matter who "owns" the store, we're all "buying Chinese".

Anonymous said...

Winning quote:

"It's like, my people have been here 400 years and we don't even have a Walgreens to show for it."

That puts them in the US since 1609. I'm thinking they should be shopping at the Indian stores. Although they don't have many Walgreens - mostly casinos & bingo parlors.

Anonymous said...

but all the hookers in Wash. DC are black, there is no choice

Anonymous said...

what;s the difference between "my people" & "you people"?

Spider said...

You're right Anon, there is no difference, unless it's you saying it to them. Then it's a hate crime.

Good point Babu. Most folks are addicted to the ChiCom drug known as, cheap stuff.

And no Walgreens? Maybe Walgreens doesn't find all the shoplifting and stick-ups to be an incentive to open more stores in those areas?